rhinohed profile picture


About Me

Brady Starr and Michael Jackson formed rhinohed in a dream Brady Starr had.
Together they made beautiful sounds by humming in each others ear.
Together they learned each others needs, dislikes and happy spots.
Michael Jackson left home and returned years later with socksfullof sand, a projection of himself in a holy form.
Together made twisting listening in rules of melody.
And somehow soft smooth and criminal

:: Update:

t he face is jewel through six sicknesses sin a computor.

My Interests


Member Since: 04/09/2004
Band Website: www.myspace.com/rhinohed
Band Members: rhinohed is a manifestation of it's listeners. a social expe riement conducted using LATERALhigh tech resources and natural (style e) placement of matter beyond compact thinking ability for mammals under or adjacent to code 3:400.0029 A). is a
Influences: everything encountered
Sounds Like: sounds... sike!
Record Label: Xist

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