"red" is my first DIY release. It's limited to 30 hand numbered copies. Includes four mind blowing noise tracks in one diskette. I only accept PAYPAL for international buyers! Contact me MySpace or Email to buy it (Email : [email protected]) .
PRICE : 3.5 € (Includes shipping).
PRICE : 3 € (For Finnish buyers)
Some Things Are Meant To Be Broken (CD-R)
"STAMTBB" is my first Cd-r release through Drô6n Records. It includes one minimalistic drone track. Contact Drô6n Records for buying : http://www.myspace.com/droooooon
PRICE : 3.5 €
My name is Olli Tanskanen. Maybe you know me better under name of Invisible Waves, maybe not. Well nevertheless I started this music project because I had inspiration to create something unique and dark. Until now I have been trying to produce my tracks such way that it could bring my feelings out in form of music. Also I don't want to concentrate too much what other people think of my doings. So my music reflects only my emotions and what i want to create. I rarely listen ambient or noise music, so I don't take much influences from other artist to my music. So maybe that's what makes my music so bizarre and unique.
In future Invisible Waves have probably a new direction and inspiration to create something compeletely new and sound wholly different. Who knows?
Olli Tanskanen / Invisible Waves