AmILLIONmINDS profile picture


One word can change a million minds

About Me

Do to our relocation and other things out side our control We have now changed the band name and are currently looking for new members. So basically were wanting to start a whole new band pretty much from scratch. We are left with only three members form Life After Last Night (Kyle Cates-Guitar and Wade Chambliss- Guitar and Rick Poston-Drums) So we are in need of a vocalist, bassist, keyboardist, percussionist, and almost anything else you might know how to play. We prefer people who play a couple of instrument ts because we do, it is not required. Must be capable of writing at least your own instrument parts for songs. We play all originals so its just easier and more fun in our opinion it gives the music more feel to it cause it has each persons vibe to it. We are jammers we do alot of improve and we play alot of styles. You must be open minded and dependable we dont expect you not to have a life because we do but we do expect you to make it to most practices and all shows were serious and we have places to play at. So if you live in the carbondale are and think this sounds like something you would like to get into email us or leave us a message on here. If your a fan thanks for looking we are still doing acoustic stuff till we get our new members. Were far from done and are just using this as a time to practice and write. If your just here for the first time check us out and let us know what you think. For booking info please email PEACE TO ALL

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests


Member Since: 3/17/2008
Band Members: Kyle Cates- Guitars, Bass, Percussion.................................................. ................ Wade Chambliss- Guitars, Drums, Bass, Percussion.............................................. Rick Poston-Drums, Guitar, Bass, Back up Vocals..................................................
Influences: Grateful Dead, Umphreys Magee, Mudvayne, Lamb of God, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Led Zepplin, moe, Blind Melon, Pantera, Stevie Ray Vaghn, any thing that sounds good and jams
Sounds Like: A Million Minds going crazy at the same time. or just something really weird not sure which
Record Label: Don’t Trip Records
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


our next show at stoney lonesome farm is going to be sept 9. come and check us out we will be playing with Papa Smiley as well as Tattoo Karl and some other bands and an open mic as well. We will anno...
Posted by AmILLIONmINDS on Wed, 30 Jul 2008 05:21:00 PST

were relocating!!!

Life After Last Night is in the prosess of relocating to Carbondale, Il. to better get there name out there and play some showes. Two of the memeber already have places in and around c-dale so only tw...
Posted by AmILLIONmINDS on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 02:37:00 PST


We have been in contact with Stoney Lonesome Ranch, for those of you who know us this was the place we played in April, they are talking about getting together another show sometime in the near future...
Posted by AmILLIONmINDS on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 11:39:00 PST