About Me
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Myspace Backgrounds
Myspace Backgrounds
Born To Gaze Into Night Skies
When All You Want Is One More Saturday
just a quickie,
ello, my name is ally ♥
but you can call me allybob or allymcbally watever
I live in Cambridge with my fwiend Emma =] and three smelly boys
so far so good
i work in a teeny tiny cafe at the train station woop
it's for now not for life
i try to compliment five people a day
and sometimes they compliment back =]
i love stars
travelling in general
i hate the fens, they are so depressing and uninspiring
so now i live in an amazing city =]
songs make me cry
i'm far from depressed [:
i go to the pub before 12am
the best night out i've ever had was my grandad's 80th
there was a free bar; we got fucked then went to the pub for seconds
top night
i love snowmen
i love my room messy, it's easier to find things
i collect postcards from places i haven't been
it gives me something to aspire to
johnny depp is on my wall 12 months of the year
i can't keep a diary
the best place on the planet is Chamonix or Geneva
i'm not as clever as i look [:
Ballare is shit...but i love it, the Regal is my friend
Liquid is shit [: period
my first kid is gonna be called Audrey, after my snowman [:
but don't worry i don't want them for a while
i have a bad habit of miming at people a lot...
it's cos i can't sing
i also have a nervous cough
i love my boy friend
i love my friends
i love summer and V festival [:
i have the tits music taste
but i would say that wouldn't i?
I also like a lot of shit...
CAMBRIDGE is a bizarre time, i love the independence but i hate the skintness
i love the students but i hate missing my friends
i love my housemates but i miss my family BUT...UNI SOON WOOP!!!!
these people have all touched me...the jammy buggers
and this is why
for people thinking we're gay HOMOS,
for not giving a shit that andy's
trying to turn your 'fitty', for giving me money when you
know i can't pay you back, for looking like an ostrich :], for hating the ostrich impressions, for
running like an olympic sprinter in Cromer after Brad, for laughing at my bad taste, for being a chav, for
calling my mum Maria, for our nights out in Cambs :], for Balare, for always being there to pick up the pieces,
for being there to bitchslap me back to reality :],
for all the times you've shouted 'ALLLLLL' at me hehe
for being my Rammo buddy, for STRAW GLASSES babeh
for the 'moving signs brigade' we become wen we're hammered
for letting me work wiv you
for the week days we spend hours in the pub
for helping me do something a bit different and risky but we KNOW it's gonna be the time of our life :D
for vodka times, for shouting along to Larikin/fall out boy in ur car
for risotto in my bed, for the greatest nights out of my life roomy ♥
KIMBO, for sharing the womb babeh,
for letting me have 8 minutes to myself, for being so independent, for showing me londin, for buying
wooden spoons n tin openers, for being more independent than i want to be, for having money,
for 'almost' pulling people :], for calling me emo you weirdo, for being paranoid about yourself most of the
time, for knowing you're gorgeous, for always managing to get out of the washing up, for being excited about when
me n em will visit you on the train, for V :], for disapproving with most things i do, for having a wickied bf
for getting me a job lol, for going on weird holidays i can't even spell =], for soak
for being my big sista :] ♥
SMITHY, for forgiving me, for every
cuddle, for every second you loved me, for our sexy babies, for spurs :], for rippin the tights oopsie, for
not letting me go out lookin nice, for letting me be a moody cunt, for chilly grande, for cheese toasties, for
sexytime(good times), for pretending you can cook,
for getting stuck in a rainstorm when we only wanted a walk, for my first real date :], for my
first love :], for sign language 'Zebra', for your penny, for edinburgh, for leeds, for Fab, for falling out
in Liquid, for letting me be me and giving me confidence because no matter where we both are in five
years time you've changed me for the better :]
fankoo for loving me, i'll always love you lots =]♥
ANDY, for being gay with me, for chatting
up straight men, for your ostrich impression, for your TOO loud canteen rants, for your bitchyness, for rob's
£25 :P, for dancing like a pornstar with old ladies and kids, for 'Skad'-man, for 'Skad'-man's sick, for the
cinque cento, for the crotch rocket, for telling me i look good in cheap clothes, for 13 cookies for £2.50, for
sneaking our own drinks into the pub, for fancying the new biology teacher, for always being there to play pool
with, for being my pboro/shoppin buddy, for screamin along to Kelly Clarkson in the crotch rocket
for crying to Kelly Clarkson in the crotch rocket when life got a bit hard
for our awesome drunkeness and nights out, for being an amazing friend recently ♥
BRAD, for being my biology buddy :], for
never coming out with us, for fucking loving the one night you came out wiv us, for promising me i'll get a bf
soon...i did :](briefly lol), for listening to me ramble, for our treks to the Ailwyn, for our job-hunting, for our Tesco
rejection :P (u jammy git), for you being a policeman, for your amazin pool, for your luffly laydee whom we all love, for
getting Em wet in Cromer hehe, for actually being a big gay :] ♥
More to come
when i gets more time :] ♥ you all :]
other shout outs...