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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hello and good evening! I'm Ben and I am a writer, currently working on comic book projects across the board. It has been my lifelong dream to write for a living, and I am on that uphill struggle to make it! I'm Scottish, I enjoy a good cup of tea and await your emails!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The world! Everyone has something to say, a new story for me to hear. Sitting in coffee shops is a great place to people watch and make notes that I could use later..... But I'd love to meet anyone who wants to give me more writing work! Really...

My Blog


My last post was on the.........30th of August 2007 (Yes I had to go back and check that).Why the update now? When it's obviously clear I have better use of my time in other places? Why yes that IS a ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Dec 2008 01:26:00 GMT

year 1

as i sit here in my comfy bed, pretty sure i have something to do today, i can not help but float back to my uni days and think about all the fun and excitment i had. i think this goes out the all the...
Posted by on Wed, 14 Dec 2005 04:50:00 GMT