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I love to go camping...the sound of rain coming down on a tent...I love sunsets....I love sailing....I love mountains...Im a nature geek! I LOVE to cook, I love to read but it's dangerous because if I find a good book I will drop everything to read it, and I mean everything. I love my Zuchy and Kolonia :D I'm a bio nerd, I love laboratories. I love my friends! I want to go to New Zealand, Ireland, and Scotland, Peru Chile, Argentina, Columbia Brazil, Trinidad Tobago,Cambodia,most of Asia, Africa parts and all of Europe...even Romania*. My Dziadek and Babcia are the best! I love to dance...including tance Ludowe. I love anything Goralskie, especially when old old Gorale sing.
Everything...... I used to like country for a span of 6-8 months, then I got over it. Someone once said Punk Rock is just a phase you go through....hmmmm I guess i'm still in the "phase" :). The 60's, the 80's -The Cure by far is my favorite with Bloodflowers as the most amazing album yet highly under-rated in my opinion,, Anything and everything that I can dance to does it for me... I like classic rock, oldies, and goralskie :)
I am a huge fan of Dune and Children of Dune. Mucha Do About Nothing is my all time favorite.The Crow Boondock Saints and most movies by Quentin Terantino.
no time for tv
soooo many I dont know where to start, anything on WWII, cant stand Harry Potter, when I was younger it was all about the Chronicles of Narnia and of course anything and i mean anything by FRANK HERBERT!
Jan Pawel II, My mom "Chocbym mówil jezykami ludzkimi i anielskimi, a milosci bym nie mial, bylbym miedzia dzwieczaca lub cymbalem brzmiacym. I chocbym mial dar prorokowania, i znal wszystkie tajemnice, i posiadal cala wiedze, i chocbym mial pelnie wiary, tak zebym góry przenosil, a milosci bym nie mial, bylbym niczym. I chocbym rozdal cale mienie swoje, i chocbym cialo swoje wydal na spalenie, a milosci bym nie mial, nic mi to nie pomoze. Milosc cierpliwa jest, laskawa jest. Milosc nie zazdrosci, nie szuka poklasku, nie unosi sie pycha; nie dopuszcza sie bezwstydu, nie szuka swego, nie unosi sie gniewem, nie pamieta zlego; nie cieszy sie z niesprawiedliwosci, lecz wspólweseli sie z prawda. Wszystko znosi, wszystkiemu wierzy, we wszystkim poklada nadzieje, wszystko przetrzyma. Tak wiec trwaja wiara, nadzieja, milosc, te trzy: z nich zas najwieksza jest milosc."I list do Koryntian, rozdzial 13.