Alfalfa said it well…My heart and that of my husband share the same beat. Our souls have belonged together nearly from the beginning, from the beginning of our love story that is. And you see, John and I have the dearest love story. We are two people who had given up on love, at least the fairytale kind. Our life stories had resigned themselves to a “not so happily ever after†type of ending, at least in the area of love. Song of Songs beseeches us not to awaken love until the time is right, but alas, humans that we are, we rarely heed good advice. My heart had been broken, and much like Humpty Dumpty, no one could put it back together again. John had searched high and low to find his damsel in distress but to no avail. You might well foresee that in this love story a broken heart is a magnificent signal to a prince that there is indeed a need for a knight in shining armor…I will pause here in the telling of our story only to note that as gallant and chivalrous as my husband may be, only the Kings of Kings and true Lover of my Soul could restore my heart to new, and He has. I will also say that not even a damsel in distress, no matter how lovely or how adoring she may be, can fulfill a man’s sense of self-worth. Only He who has designed man in His image can impress man’s value upon his heart …Returning to our story, suddenly much as in other fairytales, the clock struck 12:00 and the time was right…love awakened. Together we have learned that true “happily ever after†is not determined by the events of a day or even a lifetime, but by the passions which lie within our hearts. Our hearts beat to better love our Lord, and our souls yearn to spend a lifetime bringing glory to His name. This is our love story and our legacy that we will one day leave behind…