At what point does constant selflessness of an individual to one person give way to the recipient of the act becoming dependant on such behavior? Is there such a thing as social parasitism? If left untreated the Loa Loa worm could rob a person of thier sight. If ignored a codependent relationship could blind an individual of the psychological damage they have developed.
I mostly keep to my self. I'm soft spoken yet passionate in my beliefs. I strive to learn every thing I can sometimes at the cost of my own wellness. The library is were I like to hang out. knowledge is power folks. I have a few vices like frosties, and ginger. I'm easly disarmed by frumpy women. I like cats and opossums. I don't drink, smoke, or mess my self up with any other chemicals. I only sleep for about four hours a night. I love making robots out of cardbord boxes. I don't like shoppers of stuff made by children in sweat shops. Making art is what keeps me gonig. I love benig a Southerner, I only regret not beng a Southerner from a place more south, like Panama. I like playing in the rain and sitting in the dark with good friends. I like to sweat. Bored people anger me. I like that feel of grass under my feet, sand between my toes and acoplishment after climbing a tree. I look like a stoner, but I'm not.
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