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I am here for Dating

About Me

Well what can I say, I was a good Cuban boy most of my life. My parents sacrificed and sent me too expensive schools to get the best education money can buy. But I thought everything they taught me was a lie. So I changed. I'm a good man but I have my vices. The Good being my love of Family, Books, Travel, Wine, History, Friends, Politics,and Music. I would rather go outside any day of the week then spend it inside watching some weak sports event, or playing video games like a zombie. My vices are my own. I can't stand ignorant people and have no problem telling them, or making fun of the bigoted, small minded, or macho latino dumb fucks this city has plenty of. A real man defines himself by the people who love him and what he would be willing to do for them. In that case at the very least I'm a good man 90% of the time . That last 10% just makes me human.