The poster above is by one of my "top friends" Kevin, go check out his page. I look forward to his comments they are always so nice and inspirational.Well my interests are varied but for the sake of this section I will say: Whoring Myself on Myspace! (ok, now you do it - they love you, they Really Do!) - and if you have something to share with the class ... Science, Politics, Religion, Philosophy, and almost any other brilliant thing you care to enlighten "us" with ... don't be bashful... enquiring minds wish to know! I will Love you forever if you share something other than your dimensions ... but if that's all you want to let me know about that's cool ... I really do love to hear from all of you!This video clip is sooo funny you have to watch it, much truth, and hilarious....
The Hottt boy on the right is me.
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
I know for many music is their passion ... I love almost all music ... but it is not my passion ... If You know something beautiful or perfect you believe I should hear ... I would love to know about it!... I have now added this radio for your enjoyment! Cool thing with the radio is that I can change the channel :) ............................................................ ............................................................ ......................................I LOVE ART .................... IN ALL IT'S FORMS. I LOVE ARTISTS IN ALL THEIR GLORY AND THEIR SELF IMPOSING MISERY! I AM PRIVELEDGED TO KNOW A FEW VERY WELL AND BELOW IS A SMALL GALLERY OF THEIR WORK. ANY OF THEM WOULD BE HAPPY TO HEAR FROM YOU AND OF COURSE BE COMMISIONED OR SPONSORED BY YOU:(If you wish to contact any of these artists you can simply look to my "Top Friends List" or contact me directly and I will be happy to introduce you.)This is a dear personal friend of mine Matthew: Matthew is from England and now lives In Orlando, Florida. He is an exceptional photographer of the human.. See his page at: photo above was taken at the Lake behind his home. This is Matthew wearing amazing wings that he handcrafted himself. I believe Matthew captures the essence of beauty in his work, a rare talent. Simply gorgeous!I LOVE PLASMOSIS! Plasmosis does most of his work in California but has taken photographs all over and as you will see captures a moment like few...I LOVE PLASMOSIS!This is my friend Mirek... Mirek Montez lives in Frankfurt, Germany and has an amazing Gallery you should go check him out ....... ......Below is a collage of his work ...This is my friend Yasen .....Yasen Zgurovski lives in Sofia, Bulgaria. He is a graphic artist and illustrator. Below are a few of his pieces and if you have visited my page a few times may have seen some of his beautiful work already. His page has wonderful slideshows that showcase some of his work. You should go check his page out...... believe this one is titled "Fruits". SEX ... is this sexxy poster above ...I do not know the titles of the three below....but I love them all.This is MichaelMichael is a close personal friend of mine from Florida and he now lives in Houston. His photography is very much a "freestyle" capturing emotional elements, contemplation and simple beauty .........Go visit him: PAST THE MISSION SALVATION HOLY SPIRIT DESTROY EVERYTHING
I Love a Great Movie! I must admit I do most of my movie watching at home but there are exceptions where only the Big Screen will do justice. These are a couple I love but of course there are so many it's impossible to even really start a list so I am just gonna rotate these posters around occasionally...
I spend very little time watching television, I do watch the news, Survivor, Amazing Race, and ...I am currently enjoying Prison Break on Fox! Who knew someone named Wentworth could be soooo HOTT!! I mean talented and Fox could ever have something worth watching ...just kidding only there rightwing nutty News division truly sucks :)(below) Check out the Gayest CNN Ryan/Anderson clip ever FUNNY!..
I read Biographies, Travel Info, Historical Novels, Spiritual Guides -- whatever Angie tells me to read! plus anything Aunt Linda thinks we should read! and (unfortunately)) very little most of the time ..
I have numerous heroes: you know historical figures like Jesus, Muhammed, Freud, DaVinci, Wright Bros., Lincoln, Roosevelt ... Also of course: Our American Troops ... whether I agree with policies or not ALL these young men and women deserve our admiration for their sacrifices and bravery ... also, Firefighters, Police Officers, Nurses, Doctors ... but for my Book I will say:" Dad, Mom, Jess, Brit, Ang, ....... " you are my heroes ... you have kept me alive and more than that Loved!
As you can tell I have a great disdain for our current government! There is so much that could be done to improve America and also be a great neighbor in the World Community! Please remember to Vote! WE can change things in our communities, our nation, and the world by each contributing in our own way.Cool Slideshows