FIRST OF ALL ! ! WE ARE NOT HERE TO HATE!!! WE ARE NOT HERE TO SPREAD HATENESS!! WE ARE NOT HERE TO SPREAD HATENESS!! WE ARE NOT HERE TO SPREAD HATENESS!! WE ARE NOT HERE TO SPREAD HATENESS!!We would like to meet all people who share our thoughts!Everyone who knows where did he came from!Especially Slavic people!And everyone else who feel that our roots is more than GLORY!! We are not here to spread hateness or disturb,WE ARE HERE TO SUPPORT OUR BROTHERS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD!Ideas of Great Mother Earth with BIG ARYAN TRIBE IS NOT SO FAR!!Slavic,German,Celts,Roman ALL TRIBES IN ONE KINGDOM!!We can show the world HOW PROUD WE ARE!!!With Pagans,Christians,Catolics...ALL FAITHS IN ONE KINGDOm..GREAT ARYAN!!!All depends from us!If you are in position invite more people you can and lets make This KINGDOM biggest castle on myspace...We are kind to help to all people here and hope that this will became first Kingdom at Myspace !Slava! Glory! (CRVENI VUK 2)