Well let me just say..I LOOOOOVE FOOOOOOOOOOD! haha..i may eat MUCH more than other people but hey! i got a big appetite! I go to more clubs than people i may know, and for some strange reason i possibly have a hook up at all of them! haha.. I may seem to always be lost orrr have a lost look on my face ...but hey thats just my brain on standby mode! not to make myself seem stupid or somthing i just feel like i only use it when i have to! haha lol.. me being sober (im not me) me being drunk i just feel like.. i am myself! ...so shit!! why not be fucked up all the time?? hahaha the world is a better place without any drama...and when you put the right people together and add alcohol to the equation, fuck.. you get some good ass times!.i sound so bad but hey fuck it! i love most of my friends, i love my LOLA and for the most part i love everything that makes me happy and THEM happy...and to all of you fake people out there fuck you!!! lemmie give you some advice..grow up and live your life....theres too much in life to do than to waste it on living in the past or sobbing about how much better your life COULD be..for how much time you waste on one stupid thing......one minuette can set the course of your life...so do what i do and DONT waste time. I am truly a nice person....its really really really hard to get me mad! but when i do i hope theres somebody there to stop me. I aim to please at most times...but when i feel that people take that to thier advantage, i feel hurt. so then i learn from my mistakes and cut them off...sorry to be blunt but plenty of people have yet to learn this. you either love me or leave me alone.haaaa I am truly blessed to have people who care about me and who are there for me when i need them the most. Ever since my mom and dad past ..i basically feel like i've been on a never ending road which explains my backround. I wont fail them.. ive been hitting walls/mountains/speed bumps/etc. but i keep striving to keep goin foward. For the most important thing ive learned in my life is that to never rely on other people. just do what you gotta do and hopfully it will all pay off at the end, and through that journey, the people who save you, keep those close cause they make you who YOU are. For the most part, i hope i've made a good impact on everybodys lives who ive met. thanks for being there and thanks for everything. I'll always be there...
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