Razzor Sharp profile picture

Razzor Sharp

About Me

******If you're not into HARD rock, listen to "Orchestration from the Hart", -OR- "Hart Felt Love Songs" from the very MELLOW Romantic side of Tynan's Heart -OR- "Spyder's World" containing a MEDLEY of FOUR songs with vocals and guitar by Tynan himself! All of these MEDLEYS are currently UN-RELEASED. Please give an honest opinion of the songs. Yes some may be dated, but then again, SO AM I! BE NICE! Down right rudeness will not ne tolerated, only CONSTRUCTIVE criticism!
********I would like to send out special thanks to Kimberly C. from Customer Service at Behringer for being a life save providing the parts I needed free of charge. BEHRINGER ROCKS AND SO DOES KIMBERLY!!!! THANKS GUYS!!! Sincerely, Tynan Q. Hart********
We would like to pay tribute with the FORTH SONG in the "BrandNewRazzor" Medley to yet ANOTHER FALLEN WARRIOR. Col. L., E.M. (Identity cannot be revealed for reasons of National Security) died from (2) severe bullet wounds, Thursday, July 19th at 8:10 PM EST while in the service of his country. He was a Great Friend, True Brother, and Fierce Warrior and will be severely missed by myself and the rest of the team. We know he is now in a far better place. The Arlington, VA. Funeral was a true show of support with over 2000 afficers in attendance. Not a day goes by, when I don't miss you....Little Bro! Sincerely,
Tynan Hart
Dave Gonzales admittedly confused Tynan Hart with a childhood acquaintance. If you go to his web site, you will see a VERY gracious apology for his mistake. It was not intentional, he just failed to do proper research. He obviously did read this web site because his retraction was truly heart felt as he now supports Tynan Hart, Razzor Sharp, and The Live, Love & Give International Foundation whole heartedly.
WE NEED INVESTORS who can post large sum, no-loss, interest only use for a HUGE return in 2009 for the "The Live, Love & Give International Foundation" (TM) -about 1/3 the way down this page!!!! ONLY SUPPORTS PLEASE, Call Becca at (702) 768-1304 - Sales people will be summarily dismissed. Please do not waste or time with SALES calls (VERY RUDE!!! considering what we are doing here!!!!)
***** Thanks for a great 2008, we APPRECIATE ALL OF OUR LOYAL FANS around the world!
We would also like to pay TRIBUTE TO STEVE IRWIN, a dear friend of Tynan, who will be badly missed as we consider his absence in this world a HUGE loss! Our condolences to Terri and the whole family. We love you all and you're in our prayers!!!
**$**$**Some of Our NEW STUFF comes up under "SlashinRazzor" and is a MEDLEY STRING of THREE SLAMMIN songs! Listen to these stellar vocal tracks as they will definitely knock you off your feet!!! Also ENJOY, the "BRAND NEW RAZZOR SHARP" containing Four SLAMMIN ROCK Tunes containing TWO AWARD NOMANATED songs!!
We would appreciate YOU CALLING YOUR FAVORITE LOCAL RADIO STATION IN ADVANCE to request your favorite Razzor Sharp songs! Hope you enjoy- We're still Crankin out new tunes in the studio. A dual CD of 31 songs will be available at a discounted rate shortly in early 2009. Health problems on the part of Tynan Hart delayed the release a few months We do apologize.
ALSO, If you need a GREAT studio vocalist, call Jeff Gunn at (909) 396-9501 0r (951) 830-0949.
If you need a great Studio sax player or Akai Midi-sax guitar, go to http://www.gregvail.com or call him, GREG VAIL at (714) 915-8245. He is a STELLAR sax player with SPIRIT and total ORIGINALITY and will do your project the right way! He is also a GREAT producer. You can see more of his talent on his web site listed above!
****IF YOU CLICK ON "Lyrics" there is a brief song description and important COPYRIGHT information on each song and painting for that particular medley.
If you ever make it to ORANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA, try out a GREAT STEAK & SEAFOOD RESTAURANT with LIVE MUSIC AND DANCING CLUB called ARBORS now under new management by BRIAN RITCHIE and his BEAUTIFUL young FIANCE'.
It's a great place to eat and hang out, limo friendly, GREAT service, and even a propane heated outdoor covered patio area in which you can smoke, eat and drink! I found the food to be FIVE star quality, VERY reasonably priced, Happy Hour Specials, Great music for all ages, and the service and atmosphere impeccable! Call for reservations or just come on in! Located at the South-East corner of Springdale and Warner, 6060 Warner Ave, Huntington Beach, CA 92647 (714)842-5111
Tell them Tynan "Spyder" Hart sent you!
We would also like to pay tribute to Steve Irwin, a dear friend of Tynan's who will be badly missed as we consider his absence in this world a HUGE loss! Our condolences to Terri and the whole family. We love you all and you're in our prayers!!!
***$*$***WARNING: ALL SONGS and PICTURES on this site are Copyright Protected and Tynan does PROSECUTE for Copyright Infringement! He's never lost a case yet! It's not too cool to snag Tynan's art when it's used to do so much good for so many people!!! Don't worry though, it's only $500k per infringement. That's a one huge donation!
********FALLEN WARRIOR-PLEASE READ- In the "BrandNewRazzor" Medley", the 4th song, "Afghan Eyes" was written by Tynan Hart and recorded in dedication to Cpt W., A. M., Special Teams Anti-Terrorist Unit Alpha, died the morning of 2006, March 30, at aprox 8:45am in Bethesda Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland, after just recently returning from Afghanistan, while still in the service of his country from wounds too severe to survive. He was my blood brother through American Indian ceremony 15 years ago from the exact date and time of his death. We were to be responsible for each other's lives forever and saved each other in combat too many times to count through many wars and missions. Please take a few moments of silence to honor this true warrior and brother and if you believe, pray for his soul and my torn up heart and now very wounded soul. At least he does not have to deal with the nightmares and demons of war anymore and is finally at peace. A Private Military service was held late Monday afternoon at Arlington Memorial Cemetery, Arlington, Virginia. All (12) Related Special Teams (72 Officers Total) were in attendance plus numerous other supporting teams and Officers from various Special Units. - THANK YOU ALL VERY SINCERELY for your support! Tynan Hart (Full names cannot be revealed for reasons of National Security) His exemplary leadership and friendship will be greatly missed by all who knew him and served with him, especially by his brother..........me!
"Carry on my wayward son, There'll be peace when you are done!" (c) 1976 Kansas - My brother won't cry no more!!!
How many more have to die at the hand of an IDIOT???? The war's been going on for centuries and will probably go on for many more. Guess who's making a huge PROFIT off this war? Hint: He's much SMALLER than a Tree!
Recently Marines in Iraq wrote to Starbucks because they wanted to let them know how much they liked their coffees and to request that they send some of it to the troops there.
Starbucks replied, telling the Marines thank you for their support of their business, but that Starbucks does not support the war, nor anyone in it, and that they would not send the troops their brand of coffee.
Maybe we should not support them by NOT buying any of their products! I feel we should get this out in the open. I know this war might not be very popular with some folks, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't support the boys on the ground and in the air!.
If you feel the same as I do then pass this along, or you can discard it and no one will never know. Thanks very much for your support. I know you'll all be there again when I deploy once more. Semper Fidelis
Sgt. Howard C. Wright, 1st Force Recon Co, 1st Plt
Also, don't forget that when the Twin Trade Towers were hit the fire fighters and rescue workers went to Starbucks because it was close by for water for the survivors and workers and Starbucks charged them! ! !
******THE RAZZOR SHARP CERTAINTY OF PURPOSE: Razzor Sharp is a registered (TM) since 1989. The band consists of (5) world class musicians that were hand picked by Tynan from the BEST of the BEST for a collaboration project comparable to "Bad Enlish" and "Asia", who is currently LIVING with stage IV prostate cancer, but is pulling through it with great success as he refuses to fail.
He does NOT do Chemo or Radiation, only herbal, holistic, and dietary alternatives. That's probably why he's is still rockin HARD! Tynan is overcoming his prostate cancer, tumor, and a shattered Right ankle and foot with the TOTAL support of God and the Boyz in the band! You will never see him sitting down on stage! He may be wearin sunglasses to hide the pain, but at the end of the night, he usually wears the band out first! We have solved his flying problem with a special made used Boeing 747-400 with a custom-built in decompression chamber.
The music of this exciting "EXPERIMENTAL" band will be like none you've ever heard as they will be attempting things never accomplished by any other band and will astound audiences with great music, a very entertaining show, and unbelievable RAW TALENT. The music on this site, if used, will be altered in ways you can only imagine. Tynan, the lead/rhythm guitarist in this band, has written over (2200) songs-VERY conservative estimate, plus another (1631 ..right to date)-give or take a few - in almost every genre during his career in 3 major bands and as a GHOST WRITER for a MAJOR label in the 80's.
******IMPORTANT****** After CODING for 15 DOCUMENTED minutes in early 2007, Tynan is said to have promised God that if his life was spared, he would help the under privileged in a "BIG" way. The Band now has The "LIVE, LOVE & GIVE" (TM) INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION, a non-profit organization. (VIEW THE "MISSION STATEMENT" below! (INVESTORS & SPONSORS NEEDED NOW!- call Mark or Roy (Tynan's Personal Assistant & Web Master) at (702) 340-9978 or e-mail Tynan at [email protected]
The Live, Love & Give International Foundation
A Non-Profit Organization PO Box 530598, Henderson, NV 89053 e-mail: [email protected] Tynan Hart, President & CFEO, e-mail: [email protected] *****The Foundation Mission Statement by Tynan Hart, President & CFEO (All research and Implementations procured solely by) Section1, Page 1 The Live, Love & Give-- International Foundation became operational Valentines Day 2006 and is fully operated by God fearing people.
WE WILL provide funding through several different avenues for alternative research and treatment terminal diseases as well as AIDS research and treatment. These methods will be discussed within this outline. We wish to hire attorneys that are not afraid to challenge the FDA every time they pull an alternative herbal cancer or terminal disease treatment off the market (Like PC-SPES and MGN3) because they “resemble” prescription drugs currently being manufactured by multi-billion dollar corporations. We are currently seeking large-scale investors for all aspects of this project.
Section 1, Page 2
WE WILL work towards a Christ centered plan to provide apartments for battered women with children as well as homeless women with children with the contingency that they are rehabilitated and give back to others within the foundation who are trying to accomplish the same end result. They will be rehabilitated into stable “professions” that are useful to the economy and will give them job security. We will also attempt to educate the public on the homeless “catch 22” situation. Almost every government program provides housing and rehabilitation into minimum wage positions and the applicants are expected to provide food for their families, pay for utilities, pay for transportation to a job, and every day living necessities on about $539.00 per month. And you wonder why there are so many homeless. We know why! In foreign countries we will work to train individuals with skills to sustain their lives without relying on government or foreign aid programs. Throwing money at people only provides a temporary solution to their current problems. Training and providing valuable skills will result in a long term and possible permanent solution to their economic and on going life requirements.
WE WILL attempt to solve the problem of children starving in America and end world hunger with self-sustaining training programs to teach people to provide for themselves in foreign countries. There is no good reason why anyone, especially children should have to starve in America or any other country. The Band Razzor Sharp, formed by Tynan Hart, will be producing a video comprised of nothing but actual footage of children starving in America. It will be based on a song written by Tynan art entitled “Do you feel their pain” © 1996-2005, which can be heard on the web site, listed above. The band will appear in no portion of the video except for the ending credits. We are seeking a film crew/producer who wish to donate time and skills to get this important video produced and on the air ASAP! Please contact Tynan Hart with requirements at the number or e-mail provided at the top of this statement.
WE WILL also work towards implementation of a program to aid the elderly in the manor of allowing them to afford to have a roof over their heads, buy food, and afford their required “life sustaining” medications. The government takes more and more benefits away from these people who have worked their whole lives to build this country so that they can pay congress and themselves more money.
WE WILL work to provide financial aid and mental counseling to the men and women of the armed forces, whom many of literally had to walk away from successful businesses to fight a war in a country, that does not wish our help in the first place. Why is it that we pay a congress, a body comprised of 90+% of people of whom has never even served in the armed forces in excess of $330 million per year? Shouldn’t the individuals who are fighting to keep this a free country be the highest paid servants of this country?
Section 1, Page 3: WE WILL work towards assembling an emergency disaster response team comprised of mostly retired military tradesmen and equipment operators to respond to natural disasters such as the one in Louisiana. We hope to obtain another 747 transport plane, a ten-wheel dump truck, skip loader, and a bobcat with all attachments to aid in debris removal and re-construction. The team will be fully equipped with their own, food, water, and portable shelter as to not infringe on the already limited resources in the area of the disaster. Are you aware that after the people of Louisiana had lost everything they ever owned, OUR government stepped in and informed them that if their lots were not cleared of all debris within 30 days, that their property would be seized by the Federal Government?
During the disaster in Louisiana, a Carl Malone, a professional basketball player, took it upon himself and did what we propose. Using his own food, water, shelter, rented equipment, and volunteer personnel, he was told by the Federal Government that if he proceeded to help his fellow Americans, he would be incarcerated as they had their own contractors that would CHARGE the people accordingly! He told them to do their worst and proceeded to clear (120) lots with his own money. We applaud this man and fully support his attitude and decision!
It is PAINFULLY evident that our government has no interest in this type of aid, as there is no profit to be made through this type of action. These are supposed to be the “UNITED” States of America. Just from what I’ve seen come about in my lifetime, these are NOT the “UNITED” States! Isn’t it about time “We the People” stand up to our government and say “Enough is Enough”! What ever happened to “By the people, For the People?” And they haven’t even dared to address the problems in South Africa. Why is this? King Bush would rather poke his nose in a war that has been going on since the beginning of time. Why? Because he is making lots of money for him and his contractor buddies! Afghanistan is not even a war! It’s another Police action and more soldiers die now than when it was declared a war! Please check out the tribute to a fellow warrior under “Blogs” in red at the top right of this web site and the new triple award nominated song by Razzor Sharp under the "BrandNewRazzor Sharp” Medley called “Afghan Eyes”. How many people have to die before “King Bush” makes enough money. If he was really interested in flushing out the terrorists, he would authorize the use of Napalm and just flush the disease from that country all together. But all of us know, it’s all about the money.-
Section 2, Page 1: “Eye of the Ty Custom Art”-- Mission Statement: I have always been said to be a creative visionary with the attitude of “why not?”. The art that I create represents feelings that have come from different experiences in my own personal life. Having lost a wife and soul mate in 1998 to ovarian cancer, and recovering from stage IV metastasized prostate cancer. I’ve defied and baffled the medical community as I am a living, breathing, walking, thinking, fully functioning example of “why not?” I am a fighter and I know in my heart that I can and will change America back into The “United” States of America! I know I won’t live forever. I just want to live long enough to see my vision become a reality and create a history-changing legacy.
I have made a promise to God to use ALL of the talents given me to do exactly what I have lain out in this entire mission statement. I don’t just throw colors at a canvas and call it “art” or “expression”. What I feel, I paint. My paintings literally represent my deepest feelings transposed into a visual form of “expression.” I have (57) current contemporary and (16) adult oil paintings copyrighted works of art (oil paintings) and have (3) new ones in the works. I plan to limit the reproduction of each painting to (75); each individually numbered and personally signed by myself. They will also be auctioned at various events along the tour route. I have already provided custom art and professional photography to an impressive amount of high fashion and large corporation executives, as well as Hollywood and Entertainment Celebrities. You can view several of the pieces under the "View more pics" section. The new line of art will be displayed in LaserVision (TM) behind the band in several venues along the tour route. For a high definition Windows Media Player movie, please e-mail us your name and mailing address at [email protected] goal is to use the proceeds from various celebrity and limited auctions to directly benefit the “Live, Love & Give” -- International Foundation and this country and others in a way that no one ever has. I will be donating a minimum of 33% net profit and in upwards of, towards doing whatever it takes to achieve obtaining all of the goals set forth by the mission statement of the “Live, Love & Give”-- International Foundation. For a high definition Windows Media Player CDV containing music and (47) custom paintings, please e-mail Tynan your name, mailing address, and phone to: [email protected]
Section 3, Page 1:
“Razzor Sharp” -- Mission Statement - Nevada corp E0123032006-1, File Date: 02-21-2006 - A Band that WILL change the way AMERICANS & the WORLD Live, Love & Give--! Ultimately Razzor Sharp-- will provide the administration and operation costs for the “Live, Love & Give” International Foundation through recording, performance, and publishing revenues. This will obviously be accomplished after the expenses of getting the project in motion and the initial equipment/vehicle costs are recuperated. That way we can use all of the donations to accomplish the goals set forth in this outline.
We have been labeled “Experimental”, as we will be doing things with music never before accomplished with expert precision by any other band. Our songs will define a brand new genre of music. This is explained in detail within this section.
The goal of Razzor Sharp-- is to not only provide major funding for Live, Love & Give--, but to raise awareness in the music, entertainment, and film industries as to the severity of the previously discussed problems in the United States and poverty stricken countries. We will set a lasting example as to how just a few people can make a HUGE difference in the lives of Americans and the people of the world today. WE WILL change the way Americans live and hopefully make this the “United” States united once again and hopefully create a “United” World! We will save as many people as possible with music that has a DEEPER meaning as we are not a Christian band, but we are all drugless, God Fearing Men! Don't get us wrong we still love hot ladies!!!
I have been a musician/song writer for over 36 years and have written in excess of (3200) songs, in every genre except for hard country and rap. I have been a ghostwriter for over (25) years, and have written under numerous aliases. I always say “everything happens for a reason” and sometimes-good things can come from bad situations. I truly believe being positive and having faith in God is the key to life!
A lot of people I have approached to be in this project are fine with the music end of it, but when they learn what our final goals are, they back down as they do not wish to “rock the boat”. Let me ask you this: Can we as Americans afford not to “rock the boat”? I don’t think so!
Section 3, Page 2:
As with my art, all of my songs are written about experiences I’ve had in my own life as well as events that warranted recognition for whatever reason, good or bad. I write a lot of political songs as it has hurt me deeply to see the deterioration of this country and the lack of action being taken by the majority of the people and government. There are those few that are making a huge difference, however, there are just a few. Everyone seems to just “pass the buck” and hope that someone else will just fix things. From where I stand, it just doesn’t work that way. Well, I for one, plan to make a HUGE difference and it shows in my music. Even in my instrumentals, you can feel the title.
Most of my music was recorded over the years on cassette, 456, 2” tape, ADAT, and DAT. It has been very time consuming going through all of the different formats and transferring the songs to CD (digital) for proof and quantity verification. I still have (2) full file boxes of cassette tapes to go through, so there are probably closer to (4000) songs total. I have (13) orchestral scores completely composed and scored myself. I neither read nor write, “staffed music”. I have a computer program that translates the actual “tracked” music to “staffed music” so that orchestras and musicians can read and perform the songs. Before that I had friends translate the music for me. I play completely by ear.
I have assembled a band comprised of world-class musicians based on their expertise and beliefs in this enormous project who are the absolute best in their fields of expertise to “revamp” my music and write new compositions from our now vast array of styles. All have been in numerous “name” projects in the music and film industries. We will be attempting things never perfected or considered by any musicians to date. We have literally had to custom design 90% of our equipment to obtain our goals. We have been fortunate to have the aid and expertise of select few equipment companies, sponsors, and investors who support and believe in our cause, even prior to any record company contract. They must know as we do that this whole concept will happen. It’s only a matter of time.
I have also designed a patented 160k watt sound system comprised of Eminence-- speakers that utilizes method of linking the highs, mids, and lows separately to form one giant speaker in each spectrum. Instead of a wall of speakers behind the band, there are two separate crescent shaped pillars, one on either side of the stage. There is no distortion and the audience will not leave the concert screaming at each other to hear what they’re saying. The other advantage is that band can hear themselves through the monitors with no cross delay interference.
Unfortunately, I do not know how much time I have left, so time is of the essence. I have already put into place legal safeguards, in case of my early demise that will allow the band to continue playing my music and supporting the “Live, Love & Give”-- International Foundation. You can hear medleys of (15) different songs in multi-genres that are classified in (4) unique categories at http://www.myspace.com/razzorsharp2006. Listen for yourself and you decide. I would be happy to send you a multi-genre CD or a CD in the genre that you enjoy most. We are considering touring with investor capitol which would guarantee a nice return. We already have the personnel, vehicles, equipment, as well as numerous name bands that wish to tour with us. We will also entertain ALL recording contracts with any major label. If you wish to consider being an investor, sponsor, or are an interested label or recording company representative, please contact Roderick, Tynan's personal assistant at (949)714-7834 or e-mail: [email protected]
****NONE OF OUR EQUIPMENT was paid for from Foundation Funding!!!
***The pics on this are very low resolution-quality may vary per your video card and settings*** "EYE OF THE TY" (TM) CUSTOM ART - CHECK OUT one of my very talented models who also has a VERY TALENTED VOICE on some of her self-written R&B music at www.myspace.com/flanastar - pronounced faw law na. *****Tynan also has a line of (57) contemporary and (16) adult oil paintings that will also be auctioned at various events which will also provide in excess of 33% net funding for The "LIVE, LOVE & GIVE" (TM) International Foundation. He has already provided custom art and professional photography to an impressive amount of high fashion and large corporation executives, as well as Hollywood and Entertainment Celebrities. You can view several of the pieces under the "View more pics" section. The new line of art will be displayed in LaserVision (TM) behind the band in several venues along the tour route. For a high definition Windows Media Player movie, please e-mail us your name and mailing address at [email protected].
*******IMPORTANT SECTION*** We already own all previously mentioned equipment. We are SEEKING SELECT HEAVY INVESTORS (WHO NEED A GREAT TAX WRITE OFF or HUGE RETURN or Just wish to HELP IN A BIG WAY) WORLD-WIDE for The "LIVE, LOVE & GIVE" (TM) International Foundation ART EXHIBITIONS and CELEBRITY ART AUCTIONS for "Eye of the TY" (TM) Custom Art (See "View my PICs" for some ART by Tynan Hart), AND HEAVY INVESTORS WHO NEED A HUGE RETURN ON our band to tour and release CDs or bypassing the labels all together! We're open to either way. For more info & an investment package and EVOLUTION video of the band or The "Live, Love & Give"(TM) International Foundation, contact Becca at (702) 768-1304, e-mail: [email protected] (Att: BKH) OR [email protected] (Att: RKH) or e-mail Tynan at [email protected] OR use the contact info provided at the left of this page in the second paragraph of the "Band Members" column.
If you have opportunity, CHECK OUT A GREAT PAINT ARTIST AND VERY GOOD FRIEND of Tynan's, Darryn of "RAEART" at:
This man is a VERY talented paint artist that will dazzle you with his unique style! You will have to either type in or copy and paste the link as I cannot find my notes on adding a link to HTML. He'll paint your ideas right on your instruments, ie: drums, guitars, whatever........He's REALLY worth checkin out!
He's in Canada, but that's just geography. He can work out any dilemma you might think you have logistics-wise!

My Interests


Member Since: 10/31/2005
Band Website: RazzorSharp.com will be operational hopefully soon
Band Members: *******RAZZOR SHARP CONTACT: LABELS, ALL PRESS, OR FOR TOUR BOOKING, and EVERYTHING pertaining to The "Live, Love & Give" (TM) Foundation International or "Eye of the Ty" (TM) Custom Art,

Please Contact the ONE & ONLY, Mom SAVAGE at (407) 319-8708 or email Her at [email protected], Att: SAVAGE

For a FREE "Eye of the Ty Custom Art" VCD containing 51 pieces of fine art and music, send your full name, mailing address and E-MAIL for mailing notification and auction updates to EITHER of our E_MAILS: [email protected] -OR- [email protected]. All written inquiries to be sent to: Boo Hart, The Live, Love & Give International Foundation Inc., PO Box 530598, Henderson, NV 89053.


***$***SPYDER, aka: TYNAN HART

"With 3200+ songs, Razzor Sharp will Live long after I am gone, Sincerely, Tynan Hart"

Las Vegas, NV, Razzor Sharp Collaboration Leader, Producer, Lead/Rhythm/GK-2 Synth Guitar, Wireless midi triggered Yamaha Baby Grand from GK-2 Synth Guitar, Keyboards & Keybass, Equipment Owner, Songwriter, (3200+) multi-genre songs inclusive of R&B, Contemporary Jazz, Folk, and Country.-(860+ in 70's-Experimental Cross-Rock, Hard Rock, Pop Rock, Progressive Rock, Instrumental Rock, Experimental Rock genres) THE Founder of The Live, Love & Give (TM) International Foundation, Las Vegas, NV, will be playing piano and other interesting instruments on a custom Ibanez guitar equipped with the new Roland GK2 Synth pickup, rhythm & lead guitar on vintage Gibsons, Ibanez and Alvarez acoustic/electric guitars, and a custom Ovation acoustic 6-12 string double neck (which he "bounces" between necks- lead on the 12 and rhythm on the 6 - that's different, huh?), and bass on a modified DX-21 Yamaha keyboard (Almost all stage guitar pics under "View more pics" section) His tone is achieved through (3) different custom made guitar amps and a modified 2000 watt mini on-stage PA with a 10 space rack of multi-effects. He will be the main writer on this project only because of the vast array of songs already written and waiting to be Torqued by the band! Tynan's long time friend Mikol Kramer was heard to say "When Tynan was born, they were re-stringing a 12 string guitar, flipped it upside down, and out popped Tynan. Bands: Razzor Sharp, FX (Columbia Records-80's), Insight, ShadowFax(A&M Records-80's), Telesis, Pegasus, Copper Horse, Black Jack--Credits: Columbia Records Ghost- Writer-mid 80's, Stevie Ray Vaughn (In loving memory of), AHA, Shooting Star, Kurt Smith (Tears for Fears), Greg Vail, Lee Ferrell (Righteous Brothers), Green Peace, Self Composed Orchestral Scores/Soundtracks: "Whales, Whales" documentary, The Discovery Channel "Thought is Creative" and "On the Edge of Darkness" (Lead Guitar) with an orchestra + (9) more soundtracks, (3) 20 to 40 minute House tunes, KNAC Blitzkrieg, KLOS, KMET, The Point (Las Vegas), sponsored events and too much more to list.........Remember Gazzarri's, ???? Ben's on my friend's List!

"Unconditional" by Tynan Hart (c) 2008

***$***MIKOL "Rage in the Cage" KRAMER

Fountain Valley, CA, Drummer, Percussionist, (Has created many of his own percussion instruments) Lyricist, Backing & Lead Vocals, Harmonica, an exceptional double bass KICKER, will be playing on a FORMIDABLE completely custom designed quadruple bass kit. (Pic in the "View more pics" at the bottom, of a VERY small part of it) He will also be playing percussion, many instruments of his own design, on a custom made "Wrap Around" rack designed by Tynan Hart. He has been the back bone of many of Tynan's "Progressive" style rock songs and has been the only drummer found that can even play some of them with the intensity in which they were written. He plays from mild to wild with a fiery passion that can only come from TRUE HEART! This guy can play like no other in any genre! That is why he has earned the name "RAGE in the CAGE". (Look out Neil!) He is an "Award Winning" lyricist and will be performing Lead vocals on a few songs......Bands: Liquid Earth, VooDooMoon, Rysk, Bone Cellar, Groove Doggies, Arise, **Original drummer for the late 70's-early 80s version of Razzor Sharp, Credits: Played shows with Great White, Stryper, W.A.S.P., Slayer, Leather Wolf, Bangtango, Love/Hate, Hurricane & More, Vocal Training with Elizabeth Sabine, Music theory- Golden West & Orange Coast College, Airplay by KNAC, KLOS, KROQ, & KMET Radio............

PATRICK (Mr. Wizard - The BEST "Ears" in the business!) MILLER

Cypress, CA, Sound Man/ Recording Engineer/Producer, Cypress, CA, born in a suburb outside of Chicago, Illinois. While he was still in high school he formed the group Declaration with friends and had a very successful stint playing bass guitar. Declaration played heavily in the 80’s and early 90’s in many well known establishments including The Roxy, The Central, The Whisky, Gazzari’s, and The Troubadour. EDUCATION: Associate’s Degree at Mount San Antonio College: Walnut, California. Audio Engineering Degree at Golden West College: Huntington Beach, California. CLIENTS: His skills and vast knowledge is endless from live sound on the stage to in the recording studio. He has worked with many talented and well known artists: Charlie Souza, Crisis, Fit 2 B Tied, The Gretchens Resistance, Mikey Dredd and The Wailers, Ikey Owens (The Mars Volta), Ry Cooder, Joaquin Cooder, Razzor Sharp, Ricky Lawson, Walter Trout, Freakdaddy, Natural Afrodisiac, John Stanley King, Mad Jones, Dumb Luck, Save Ferris, Splastic Nova, Jannel Rap, Boss Man Hog, H.B. Surround Sound, MTV and countless others……..
If you would like to book a session with this VERY talented engineer, call and book a session with Desert Moon Studios (Right by Anaheim Stadium) 714-563-1803

God forbid I try and help all of "MY FRIENDS" get ahead so you could get out of debt and buy a house outright or pay your existing one off! My conscious is clean! All points of the warehouse agreement were worked out way in advance before I made a VERY strenuous move from Vegas to Orange County long before I even booked the trucks and Trailer that cost me over $5500 and put the $3k down on the warehouse in which NO-ONE contributed except for my REAL friend, Mikol Kramer. Everyone who did this knows who they are and ALL have to live with yourselves. I spent every last dime to get this project off the ground and you all spent NOTHING! It has taken me until now to get back on my feet, but back on my feet I am! You SNOOZE, you LOOSE.........BIG TIME!!!

I'm moving on up with some REAL DEDICATED musicians and still pushing forward in a positive direction, CANCER and all! It's not been easy, but I'm no quitter and there are millions of people counting on my foundation that I refuse to let down. Look out world because Tynan & His Boyz of Razzor Sharp are coming to town with some REAL KICK AZZ Musicians and cleaning up this world!

Tynan Hart

EMPLOYMENT AVAILABLE: Two more roadies, large venue experience, References, High 5 figures, Passport a must

********THANK YOU FOR ALL OF THE SUPPORT FROM EVERYONE SO FAR! Especially the VERY beautiful and VERY talented TONI BRAXTON! I will never forget what you have done to support this endeavor! That's a promise! It's been a rather humbling experience. May God bless all your lives and give you pleasant journeys! Sincerely,

Tynan Hart and the complete Band and Staff of Razzor Sharp (TM)

Each Other, God, The need for something brand new, FX, ShadowFax, RUSH, Jimmy Page & Led Zepplin, BB King, Stevie Ray Vaughn (In fond memory of), Deep Purple, Aerosmith, Eric Johnson, Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, TROY, Eric Stadler, Axel Ritt, Jeff Beck, Tony MacAlpine, Ozzy Osbourne, Michael Schenker, Neal Schon, Pat Travers, Sammy Hagar, The Stones, White Snake, Ian Gillan & Deep Purple, Ronnie James Dio, Ritchie Blackmore, Robin Trower, Roger Daltrey, Jeff Healey, Jimi Hendrix (In fond memory of), Kenny Chesney, Phil Collins & Genesis, Roger Waters, Eric Clapton, Billy Sheehan, Bryan Adams, Grover Washington Jr., Kansas, Blue Oyster Cult, REO Speedwagon, Sting & the Police, Missing Persons, The Scorpions, Ozzy & Black Sabbath, Metallica, Missing Persons, AC-DC, Bono & U2, Bon Jovi, The Rippingtons, Guns & Roses, ZZ Top, Billy Sheehan, The Eagles & Don Henley, Glenn Frye, Journey, ELO, BAD Company, Tom Petty, "Stormin "Norman Brown, Pink Floyd, Journey, Jeffrey Osborne, Toni Brazton, Mary J. Blige, Anna Nalick, Sade, Scarlett Etienne, Peter Cetera, Craig Chaquico, Yanni, Beyonce, Sting, The early Police, George Clinton, Chicago, Peter Cetera, The Rippingtons, Bela Flek & the Flektones, Spyro Gyra, The Phil Harmonic Orchestras, Sade, George Benson, Jim Brickman, Yes, Hiroshima, And ALL of the musicians on this page,...................Tynan Hart?

******WE WOULD SINCERELY LIKE TO THANK ALL OF THE EXISTING PROFESSIONAL RECORDING ARTISTS on our page for their support on this project and for showing their support to this important cause by adding their photos to this site. It has been a very humbling experience. Thank you ALL so much! We all GREATLY appreciate your support from the heart and we promise not to disappoint!

VERY Sincerely,
Tynan Hart & the Memberz of Razzor Sharp (TM)

SPECIAL THANKS TO: Jimmy Page!!, Vinn Diesle!!!, Don Henley! & all of the Eagles!, Neil Schon!!, Herbie Hancock!, BB Kng!, Bruce Willis & Planet Holywood!!, Bono & U2!, Neil Peart, Geddy Lee, & Alex Lifeson of RUSH!, Axel Ritt!!, Jeff Beck!, Icon Cobain!, Billy Sheehan!, Eric Johnson!, Joe Satriani!, Herbie Hancock!, BB King!, TROY!!!, Eric Stadler!!!, Eric Clapton!, Frank Marino!, Tommy Iomi, Blue Oyster Cult!, Ronnie James Dio!, Outlett!, Steve Vai!, Kenny Chesney (The rockinest country star I know!), Motley Crue!, Ozzy Osbourne!, Alice Cooper!, Rock Girl!, The Steve Lake Project, Robin Trower!, Metallica!, Roger Waters!, Rick Wakeman!, Edward Van Halen!, Sammy Hagar!, Bill Bruford!, Ian Paice, Virgil Donati!, LoNero!, Nathan East!, Tina Turner!, Lia Fail, Kansas!, Sting!, Foghat!, Foreigner!, The Very Beautiful and Talented Toni Braxton!, The Scorpions!, Sammy Hagar & The Wabos!, David Bowie!, Guns N Roses!, Warrant!, Rock Girl!!, Eddie Money!, Jim Brickman!, Bryan Adams, Vic Eden, Gary Taylor, Amir Beso, Ron Sparks!, ELO!, Joe Louis Walker, Julian Scott, Johnny Copeland, Michael Paige, Muris Varasic, Jesus Gabaldon, Giuseppe!, Ric Monaco, Kenny Loggins!, The Very Beautiful & Talented Mary J. Blige!, Smash Mouth!, The Rolling Stones (Still Rockin & Still Rollin!), Eric Clapton!, Neil Young!, The STILL VERY beautiful and talented Pat Benetar!, The very Talented Taylor Dayne!, Foghat!, Molley Hatchet!, Queensryche!, Kingdom Come!, Train!, Pearl Jam!, The Very Beautiful & Talented Beyonce!, SKIN!, Ian Gillan (STILL Kickin Azz!)!, Romulus Dieujuste!, Tankred, T-Ride, Walt Powell, Southern Mischief!, INXS!, Kandis Clark!, The Los Angeles Music Awards!, Flux Punch, The Stone Temple Pilots!, Robert Plant!, Kansas! Loverboy!, Ritchie Blackmore!, Nate Kizerian!, Foreigner, Annie Mac, Bad Company, David Bowie, Guns N Roses, AC/DC!, REO Speedwagon!, Peter Gabriel!, Roadside Reflection,The Hard Rockin Girls of Kittie!, Sky! David Lauser, Robert Plant!, Darryn of Raeart!, Ratt!, King Kobra!, Lynard Skynard!, Night Ranger!, Dokken!, XYZ!, L.A. Guns!, Pantera!, Hydeway!, Tony Levin, Hetha!, The Derek Trucks Band!, Warrant!, Bone Hammer!, Earl Slick!, High Ball Shooters!, Ronnie Baker Brooks!, The Thom Dukan Band!, BlackBow!, Lilian Axe, Mandy Lions, Pitch Music, Jesse Batiuk!, Black Alexxx, Christopher!, Land of Tales!, The Cars!, Loverboy!, Blue Beard!, ManOwar!, Vinnie Moore!, SHAMALL!, Alan Parsons!, Deep Purple!, Cheap Trick!, Skid Row, Motor Head!, Paul Brian Stuckey, Killswitch Engage!, Leny Kravitz!, Kat Woman!, Tommy Aldrige!, Nate Kezerian, Marcus Miller, "Stormun" Norman Brown!!, Hurricane!, Hydeway!, Jimmy LLoyd Rea, George Clinton!, The Rippingtons!, Mel Davis, Junior Lima, Chris Adams, CHOP!, The National Syndicated Music Awards!, The Indie Music Awards!, Sifu Stephen Doe, Kevin Montgomery!, Blake Davis!, Blue Sky Alive!, Escape TV, Nostra Records, Saphire, DJ Kara Sun, Tonya, AJ's Tavern!, Marty Bellinger & CBS International!, RCA Music!, Tony & Lisa at Laser Vision!, Desert Moon Recording Studio in Anaheim CA!, The very lovely D'VIL MONROE Booking Agent for the Blue Parrot Cafe - Long Beach - Ca - [email protected]!, SADE!, Ted Nugent, George Clinton!, Brian McKnight!, Pat Metheny!, Bon Jovi!, The very Beautiful & Talented Beyonce!, Kenny Loggins!, Marigold Tokyo!, TIGE!, Donnie Edwards!, Rachel Stewart!, MICHELLE!, Romulus Dieujuste (A Total Godsend)!, James Largotta!, XOLA!, Joshua Brandon, Greg Vail & www.gregvail.com(Little Brother)!, Mikol Kramer!, FM!, Melissa!, Aron Tutt!, LadyCro Presence!, Larry Antonino!, All of the Razzor Sharp Crew!, Starr Parudi!, Mike Reno!, Legends of Jazz, Especially Tony Parham!, Becki Brown!, F'Lana Star (Beautiful Inspirational Talent!), Shannon C!, Tila Tequilla (Ouch)!, Kittie (Rockin Katz), KingsCastle, HIM, Lakrea!, Jamie!, Heavy Grinder, MONICA, INDIE 104iRadio LA, Under Ground Railroad Productions!, Music Nation, Lemon, Guru Project, Tara Mallia, Tila Tequilla, Tonya, Kings Castle, Sifu Stephen Doe, RockStar Management, Venice, Babylon A.D.!, Tyketto!, Tangier!, Toshi Iseda!, Bruce Hall!, James Taylor!, Michael Bolton!, Kirk Whalum!, RACH, CHRIS, Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, Femme Fatale, Kevin Darish, Daniel J, InterState, S Doun, Larissa, Will Stark, Gruvonya, Elevated DVP, Gary Taylor, Freeway, Jeff of Super No. 7, Interstate, Aron Meyer, Larissa, Callin, Savanah, Blake Davis, MySpace Records, Jack Mystery, The Dead, The Morning After, The Yes Men, Shoot Film, Conceptone, Kat Woman, Donnie Edwards, The Swains, Lakrea, Studio AKT, Groom Lake, Jack Mystery, Conceptone, William, Mathew Sax, The Blooms, Rick Denzien!, Ron Sparks, Tara Malia, Shiltz, Financial Aid Podcast, STEWBONE, Escape TV, Amy, Sonni, John Madler, Sexy Doll, Nice Big Daddy Peaytt, Noise Ratio, Jimmy Ray's Ring of Fire, The S-156 Project, Alex M, Rochelle Gordon!, Lee Ferrell!, Howie Mandel!, Henry Winkler!, Andrew, Your Teacher, Uli Behringer! & all of the Behringer Technical Support, Design Engineers, & Artist Relations Team, Glen Darcey at AKAI, Peter & Mark Melborn at Roland USA, Gibson Artist Relations, Randall Amplifiers Custom Design & Artist Relations, Risson Cabs, Furman Power conditioners, Applied Research Technologies (ART), Alesis, Crown Power Amplifiers, The Technical Support & Design Team at Presonus, Ibanez Artist Relations, Ovation Custom Design Team, Alvarez Artist Relations, Guitar Center of Las Vegas, Electro Voice, Monster Cables Artist Relations, Ultimate Support Artist Relations, AKG Artist Relations, Nady Artist Relations, Digitech Artist Relations, Yamaha Sevice Corp, Audio Technica Artist Relations & Wireless Systems Technical Support Team, Antares Vocal Products, TC Helicon, BBE Sound Inc, Gator Flight and Studio Rack Cases, LIVE Wire Advantage, Senheiser, Bose Artist Relations, Mike at Provost Custom Design Team, Peterbuilt Custom Motor Division, S.J.C. & Associates (Joyce)!, Beverly Hills Hummer, Charles at Beverly Hills Bently!, Charles Chase at CHASE AIR for the great job on the new 747 (chaseair.com), Boeing Inc, Dan at Yamaha Artist Relations, Eminence Speakers of London LLC Artist Relations & Tech Support/Design Team, Ludwig/Pulse Artist Relations, Paiste, Gibralter, Zildjian, & Wuhan Cymbals, PDP, Latin Percussion, REMO Drum Heads, EVANS Drum Heads, DW Drum Pedals, Pro-Mark Sticks, Guardian instrument cases, SKB Artist Relations, MCM Electronics (Many more to be added when TIME is available)


All music on this site was written, arranged, produced, and all guitars performed by Tynan Hart and some of the current members of Razzor Sharp (TM) since 1989. All songs and art on this site are COPYRIGHT PROTECTED: 1982, 1985, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008 in conjunction with "Killer Image" (TM) Music Publishing (TM), "Razzor Sharp" (TM) Boyz Inc., "The Live, Love & Give (TM) International Foundation", and "Eye of the TY" (TM) Custom Art by Tynan Hart.


Stage Manager:

Please send e-mail w/qualifications to [email protected] or call Agent, Roderick Johnson, no drugs, verifiable references, MUST HAVE current passport, Clean DMV, (MID 6 figure$), EOE, and you WILL become a part of the "Razzor Sharp" (TM) Family!! Ex-Military/Spec OPs and retired Military ENCOURAGED & Desired!


The song "DO YOU FEEL THEIR PAIN" (3rd song in on "Country N Political") will be aired as a music video featuring only DOCUMENTARY FOOTAGE OF HOMELESS CHILDREN IN AMERICA. Any FILM CREWS and PRODUCERS wishing to donate production and film experience to this important video, please e-mail Tynan at [email protected] or write to: Tynan Hart, The "Live, Love & Give" (TM) International Foundation, DYFPT Project, PO Box 530598, Henderson, NV 89053 or call Mark at (702) 340-9978 (Only serious inquiries Please!-International CREDIT will be given!!!) The band will not physically appear in this video except in the form of credits as they wish the attention to be directed to the cause.

They will also forfeit any administration fees so that as much of the proceeds as possible goes to HELPING HOMELESS CHILDREN and HOMELESS & BATTERED MOTHERS WITH CHILDREN in America and other countries as well as the many directives of The Live, Love & Give (TM) International Foundation. We will also be doing a similar video addressing the World-Wide situation with the song "Future World" and a video addressing the Afghanistan conflict centered around the AWARD NOMINATED song "Afghan Eyes".

********ATTENTION********Las Vegas/Henderson LADIES: For the absolute best massage & Reiki in town call Rebecca owner of Body, Mind & Soul (TM) 2008. She is the ABSOLUTE best at healing Stress, emotional distress, Tired aching Feet, Neck, Back & Shoulder pain from working entirely too hard. She is a State Licensed Massage Therapist in which she went to school for years and continues her education to date. She has openings for a few new clients. She has Reasonable rate and best of all she will come to your home. Absolutely NO Men or Husband/Wife massages, she is a healer, not a prostitute!!! Call now and spoil your self by the best Therapeutic Massage Therapist in the State. (702) 768-1304 After 10am or E-Mail her at (TM): [email protected]
If you put these bands in a blender it would come moderately close to the Razzor Sharp sound: "Rush", "The Rippingtons", "Bon Jovi", "Joe Satriani", "Kenny Chesney", "The LA PhilHarmonic Orchestra", & "The Scorpions", but then again, you'd have to put my 3200+ songs in all my genres in there too, which are all EXTREMELY ORIGINAL styles of ME, Wouldn't you? And of course you'd have to add all the bandz we rotate in our top 24! That would be one BIG Azz blender!!! Put it this way, we're gonna redefine music in a whole NEW way! The songs on this page so far barely touch what we will sound like!!! They're like a pimple on an elephant's ass!

We don't sound like Axel Ritt! This man is in a class all of his own! If you want to hear the fastest, blistering, melodic leads ever, Click on Axel, he's in our top FAVs! You won't regret it. You have ours and Tynan's word on it!
Record Label: Razzor Sharp Boyz LLC (TM) Internal Recording
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Enough is ENOUGH-quote; to our IDIOT Presidents, by the people & for the People!!!!!

WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT TO TURN ON THE TV AND HEAR ANY U.S. PRESIDENT, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN GIVE THE FOLLOWING SPEECH? " My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been c...
Posted by on Fri, 09 Jan 2009 04:42:00 GMT

Tired of the same old Pitty Party &so called Music- Read o n

If you're tired of the same old "Self Servant", can't tell which band is which, try listening to Tynan Hart and the Bad Boyz of Razzor Sharp (TM). REAL ROCK! REAL LEADZ! Tynan haz over 3200 songz to...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jan 2009 16:07:00 GMT

Razzor Sharp Aquired by NEW Management, check it out

The Famed MOM SAVAGE, ex-manager of Guns N Roses has come out of retirement for what she calls truly exceptional music that the Public Absolutely has to hear! This team Asset finalizes this month. We ...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 03:54:00 GMT

Finally Razzor Sharp's Debut, Kickiin Ass in a HUGE way!

The VERY long awaited NEW RAZZOR SHARP DEBUT is off the ground in a big way and hitting the Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas with a VENGANCE of STYLE! You will see your all time FAVORITE members from...
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 04:47:00 GMT

Subsequent Definitions

 Copyright 2006, Tynan Hart           SUBSEQUENT DEFINITIONSMusic defines the image of personalityPersonality is the source of definitionDefinition emerges from a creative mindSubsequent definition...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 14:04:00 GMT

Special thanx from Tynan Hart to CHOP

Long time friend of Tynan Hart, the Lead Guitarist of Razzor Sharp, Chop"THE MOST UNCLEAN" CHOP at http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPro file&friendID=435459328, is a band ever...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 00:39:00 GMT

A Piece of Pencil and Paper

Copyright 2006, Tynan Hart                   A PIECE OF PENCIL AND PAPERA piece of pencilAs a piece of mindPaper is memoryNo coherent guidelines                     Songs emerge from endless feeling...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Dec 2008 14:10:00 GMT

Special Thanx to Bassist, Leo Song from Tynan Hart & Razzor Sharp

Tynan Hart & All the Boyz of Razzor Sharp would like to extend SPECIAL Thanx to Leo, Premier Bassist & Improv front man for hiz help on some of the new Razzor Sharp trax! He added a real ORIGINAL so...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:33:00 GMT

Special Thanx to Vocalist, Jeff Gunn from Tynan Hart & Razzor Sharp

Tynan Hart & All the Boyz of Razzor Sharp would like to extend SPECIAL Thanx to Jeff Gunn, Premier Vocalist & Improv front man for his help on the (4) "Brand New Razzor Sharp" medley trax! He added ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:18:00 GMT

Special Thanx to Larry Antonino, Bassist & SongWriter from Tynan Hart & Razzor Sharp

Tynan Hart & All the Boyz of Razzor Sharp would like to extend a VERY SPECIAL Thanx to Larry Antonino, Premier "KICK AZZ" Bassist , Song Writer& Improv front man for hiz help on the "Slashin Razzor"...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 18:54:00 GMT