I love to ski and hang out with friends. Skiing is my passion and I can kick anyones ass at skiing. I enjoy watching movies, playing video games, or just hanging out with friends. But i always enjoy a party when every possible.
friends, girls
I like almost all music. Rock is my favorite and concerts are friggin' awsome. Rap is also fun to listen to and dance too. Some country is okay, but i don't like most country. Classical i hate. Jazz and some brass music i like.
Movies are awsome for parties, just hanging out, or dates. I love comedies, and action thrillers. Scary movie are good for dates if u wanna get close to the person, 'wink wink'. My favorite movie are "Shawn of the Dead" Friggin' hiliarious "Crash" which is so good, everyone should see it, any movie with Chris Rock, Adam Sandler or Robin Williams in it. Another good movie is "Robin Williams Live on Brodway"
Television used to kick ass but now it kinda sucks with all of these dumbass relaity shows, some are good but some and stupid, i still love Family Guy, Simpsons, and Futurama, but its sux for me b/c i don't have cable, so i only have 5 channals.
I am not much of a reader but i like action books, i hate books where nothin is going on or one thing is going on but it takes like 10 pages for it to happen.
My heroes are everyone!!