eE weI profile picture

eE weI

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

me is someONe whO is Lack of conFiDenCe in ownseLF... lO0k veRY fieRce when dOINg duTY but I wilL try nOT to... buT somE boyS aRE tryiNG to BuLly me sia... i KinD of Strict PErsON at homE TO my SIS... qUItE emotionAL but doesnT shoW it... a PErsoN wHO is FOND of Pr| scH MemOriEs reGaRdLesS of Go0d oR bAd... TeacHerS aNd frIenDS iN PrI sCh ArE aLL vEry GoOd +0 mE... JUZ simPLY LOVE THem MAn... YeaH!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

meEt? of coZ guyS loh... hopE caN finD someoNe like my BeSt boY DE frienD in pRi scH TT yaNdao KiA you koe... ya anD somEonE oF thE tYPe i AM currenTly ADmirinG... buT i Koe iTs kinD of iMpossible LoH... OTHers ThAn GUys i ALso hopE to finD my pRi scH friEnd$ loh aND nT forGetTing sEc sch FriendS.... aNd Th0sE whO wISH to KnoW me loH...