As my myspace name suggests im MATT I used to go to gigs like every weekend Jerks, Brews, Stolen Youth, Assailants, Subtitles,anything like that and plenty of ska bands 2 but theres not as many on as ther used 2 studying at flinders uni.i play guitar.i love any kool comedies...monty python,fawlty towers (all th old british stuf) & stuf like simpsons,futurama,scrubs,stargate sg-1 and stargate atlantis.but now let's get down to the important stuff..the real meaning of life stuff; the life or death situation stuff. Where will you go after you die?! God has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness. His standard is perfection. You will have to give an account for idle word you've ever spoken. Every action that you've commited that has violated His law. Every thought that you've ever had will not slip under the radar of God's judgement. If you've ever told one lie,you are a liar in the eyes of God. That may seem like a harmless thing to you, but your sin is agaisnt God. The one who gave you life to glorify Him. If you tell a lie to some kids it wont hurt anyone. If you tell a lie to your close friend you may lose that friendship. If you tell a lie to a bank you could get fined severely. If you lie to the government you could go to jail for treason. It's the same crime, but when commited to a different person the outcome is different. Telling a lie and violating a law that the Lord God Almighty has set out is more serious than first thought. The Bible says that all liars shall have their part in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8).Well enough about lying. How bout stealing? Ever stolen anything? Stealing one thing makes you a theif. if you've ever looked with lust God sees you as an adulterer. if you've hated someone God sees it as murder. more questions.. ever disobeyed your parents? ever taken the Lord's name in vain? Have you always held God up as the highest and most valuable thing in your life. If your like me, then you're going to be guilty before God and because of His goodness and justice He must punish those who have rebelled against Him. Hell is a just place for the wicked. There is none righteous, no not one. What can you do to prevent God from judging you guilty. Nothing, there's no action you can take, no good work that can make you righteous before Him. but God showed His love for us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Christ is the eternal living God and He came down in the flesh to take our place and on the cross. When Christ was on the cross God the Father punished His Son. All the anger that God has for all the sins of Gods people was poured out upon His only Son. He then rose again to show that the sacrifice was sufficient to pardon us from our punishment. If you repent (turn from your sins) and trust in the Saviour, God will forgive you, wipe away your sins and you will be blameless before Him on the day of judgement. "For by grace are you saved through faith: and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast" (Ephesians 2:8-9)
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