Watch me Kick it like Shinobi profile picture

Watch me Kick it like Shinobi

Flow so current he can start waves..

About Me

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My Interests

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...About You...

Eye Color Brown
Hair Color Dark Brown
Height Around 5'10"
Favorite Color Black
Screen Name TheGhost or GhostXtreme
Favorite Band Dru Hill (Music Group)
Favorite Movie Too Many..
Favorite TV Show Dexter
Your Car Soon to Come
Your Hometown Trenton
Your Present Town Trenton
Your Crush's First Name No Comment.
Your Grade College..13th.
Your Style Sophisticated

...Have You Ever...

Sat on your rooftop No.
Kissed someone in the rain No.
Danced in a public place Yeah.
Smiled for no reason Yeah.
Laughed so hard you cried Yeah.
Peed your pants after age 8 Yeah...8 1/2.
Written a song No.
Sang to someone for no reason Maybe.
Performed on a stage Yeah...Zeus in a Play.
Talked to someone you don't know Yeah.
Made out in a theater Yeah.
Gone roller skating since 8th grade Yeah.
Been in love Maybe.

...Can You...

Write with both hands No.
Whistle Yeah.
Blow a bubble Yeah.
Roll your tongue Yeah.
Cross your eyes Yeah.
Touch your tongue to your nose No,
Dance Yeah.
Speak a different language No.
Impersonate someone Yeah.
Cook anything Soon.

...Finish The Line...

If I were a ... Superhero.
I wish ... I knew the shortcut to Success.
So many people don't know ... that I have an Evil Twin Brother.
I am ... An American.
My heart is ... Pumping Blood.
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Even More About Me..

...About Me...

What time did you go to bed last night 4:30 a.m.
What is your favorite day of the week Sunday
What company do you work for Sovereign Bank
What is your job title Customer Service Rep.
Do you like your job Of Course.
If you could choose one person in the world to look like, who would it be God.
What is your Mums Name Renee
Do you think that you are attractive Yeah.
Are you slim / athletic / chubby / fat Athletic/Thick
What is your favorite food Chicken..Typically.
How many times do you exercise each week 3 to 4 times.
What colour is your skin Brownish.
How many brothers and sisters do you have 4 Sisters - 1 Brother
What are their names Chaunte. Abbrin. Tangere. Princess. Rahiim
Do you get along with them all Mostly.
Where were you born New Jersey.
How many schools have you been to 7.
Ever expelled and what for No.
Any plans for the Christmas New Year period Chillin this Year.
What is your New Years resolution gong to be Stay Healthy and Be Positive.
Do you think that you will stick to it Hopefully.
Ever known anyone who has been in jail Yeah.
What were they convicted of Drugs.
Have you ever been in the overnight lock-up No.
What Did you get breakfast Flapjacks.
What 3 characteristics do you hate the most Boring, Ignorant, & Stupid.
Do you hate anyone Not Particularly.
if you could change your name what would you change it to Luke.
What are you having for dinner tonight Chicken Sandwich.
Are you the main cooker in your household No.
What is your favorite thing to cook Breakfast.
How many pets do you have and what are their names 2 (Cocoa & Bow Wow)
Have you ever been bitten by a dog No.
Has your Mum ever done anything embarrassing Yeah.
Prefer to be a girl or a boy Man.
Ever kissed or have sex with someone of the same sex No.
Ever had more then one partner No.
Who is the one person you love the most in the world God.
Do you want children Yeah.
How many 2 or 3.
Have you picked out names No.
Are you engaged No.
Do you see yourself getting engaged anytime soon No.
Do you want to pick your own engagement ring No.
How much would you be willing to spend on an engagement ring Depends on my Job.
What is your favorite season Spring.
Favorite day of the year Thanksgiving.
What do you think would be the ideal age to be 21
Ever had sex with someone much older then you Yeah.
How much older where they 4 or 5 Years.
Ever had sex with more then one person at once No Comment.
Ever stolen anything No Comment.
Ever been caught stealing No Comment.
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Just Because..

...Another Survey...

What month were you born in October
Where do you live New Jersey

...Describe Your...

Wallet Black and Think
Dream car Fast and Furious
Toothbrush Blue
Jewellery worn daily Diamond Earring
Pillow Case White with a Green Cover
Eyes Brown
Room Crowded
Love life Picking Up
Cd in stereo Best Of Dedication 1 & 2
Piercings 1
Wearing Sweatpants and Wife Beater
What does your headline mean Explains My Nickname
Last thing you ate Cereal
Something you are afraid of Being Broke
Do you like candles Their Okay.
Do you like the taste of blood Haha, Yeah.
Do you believe in love Of Course.
Do you believe in soul mates No.
Do you like seafood Yeah.
Do you remember your dreams Sometimes.
Do you consider yourself a study freak No.
What's your favorite thing to do in the place where you live Sleep.
Do you like tattoos Yeah.
Do you burn easily in the sun No.
Do you speak another language other than English No.
What's something you wish you could understand better The Art of Salesmanship
Are you shy around a crush Not Anymore.
What book would you recommend to anyone A Psycology Book.
Last show you watched an entire episode of Dexter.
Last movie you watched at home The Last Dragon.
Got any plans for the weekend Yep.
Who do you miss No one.
Last incoming call on your cell phone My Dad.
What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer A Music Converter
What's your favorite restaurant The American Cafe
Last time you swam in a pool Two Summers Ago.
What was the last thing you bought Blank CDs
A secret about you I got money in the Bank.
Ever made a prank phone call Yeah.
Where did Waldo go Behind You.
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem No.
What did your last text message say Someone wants me to Call Them.
Have you ever been in a beauty pageant No.....
Have you ever written poetry Yeah.
How many people have you kissed Enough.
Have you ever won a trophy Yeah.
Are you a good cook Yeah.
Do you know how to pump your own gas Yeah.
Think fast, who do you hate right now No one particularly.
Who was the last person you visited in the hospital My Mom.
What do you think about most My Future.
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40 Questions Survey

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you said Damn, I look good.
When is the next time you will make out Haha. No comment.
What's a word that rhymes with "LUCK" F*ck...
What's your favorite planet Earth
Who's the 4th person on your missed calls list Blocked Called (Dumb Girl)
What is your favorite ring tone on your phone Get Em (Lil Wayne)
What shirt are you wearing right now Blue Wife Beater
What do you "label" yourself as Fortunate
Name the brand of shoes you're currently wearing None, My Last Boots were Goretex.
Bright or dark room Dark
What do you think about the person who last took the survey Dont Know em
If you're alone in a room with two beds, which one do you sleep on The Bigger One.
What were you doing at midnight last night On the Phone.
What did your last text message you received on your mobile Christmas Text
What just so happens to be the best song in the world Maxwell's Fortunate
What's a word or phrase that you say a lot Nice...
Who told you they loved you last My Lil Sister.
Last furry thing you touched
How many drugs have you done in the past 3 days 1.....Sugar.
How many rolls of film do you need to get developed None...Digital Camera Baby.
Favorite age you have been so far 19
Your worst enemy The Devil
What is your current desktop picture Some Crazy GFX
What is the last thing you said to someone Okay.
Do you love someone Yea.
Last song you listened to Dru Hill's All Alone
If the last person you spoke to on the phone was getting shot at what would you do Hang Up....LoL.
Do you do the games in the ads on myspace Sometimes.
What are your favorite Pjs Sweatpants.
What do you do when you pass graveyards Nothing.
Have you ever seen a shooting star No.
How old do you think you'll live to be 60 or 70.
You're favourite website apart from YouTube

List five things you want to do in your lifetime

1 Run a Family
2 Travel
3 Have Kids.
4 Date a Celebrity
5 Experience the Rich Life.
What do you put on your hamburgers Ketchup and Mayo.
Do you eat raw hot dogs No.
Do you like sushi No.
How much salad dressing do you put on your salad Alot.
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My Blog

12 Types of Niggas

12 TYPES OF NIGGAS1. MR. THUG LIFEAdvantagesa. Real good at making loveb. Fun and excitingc. Makes you laughd. Has your back, will fight and protect youDisadvantagesa. Usually drinks and smokes too mu...
Posted by Watch me Kick it like Shinobi on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:07:00 PST

12 Types of Females

The 12 Types of Females1. Ms. Gold-DiggerAdvantagesa. You have some one to manage your money.b. She always looks good.c. She makes your other niggas jealous.d. She makes you look good.Disadvantagesa. ...
Posted by Watch me Kick it like Shinobi on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 09:33:00 PST