love layout powered by HOT / MyHotCommentsHer name beh
Claudiaa Ruiz!.(:
learn it love itt.
She was brouqht into this
world Sept. 10 1996:D
better memorizee thee datee
to qet 'er aa presentt'
her colors would beh qreen,blackk,&'purplee.
Somethinq she loves to do is beh on the
computerr, cellular device, &' sportss.:D
she likes/loves cute quys w/ qood personalitties
&' qreat bodies so fellas shess waitinqq'<33
Somethinq she is does 24/7 iss sinqq &' dancee.
&' yeah shes aa qurll who sinqs in the showerr
&' dances in her carr. her favorite thinqq too drinkk
is obviousliie coffee shee loves itt just like meh.:p
her favorite food iss pizzaa!.xD so thiss is all yuh
must know but thiss qurliee iff yuh wanna know more yuh
know wat to do [loveyuh claudiaa]-belem.(: