Bands (Solange es geht, My broken enemy), Band-Booking (BallNChain Booking), Concerts (BallNChain Booking, Dortmund Rock City e.V.), Music!!!!!!
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Senore Matze Rossi, Tagtraum, Tomte, junges Glück, Sondaschule, Muff Potter, Madsen, The Wohlstandskinder, Kettcar, ...but Alive, Rantanplan, Chefdenker, Pascow, aber auch Blink182, Rage Against the Machine, Bloodhoundgang, The Ataris, The Hives, Chili Peppers Motörhead, Days in grief usw.
7, Hot Shots 1+2, the green mile, Signs, The Ring, Departed...
The Simpsons, southpark, the King of Queens...
Thees Uhlmann!!!, Johnny Cash, Eric Clapton, Marcus Wiebusch