Cobbled Together profile picture

Cobbled Together

About Me

Dreamed up in a hazy haste with a view to build bridges between the scenes in the Capital. Attempting to unite comedy, music, film and art under one umbrella, Cobbled Together came about. An idea , at first, to put out Edinburgh's Darling, WhiskyGalore's first E.P which has since snowballed into all manner of suggestions and commitments, ranging from Music video making, art installations, and an impromptu showcase of the talents currently affiliated with the brand. This is Cobbled Together.

From Whisky Galore...

Yep, it's true, we found enough time in between emotionally crippling episodes of Hollyoaks and AA meetings in the past month to finish our first album and it's available now. There's 12 tracks on there and only one is a rehash of an EP track, not bad for 3 quid we reckon.

Feel free to go out and grab yourself a copy if you can drag yourself from your sun lounger and pina colada, oh wait I forgot we didn't actually get a summer this year did we? Ho hum, such is life. Sun-tans are for posers anyway. We'll be the pasty off-white/light blue skinned guys at the bar trying to exchange our CDs for pints of cheap ale and shielding our eyes when the sun shows its face, be sure to say hello. And if you lend me ten pounds I'll buy you a drink...

If you don't live in Edinburgh and want a copy feel free to email [email protected] and we'll sort you out from there. That sounds like a threat, doesn't it? It wasn't, honest!

My Interests


Member Since: 18/03/2008
Band Website:
Record Label: Cobbled Together Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

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