sarcasm,hyperbole,my magazine, sleeping, Parliament Lights, Upright Citizen's Brigade, Vogue Italia, boycotting the gym even though i pay for it, Stephen Hawking, Roly Poly, Best Week Ever, VH1, DEGRASSI (yea i said it.. what?) ... oh, and a nice Shiraz
pretty much anything but country, reggae, and 70's folk (stupid hippie music)...Tom Waits,Postal Service, the Killers, the Strokes, Tokyo Police Club, Bright Eyes, Say Anything, We are Scientists, The Bravery, Taking Back Sunday,The Decemberists, Eliot Smith, the Shins, Someone Still Loves you Boris Yeltsin, Pete Yorn ....and i love me some jazz and blues
The Science of Sleep, Breathless (the original), Secretary, Match Point, 8 1/2, The Bicycle Thief, 400 Blows, Jules and Jim, Mean Creek, United States of Leiland, Buterfeild 8, Bladerunner,M, High Fidelity, actually almost anything with John Cusack, all Wes Anderson (even life aquatic), CLOSER (best movie of 2004
I'd rather be reading
the list is long, yet sophisticated...Anything and everything by Brett Easton Ellis, Nabakov, Milan Kundera, Chuck Palahnuik, Salinger, F. Scott Fitzgerald, and most Bukowski...Also The Last Gentleman, High Fidelity, Love in the Time of Cholera, Of Human Bondage, An American Tragedy,Turgenev's First Love and Fathers and Sons, Garden of Eden,The Sun Also Rises,The Quiet American,Decline and Fall, The End of the Affair, Girl's Guide to Hunting and Fishing...the list is huge, i'm a book nerd (and snob, i have great taste)
Lady Brett Ashley from The Sun Also Rises