Member Since: 3/18/2008
Influences: Anything that makes Noise.............
Sounds Like: There had been many warnings,unheeded,but there had been many.Ignoring the delicate equilibirium adapted by ancient civilisations past,man had blazed forward,blinded by his supposed mastery of technology & oblivious to the consequences of his choices.The mayans had known of its presence,the long lost ancients of the great southern continent had called it "nehtal"or the energy of all.They had learned to be at one with its synergy and flow and thus they had prospered,but not modern man.The elders had looked in in great sadness as he had harnessed to great power turned it upon himself,they had called it "the dark energy"and dark were his many uses for its unlimited power,a power which in fathoms past had shaped the celestial heavens and set in motion a cosmic dance of what became known as "space & time.
The elders had learned from this,knowing what had become of this power in the wrong hands they brought man back from the abyss of his own making & taught him first how to purge himself of the needs of his former state & slowly how to except the energy of all iinto his being and then to use its gift to learn and teach other,and man had come far.Not all were open or ready for this knowledge,this higher learning,only a chosen few would learn this art,the art of controlling the "nehtal",the art they called ....ODISRIN..!!
Record Label: Unsigned