i wish i had some third party write up that i could post up here like all the cool kids but i guess it's on me to try to sound interesting and make you wanna come see a show. hmm. whats first?? well, let's see...oh! here we go....I'm david, some say dave, some go so far as to call me D-Fen...like J-Lo but i got more ass and she has more money...that seems unfair. i play tunes. for a long time i have been playing cover songs...i catch a lot of shit for it but i don't know why. i find it easier to play originals to a crowd that wants to hear originals than try to figure out some random ass cover song for a crowd full of 30 somethings who still talk about their high school days. anyway, i have been writing my first record for 28 years. i hope the next one comes a little quicker but i don't wanna rush it. i should be releasing the aforementioned record early 08. nice word eh?? i had to Wiki-pedia it.i have to go play a show now so please enjoy the music or atleast tell me that you do. hope i see yall out sometime. Spread Love Like Peanut Butter...d
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !