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Orang-orang, mereka-mereka yang baik hati ler...Awesomely amazing wonderful people who like to think, talk, communicate, draw, draw, design, design, work, sing, sing, eat, sleep, music, music, sing, sing, crazy, crazy, laugh laugh, think, work, drink, think, think, think, talk, communicate, work, eat, sleep, sing, crazy, crazy, laugh, laugh, think, work, drink, think, think, happy, happy, cool...r u seriously reading every words here? ooopsss!!!
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. I Listen To Diverse Kind Of Music. Music Is Life!!!
Yes Yes Yes Comedy Horror Epic Superhero
Sometimes...for inspirations, news, music update, music charts, music videos, movies update, visual arts, great commercials, weather forecast, world peace, animal kingdom, architecture, history, e!news, hallmark, comedy
Seriously no time to read...Busy busy busy. Only hard cover design books & magazines for ideas & inspirations
My superduper MUM and all mums in the world! Hey! 9months carried me inside and then pain to death for me to see the world???!!! GOD, please, Heaven for all mums :-)))