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'To play the piano is to live, everything else is just waiting'

Gyorgy Cziffra

Here I am - this is me now....Hello! Thanks for visiting my Piano profile!


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My New Piano Teaching Practice will be up and running hopefully around Autumn 2009. In the meantime, I'm studying Music Performance at Sheffield University and hope to take some more Diplomas next year in readiness for teaching after my house move.

100% Exam success rate. ABRSM Exam Syllabus taught alongside more Popular Songs/Pieces for fun. No point learning anything if you don't enjoy it! It isn't all hard relentless slog towards exams but it is strongly recommended that these are worked towards and taken.

Me at the Savoy. It was a lovely Piano to play - called a Gottrien Steinweg

Musicians and Celebrities that I have met or known

Cynthia Lyons

My piano teacher for many years. She was the teacher who taught me to perform the piano, how to teach the piano and how to get the best out of a pupil. She was really lovely and capable of a performing career herself, but chose to teach as she loved that more. I credit Cynthia as having the most positive influence on my playing during my teenage years. She coached me for Concerto Performances, Competitions, Exams  and Music College entry auditions. ( I had finished Grades 1 to 8 at 12 years old). My teaching methods are very similar to Cynthia's and this is one of the reasons why I have had a 100% success rate for ABRSM Examinations in the past.

    Fanny Waterman 

I was taught for a couple of years by this very famous lady - the founder of the Leeds Piano Competition while I attended Chethams School of Music in Manchester. I still use her teaching books written along with Marion Harewood today.
    Phyllis Sellick

A prolific Concert Pianist herself and tutor/mentor who taught me the art of performance for a year at The Royal College of Music, London in the early 1980's.

    Jeremy Davies

 I went to have a course of Piano Performance mentoring around 1996 at The London College of Music & Media based at Thames Valley University. Jeremy is a prolific performer himself and is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music. He is now Head of Keyboard Studies at The Junior Music School at The LCM.Adam White BMus, MAAdam is a musician and Programme Coordinator for Music and Creative Media at The University of Sheffield. I am currently working towards the Certificate in Music and Creative Media for enjoyment and to keep in touch with the constantly changing musical world. However, I 'retired' from performing 8 years ago to raise my family and then found I was suffering from Performance Anxiety and found it very difficult to play in public or for exams. I went on a Music Performance Course run by Adam and in 12 weeks, I was able to miraculously not only play at a Recital without nerves, I actually enjoyed it! I'm now doing this again 3 years later because the syllabus has changed and is much more challenging. After that I'm hoping to have the courage to do another diploma.

  • Shura Cherkassky
  • I met this famous concert pianist when I was the resident pianist at The White House Hotel in London in the 1980's as he lived in one of the apartments there and one day, walking by the Bar/restaurant wanted to see who was playing Chopin in a hotel bar! This was more unusual at that time but since then, classical music has become more acceptable and appreciated in restaurants and bars.
      Omar Shariff
    Omar Shariff was a regular presence at the White House too.........yes THAT Omar Shariff! Just as good looking as in his films! I didn't play as well when he was a guest as I just HAD to listen to his voice - Exactly as in his films. In fact I heard him first before I looked around for him! Drop Dead Gorgeous is an understatement! Yes - I know Omar has nothing to do with Pianos! I just had to include him!

    Charlton Heston 

    Charton Heston - Planet of the Apes star and Dynasty (Remember?) was also a Classical Shakespearian Actor and was playing....Henry the 4th at the Savoy Theatre. He came into the Hotel's Thames Foyer sometimes for afternoon tea.....and sat watching and listening to my playing intently in one of the quiet corners and smiled and applauded...What a gentleman he was..... I was very upset to hear he'd passed away recently

    Charles Dance

    I was asked to appear in a Drama production by Anglia TV called Golden Eye. Not the James Bond Film that came out much later (In your dreams, Kamla!)This was a Drama about Ian Fleming who wrote the James Bond books and Charles Dance was playing Ian Fleming. I was asked to be the Cocktail Pianist in a sultry bar. It was filmed at Mortens in Berkely Square in London. I was done up in 1940's clothes and make-up and had the most fantastic day!

    The Bee Gees

    I played for the Bee Gees once at the Landmark Hotel in the Winter Garden.

    Noel Gallagher - Oasis

    I played in the Dining Room at the Landmark Hotel as well. When Noel Gallagher came in for Dinner, he asked me to play Strawberry Fields by the Beatles - I actually played a load of Beatles for him beause he was so polite and charming, flashed me a huge twinkly smile.....

    Me at the Selfridge Hotel New Years Eve 1998.

    Alec Baldwin - Actor then married to Kim Basinger

    Again in the Dining Room at the Landmark Hotel as well. I can't remember what his request was, but he was lovely too - very softly spoken, but I didn't say very much - was too mesmerised by the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen.

    Beverley Callard - Plays Liz McDonald in Coronation Street

    I was playing to an empty restaurant quite early in the evening and I distinctly heard a very familiar voice, being an avid Corrie Fan then - Poor Liz had booked a table but it wasn't on the list and I could see that the waiter hadn't a clue who she was and she was so charming about it! She sent me a lovely note to thank me for playing too. In real life she's nothing like Liz McDonald, she's a very refined well spoken lady, quite a tiny frame - my height, and as I recall far prettier than Corrie allows her to be.

    I've also played for ..Cliff Richard....Bros...Jonothan Ross....John Alderton......Pauline Collins.....Adam Faith....Gloria Hunniford......Judith Chalmers.....Patrick McNee....Gavin Hunt......The Christians...... ironic really - I live in High Green where the Arctic Monkeys hail from and I've never bumped into them at the local Nisa!....and a very nice gentleman at the Savoy who sent me a bottle of Bolly Champagne just about every week for a year!

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    Posted by on Mon, 13 Apr 2009 17:13:00 GMT

    Various You Tubes of Brahms Rhapsody in G Minor Op79 No2

    Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 13:45:00 GMT

    Hoping some Musicians/Students?Pupils/Teachers will do my Survey on Practise

    HelloI'm hoping some of my friends will help me out and spend 5 to 10 minutes doing one of my Surveys.I'm doing a Research Project at Sheffield University and need some Data to work with.It's about pr...
    Posted by on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 03:00:00 GMT