KoTolan profile picture


About Me

KoTolan is a multi-cultural based World music ensemble that plays a mixture of Latin styles infused with modern Jazz. Japanese born vocalist Junko Seki sings in Spanish, English and Japanese truly creating a unique sound putting KoTolan into a category all to itself. We stress the exposure of diversity and multi-culturalism through a highly distinguished caliber of music while also creating a warm and exciting atmosphere. KoTolan takes part as Messengers:Mensajeros of culture and tradition through music.Check out our website www.kotolan.com--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- ------------------------------------KoTolan es un conjunto multicultural de musica latina y mundial que ofrece una combinacion de estilos latinos mezclados con jazz moderno. La vocalista Junko Seki, nacida en Japon, canta en español, japones e ingles creando un sonido totalmente original, lo cual coloca a KoTolan en una categoria unica e inigualable. Asimismo, enfatisamos la expresion de la diversidad y el multiculturalismo a traves de un alto nivel de musica, creando a su vez un ambiente animado y placentero. Kotolan toma parte como mensajeros de la cultura y tradicion a traves de la musica. Visite nuestro sitio www.kotolan.com. ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------KoTolan は、ロサンゼルスのマルチ・カルチャーを象 徴するグループで、ラテン・ジャズをベース に、アフロ・キューバンリズム、日本の懐か しいメロディーやファンクの要素を取り入れ 、独自の音楽を創りあげています。アメリカ 国内外で活躍してきたミュージシャンに加え 、スペイン語・日本語・英語の三ヶ国語で歌 う日本人ジュンコは、KoTolanをロサンゼルスだ§ã‚‚まれのない、斬新でユニークなカテゴリム¼ã«ä½ç½®ä»˜ã‘ます。バンドのサイトwww.kotolan.co mで、是非サンプルを聞いてみてください。

My Interests


Member Since: 17/03/2008
Band Website: www.kotolan.com
Band Members: KoTolan on "Buenos Dias" Telemundo "la boca de cultura" KoTolan on "Buenos Dias" Telemundo "sayonara" KoTolan on "Buenos Dias" Telemundo interview Junko singing with Mariachi Cobre at Benito Juarez in Guadelajara 1994 KoTolan "Sayonara" "さよなら" KoTolan at Eagle Rock Music Festival kick off party
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

KoTolan on "La Opinion"

KoTolan appeared on "La Opinion" on Aug. 18, 2009. Please check out the beautiful article. http://www.impre.com/entretenimiento/musica/2009/8/18/grupo- kotolan-esta-en-la-boca--142486-1.html
Posted by on Tue, 18 Aug 2009 19:04:00 GMT

"International Talent" KTLA morning news

Mariachi Festival promotion on KTLA morning news. People remember Junko from the past concerts!http://www.ktla.com/video/?autoStart=true&topVideoC atNo=default&clipId=3871686
Posted by on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 21:56:00 GMT

Junko and KoTolan on Buzzine Magazine!

We've been very fortunate to be invited to KPFK Los Angeles 90.7FM "Canto Tropical" and "Buenos Dias" on Telemundo. Now we're on Buzzine Magazine. We'd like to thank all the people who have given us t...
Posted by on Mon, 01 Jun 2009 19:36:00 GMT

Poncho Sanchez! El Conguero!

http://www.buzzine.com/2009/03/poncho-sanchez-el-c...Powered by ShareThis Junko is mentioned on Poncho Sanchez's Conga Room Review!!!
Posted by on Mon, 06 Apr 2009 22:42:00 GMT

KoTolan EP release coming soon.....

We've been working really hard on finishing up our EP-An extended play (EP) is a vinyl record, CD, or music download which contains more music than a single, but is too short to qualify as an LP (acco...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Mar 2009 01:08:00 GMT


Yeah, Team Japan won the World Baseball Classic again!! I watched the final, Korea vs Japan (on Mar. 23) like a hard core baseball fan. I'm proud of Japanese baseball. Efficiency, discipline and modes...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Mar 2009 00:39:00 GMT

One year

Hi, this is Junko. It was last year, we were coming up with an idea of making a band. It's been a year now. Otto did a lot. Put up the website, created myspace account, found venues to play... And mus...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Jan 2009 21:15:00 GMT

New photos on our Website!

Hey all. We got new photos on our website www.kotolan.com. Our friends Al Holguin and Juan Villa took some really nice shots of us. Check them out. Tell us what you think. And this Sat. Aug. 30th...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 02:07:00 GMT