-bHaBy diMpz profile picture

-bHaBy diMpz

About Me

weLL, thEre iS a little tO sAy whEn askEd tO tell abOut mysElf... umm..first off, im refered by my friends as a cOmpLetE wEirdO... (taLk abOut a frEak shOw!?) I mEan, yEah, i admit thE faCt that "i am" a wEird kindda pErsOn. bUt i think it dOesnt mEan that pEoplE sEe mE aS a cOmpLetly insanE type Of pErsOn..(hehehehe)i likE bEars anD arE in tO mUsic and animE (otakU fOr liFe dUdE!)i likE tO bE aLonE mOst of thE timE...(as lOng aS i havE my gUitaR anD a laptOp with mE i can livE withOut yOu f*ckin pEopLe!)i likE tO sing? (really?! Get reaL b*tch) i like tO pLay OnLinE gamEs(well, that was during summEr whEn i'm piSSed Off mOst of the time i hang on cafe's)i likE swEets! (damn! sO thats why yOur fat![joking!] hahaha) bUt sEriOusLy, i really lOve swEets! especialy chOcolatEs and gUmmie candiEs...i likE many things bUt lOath lOve.sEriOusLy,LOVE SUCKS!!!!I HATE BEING IN-LOVE (but i'll make an exemption, i Love my baby aLdEn!!)(hehehe)weLL, i gUeSs that's abOut mE? i think sO...?jUst remEmbEr,FISH ARE FRIENDS, NOT FOOD.Myspace For Girls Only - MyGirlySpace.com

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i'd dEfinEtly likE tO mEet peOpLe whO arE in tO mUsic, animE and swEets!i likE peOpLe whO are funny(in a wEird kindda way...(oO))hEhehehe...nicE peOplE gOes tO hEavEn bUt, F*ckin' lyin' stinkin' a**h*Le b**chEs rOt in f*ckin hEll...!
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Posted by on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 01:52:00 GMT