Dont you see that your dying for nothing, rather than living for something? your self destructing, and just fucking your own self over, so i ask you, what are you fighting for? Your raging wars over something that never was, or will be yours cause 'owning the streets' is just a victicous concept that gets misused by hip hop dudes tryna pass themselves off as re-incarted gangsta's, no matter how deep your 'gang' is or how much money you'll make from selling crack rocks the only concrete blocks you'll ever own are the ones we call tombstones. So i guess the only decision left for you to choose is wether the fabric in your casket should be red or blue? So i ask you, what are you dying for?
None of these things actually matter to you untill it happens to you, preaching about put down the knives, now i understand. How do you feel when your that phone call, telling you Steven Lewis died, then your telling them, dont fuck about like that man, then they are swearing on their Grand dad's grave but you dont wanna believe it, so your crying & there's no tears, then the reality of it hits you, its so nuts you can get stabbed in the chest, but how the fuck u gna go sleep at night knowing you've killed someone, I tried to call everyone hoping they would tell me it was all a lie, a sick joke, but then it hit me Steven Lewis died. I love you so much, even tho you pissed me off like no one ever did, you mean the world to me, it's a shame you couldn't live to see 16, i fucking love you now & for ever.
I Remember when you was in our class and u was the snitch of us all, always telling the teacher what happend, even tho u did make me laugh abit its still a bit hard to get over the fact you've gone, i love you steven man, even tho i didnt let you know that, all the pounds you asked for i shuda just gave to you, funny thing is i was speaking about you the night it happend, just reminisin and laughin about the old days, like that time in the libary when you said " i fucked you sisters so hard i made them deaf" and i chased you around the WHOLE libary, lol, its kinda hard to laugh and cry at the same time, i love you steven, xxx
07.02.93 - 24.01.09