Music, Guitar, Theater, Musical, Soccer, Beer (German Koelsch from Cologne)
Sean Penn, Kurt Kobain, Kevin Spacey, Andrew Whipple, Andrea Vasquez, Lauch Friedmann, My Mum, Jason Horrocks, and not Marie because she is sitting next to me ;0
Rock, Indie, Coldplay, White Strippers, Anything, The Raconterus, Sufjan Stevens,
21 Gramm, Mytic River, American Beauty, The Sixth Sense, About a Boy, Billy Elliott-I Will Dance, Emmas Glück Goodbye Lenin Love, Actually Eternal Sunshine of the spotless Mind GARDEN STATE
Die Sendung mit der Maus
Mio, mein Mio, High Fidelity, The Curious Incident of the dog in the nightime, A Handmaid's Tale
My Mum, Ray Horrocks