Alert******** My name is Ca Nguyen. I'm Vietnamese, the typical asian who loves sushi, fashion and myspace...heheheh..
I delicate my self to graphic arts and design pictures is my hobby. I love New York and i'm very lucky to be int he world's most entertaining city.
----->>I can be shy and quite all the time but I'm loud & hyper when party comes. I hate to cook. I rather eat "mi goi" ( noddle) then stuck my self in the kitchen.I'm very romantic and I guess it's because i'm a Pisces. I tend to spend hours infront of the mirror then any guys you know* just to see if i can find a pimple*. Guys find sport as their essential of living but i just can't bear it. The only sport i know is riding a bike and i'm proud of it (any body wanna ride). I'm terrible at English and i have the Viet-lish ascent. hehehe. e..