MSG ME FOR GUEST LIST & BOTTLE SERVICEmy new home *Privé Nightclub @ PH Las Vegas*
LiFEs toO eXciTiNG tO hoLd gRudgES & haVE reGREts sOoOO LiVE iT UP! fORgiVe aND mOVe oN!!! weLL aS fOR mEE i jUS tRY tO kEEP liFE siMPLe aNd bE haPPy jUS gOTTa eMbRACe it aNd enjoy wHAt eLSe r U suPPosE tO dO w/ iT iF nOT?! iTS a jOURneY wE aLL nEEd tO taKE aND iF u gOTTa dO suMThiNg miNus weLL dO iT tO iTS bESt aND juS aTTAck cONquER liFE iM a pERsoN tHAt gETs mY iSH dOne b/C u gOTTa dO wHAt u gOttA dO i haVE gOALs i hAvE dREamS aND i wiLL gET thERE I wiLL dO theM aiNT nObODy hoLDn mE dOWN iF GOD bRinGs mE tO iT He wiLL brING mE tHROugH iT sEE thE cuP fULL sEE oPPorTuNiTY jUMP whiLE u gOT thE chanCE kiNDa pERson iM nOT piCKy aNd I tRY tO bE oPEN-mINDed tRY nEW thiNGS wORK hARd/pLAY HArd iM aN aniMAL lOVer piGs&cOWs mOSTLy bUT i lOVE mY pUP miSS daiSY akA piNKY & maY yOU reST*iN*pEAce My biG LaLa bUNNy... i haTE beiNG lONELy aND I pREfER tO keEP oCCupiED/pROducTive bUT sOMEtimEs eVERyoNEs goTTa taKE a cHiLLaX piLL aNd jUS dO nuTTin i liKE tHaT tOO jUS nOT foR tOO LoNG i LOVe beiNG sPOntaneOUs anD raNdoM... iT maKEs liFE mORe exCitiNG... mY mOM iS mY STRENGTH... sHOppiNg iS mY 1 sTREss reLieVER ~althOUgh $'z neVEr tHAt eaZy =o|... dRuGS aRE bAD... i haVE 2 oLdeR bROs... aNd i often SAY iM goiN oN a diET... i dONT goT aN eATTing diSordER oR nE thinG... oHH nO.. i loVE fOOd wiTH a paSSioN... iTs juS mY cOLLege 25 iVe beeN gETTin riD oF foR 6 yRs noW... mY sisTERs oF oMiCron tHEta cHi sORO kePT mE iN chECK wHiLe i waS iN scHooL sO i didNt bRinG tOOO mUCh oF thE kRAzyNeSS ouT. bUT caTch mE aT tHE riGHT tiME anD I juS miGHt suRpriSE u. iM aN eVERythiNG haPPenS fOR a rEAsoN kinDa giRL eVErythiNG wiLL eND uP fiNE iN tHE enD. iVE lEARneD iTS iMpoRTaNT tO aCCepT tHIngs yOU caN NOT cHAnGE, aND tHaT u nEEd tO lOVe URseLF bEforE nE1 eLSe eiTHer waY GOD sTiLL lOVes U aND nO diFFerentLy eiTHer sO sMiLE iT maKEs a diFFerenCe anD theN wHat iT cOmes doWN tO iS takiN iT daY-bY-Day oNE stEP aT a tiME... i dONt hAVe a LOT oF faVORiteS... bUT things i dO eNjOY/aPPreCiaTE r~TALL shOes, LeMOns, fuZZys, iCEcREAM, cHOcoLate, orEo cOOkieS-n-miLk, fROzen LiHingMui margaritas, sUshi, sUnsHiNE, sexyness. iF u gET tO kNOW mE uLL reALize iM oNE of tHE mOSt oPtimisTiC/happy pERsons U wiLL eVER mEEt... aFtER gRAduaTinG fROm tHE uNivERsitY oF sAN fRANcisCo, i mOVed hOMe tO haWaii aNd 8*moNThs iNtO it... jUS aS i waS caTCHin uP w/ liFE tHERe... iN unDER a weEks timE i piCKed uP anD mOVed tO *lAS vEGas* ... sO theRe i waS, 1yR LatER, BARtEndinG for PURE MGmt GrOUp aT tHe nEW anD exCiTiNG SOCIAL HOUSE in TI & PURE nightclub aT cAEsaRS paLAce ~jUS TryiN tO sTarT a sOMethiNg gOOd & i kNOw i cAN maKE iT haPPEN... moVed tO thE bAhaMas in MaRCH tO oPen a NEw niGHtCLub (AURA) aT tHE aTLanTiS oN PArAdiSE iSLandS sOooO... 6 moNths laTer~ baCk tO veGAs ~oPEned LAX @ thE LUXOR... anD lanDed sOMEwhERE eveN bEttER... hOtteSt iN tOWn yeT... PRIVÉ @ PH... sO nOW iM hERE dOiN whAT i dO... i hoPE aLL yaLL iN SF kNOW hoW MUCh i miSS yOU!!!!!! esPEciaLLY mY sOROriTY giRLs (OmiCRoN tHEta cHi hardcore pc01 ^_* hehe) oHH yEA~ foR aLL yaLL thAT haVE bEEn asKiNG... iM pURe CHINESE... waNNa kNOw mORe... juS asK!*remember... EVEN IF YOU CAN'T SEE THE SUN THROUGH THE GRAY CLOUDS, DOESN'T MEAN IT ISN'T THERE... *=O]soOo... SHOOT FOR THE MOON, CUZ EVEN IF YOU MISS YOU'LL LAND AMONG THE STARS....*aND "iF oPPoRtUniTY dOESn't KNock, tHEn BUild a dOoR."LOVE yaLL... xOXo... ")~~~*^_^*~tHaNx 4 viSiTiN mAi pAgE... iTS coNStantLy a wORK iN pROgreSS tO aDD neW piX aNd kEEP mY lonG loSt FriENds upDateD witH mEE... sO sAve mEEh aS a fRieNd, oR LeaVe mEEh a niCe coMMenT, aNd cHecK baCk iN a LiL biT... pEAcE...~*^_^*~~~
Your Birthdate: December 29
You have the mind of an artist, even if you haven't developed the talent yet.
Expressive and aware, you enjoy finding new ways to share your feelings.
You often feel like you don't fit in - especially in "traditional environments."
You have big dreams. The problem is putting those dreams into action.
Your strength: Your vivid imagination
Your weakness: Fear of failure
Your power color: Coral
Your power symbol: Oval
Your power month: November