K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ profile picture

K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

♥ Hi I'm Kelly If you cant' tell ♥ ♥ I'm Emo and Punk, Yes it's possible ♥♥ I'm Bi ♥deal with it. ♥I'm Italian and Hungarian w/ a few other things mixed in but mostly Italian♥ ♥I'm Bi-polar, I have A.D.D. and I'm Clinically Depressed, but i USUALLY take medicine for all of them so im not a crazy person...but if i don't feel like taking my meds then i wont. simple as that.♥ ♥ If you Don't Like me tough luck ♥ ♥Im a ninja♥ ♥i got hit with a baseball once and it broke veins..it hurt like hell so be careful at baseball games k?♥ ♥ I Love the Heartagram ♥ ♥ My dad is in prison and has been for a while ♥ ♥ My brother has AIDS ♥ ♥ Don't feel sorry for me ♥ ♥ I AM a Fright Fest Groupie ♥ Deal With it.♥ ♥ I LOVE Evil Clownz, You could say I'm Obsessesed ♥ ♥Werewolves=Hotness♥ ♥ Hot Topic is my Favorite store Don't call it Goth & Go ♥ ♥ I am gonna be a Dolphin Trainer ♥ ♥ Daytona beach is the best City in the World ♥ ♥ I ♥ Zombies ♥ ♥the people that work at fright fest are the best people ever♥ ♥ Anime is ugly and pointless ♥ ♥ I will have an H2 Hummer eventually ♥ ♥ I love Hoodies...theyre are comfy and warm ♥ ♥ If you don't like me or Evil clownz, i will make sure the clownz kill you! ♥ ♥ Living Bushes are real ♥ ♥ I dont really like MOST preps, Deal with it ♥ ♥ I am in love with the playboy bunny head ♥ ♥ i almost got expelled from school ♥ ♥ Im getting my first name changed to Shilo ♥ ♥ I love rollercoasters the taller and faster, the better ♥ ♥ My friends are the best you can find ♥ ♥ I am a ditz that has blonde moments 24/7 but you can get over it ♥ ♥I always dye my hair♥ ♥I kinda dont know the naural color anymore♥ ♥I did my tattoo layouts im getting about 20 of them♥ ♥I have 12 piercings im getting about 6 more♥ ♥Pink Guns are hott♥ ♥i know the thriller dance and its pretty funny♥ ♥me wearing black shouldnt scare you...♥ ♥I hate it when people tell me what to do, let me figure things out on my own♥ ♥i have fucking ugly scars and it sux♥ ♥NASCAR is cool♥ ♥ The heartagram is for HIM♥ ♥I wear bunny ears to Fright Fest and i think that was a bad idea♥ ♥ I wish i were 18 if u know me you'll understand why♥ ♥Bracelets are cool♥ ♥ Did you know that Guns go bang?♥ ♥I'm pretty much obsessed with Drinking Propel fitness water♥ ♥I got licked by a werewolf♥ ♥Punk+Emo=Pemo...Pemo=Me♥ ♥ I have a RAZR phone its new! hopefully i wont drop it when i play DDR♥ ♥I pretty much rock at DDR , i play Standard♥ ♥ Im always up for a challenge at it♥ ♥DDR is Dance Dance Revolution for those of you who don't know that♥ ♥Im OK at ITG2♥ ♥ Thats In the Groove 2 for those of you who didnt know that either...lame-o's♥ ♥ I play lead guitar in a band called Emerald City ♥ ♥I have 3 guitars...an emerald colored fender, a black fender and my baby..a gibson Flying V♥ ♥ I think wait no im pretty sure we will be famous♥Nsync needs to get back together cuz they rocked and lance bass was extremely hott♥ ♥ AIM ♥ DDRQueenx06x ♥ XXEmoxKissesXX13 ♥ XoXoGunsxGoxBang ♥ EmoxDDRxQueenx06 ♥ LuvEvilClownz3♥ ♥ Yea I like X's and Screennames ♥ ♥ Yahoo!! ♥ Property_of_the_evil_clownz ♥ MSN ♥ scarebearf.f.13 ♥ So I.M. me if you wanna.... ♥ People I ♥... ♥Lisa♥,Shannon♥,Becky♥,The WereWolves♥,The Evil Clownz♥,Joe♥AND MOST OF ALL My MOM♥ Things i hate... Posers♥ People Who pretend that they know bands♥ stalkers♥ People who love to label me♥ Abercrombie & Fitch♥ People who hurt helpless animals♥ Guys who stand me up♥ people who talk shit behing my back or people who talk shit but wont do anything to back it up♥♥ Go look at my full profile now ♥ ♥; Leave Comments please ♥ ♥ If you like it.... Be Jealous. ♥ ♥I LOVE CHRIS♥ ♥I Love Famous Stars and Straps♥

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My Interests

~♥~EVIL CLOWNZ!!!!.... gotta love em..they rock my sox!!! ~♥~guys~♥~ scary movies~♥~swimming~♥~playing Badmiton~♥~playing Guitar in my band~♥~writing songs ~♥~ poems~♥~ cds~♥~dance dance revolution~♥~fright fest~♥~jewelry~♥~marine biology~♥~my fav store hot topic~♥~TOXICjeans~♥~bracelets~♥~perfor ming~♥~singing~♥~swimming~♥~surfing~&he arts;~skateboarding~♥~zumiez~♥~adio shoes~♥~dc shoes~♥~volcom~♥~kickass hoodies~♥~famous stars and straps~♥~benji madden~♥~poker~♥~dancing~♥~being stupid~♥~yelling at random people~♥~shiny objects~♥~sharp objects~♥~fire~♥~people that work at fright fest~♥~guys in kilts~♥~piercings and tattoos ~♥~

They Rock my Sox!!! I LOVE EVIL CLOWNZ!!!

I'd like to meet:

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♥//I already met the guy i love♥// More Evil Clownz!! ♥//Zacky Vengeance♥//Synyster Gates♥//The Rev.♥//M. Shadows♥//Johnny Christ♥//all of Panic! at the Disco♥//people that like evil clownz ♥//Benji madden ♥//John Cena ♥//The Undertaker ♥//Jamie McMurray♥//Jeff Gordon♥//Tony from Mest ♥//Bam Margera♥//HIM ♥// Dave Mirra ♥//Travis Barker ♥//Nicole Richie♥//Ville Valo♥//PETE WENTZ!!♥//Lance Bass&heart;//

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Hey..Yeah You Better Be Leavin Me a Comment!


x[♥]xGood Charlottex[♥]Bullet For My Valentinex[♥]From First to Lastx[♥]xBlink 182x[♥]xGreen Dayx[♥]xMxPxx[♥]xRancidx[♥]xHIMx[&heart s;]xMy Chemical Romance

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x[♥]xGreen Dayx[♥]xThe Usedx[♥]x Weezerx[♥]xFallout boyx[♥]x all american rejectsx[♥]xMatchbook Romancex[♥]xUnderoathx[♥]xACDCx[♥]xMeta llicax[♥]x311x[♥]xHoobastankx[♥]xBeasti e boysx[♥]xP.O.D.x[♥]xLinkin Parkx[♥]xIncubusx[♥]xStory of the Yearx[♥]xPapa Roachx[♥]xNew found gloryx[♥]xBon Jovix[♥]xKornx[♥]xSimple Planx[♥]xColdplayx[♥]xSlipknotx[♥]xThe exiesx[♥]xeve 6x[♥]xThe curex[♥]xEisleyx[♥]xWheatusx[♥]xStellar cartx[♥]xsalivax[♥]xgodsmackx[♥]x3 doors downx[♥]xthree days gracex[♥]xTraptx[♥]xDisturbedx[♥]xCross fadex[♥]xthree 6 mafiax[♥]xavenged sevenfoldx[♥]xKISSx[♥]xThricex[♥]xThe Misfitsx[♥]x...ICPx[♥]xCkYx[♥]xpercepti onx[♥]xThe Ramonesx[♥]x KILLSWITCH ENGAGEx[♥]xflogging mollyx[♥]xu2x[♥]xcoheed and cambriax[♥]xbowling for soupx[♥]xthe killersx[♥]x the whox[♥]xsublimex[♥]xstratax[♥]xskindred x[♥]xunwritten lawx[♥]xjimmy eat worldx[♥]xdeftonesx[♥]xlost prophetsx[♥]xthe hivesx[♥]xrooneyx[♥]xdashboard confessionalx[♥]xstaindx[♥]xbeastie boysx[♥]x eminemx[♥]xevanescencex[♥]xhawthorne heightsx[♥]xand My Band EMERALD CITY!x[♥]x now for the lamer music i like....x[♥]xNsyncx[♥]x Trace Adkinsx[♥]x Big & Richx[♥]x Martina McBridex[♥]x Tim McGrawx[♥]x LonestarI Think thats about it..... but yea i like punk/emo, country, pop, metal, and all kinds of other shit...i wouldnt live without my music

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♥*Finding Nemo*♥*♥*Underworld*♥*All the Blade movie esp. Trinity*&hearts*Halloween Ressurection*♥*Jason X*♥*Freddy vs. Jason*♥*Charlie and the Chocolate Factory*♥*War of the worlds*♥*the nightmare before christmas*♥*the grinch*♥*the others*♥*killer clowns from outerspace*♥*anything with jason voorhees *♥*corpse bride*♥*13 ghosts*♥*saving private ryan*♥* the lion king *♥* Jack Ass*♥*IT*♥*The day after tommorrow*♥*The Sandlot*♥*Grease*♥*Dirty dancing*♥*lords of dogtown*♥*the ring*♥*saw*♥*shark tale*♥* flipper*♥*free willy*♥* I FUCKING LOVE DORI!!!!

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*♥*Family Guy*♥*Smallville*♥*Viva La Bam*♥* anything on mtv or vh1*♥* celebrity poker*♥* WWE Raw and Smackdown*♥* WWE pay per views*♥*bill engvall*♥*larry the cable guy*♥*Charmed*♥*


♥...MOSH PIT♥...♥...The DaVinci Code... ♥ ... ♥...The Tale of Despereaux...♥...♥... My brother has Aids...♥...♥...The Blair which files...♥...♥...IT...♥...♥...Cuj o... ♥...♥..."A Child Called IT"...♥...Give a boy a gun♥


%♥%Benji Madden%♥%my mom%♥% my older brother jim%♥%beckah%♥%Dave (evil clown from fright fest)%♥%all my friends%♥%my dad%♥%eddie guerrero%♥%all evil clownz%♥%john cena%♥%

My Blog

hey so yeah chris left me....

so yea...last night chris didnt know if he wanted me any more...no one could find nor get a hold of him until 6 o clock today...when i finally did hear from him all he had to say was... To Bad. Im don...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 05:20:00 PST

extremely sad thing that happened to me...please read...

hey guys sooooo yea this is sad... my dad died tuesday night at heinz v.a. hospital... he had a stroke about 2 weeks ago and died from complications during surgery... his wake and everything was today...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 06:49:00 PST


hey so yea... im doing good...me and chris are doing good havent fought in a while...yay! anywayz i just got a job...i start sometime next week...the target in oswego come visit me sometime!! lol $7.5...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 11:21:00 PST

My Trip 2 Florida and all other stuff from recently....

so yea as u all kno i went to florida...it was soooo much fun.......i loved it...yea i got to swim with dolphins, stingrays, sharks, and tropical fishes!...it was awesome...i loved swimming with the d...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 04:23:00 PST

So we fixed it.......

so me and chris fixed eveything thank god. the whole allstate thing was a misunderstanding so today were going to his youth group 4 a while (ha its gonna be funny cuz 4 one they all know im an atghie...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Fri, 28 Jul 2006 11:11:00 PST

Avenged Sevenfold Stuff sooo funny!!!!

THE AVENGED SEVENFOLD BIBLE M. Shadows puts the "laughter" in "manslaughter" Synyster Gates can slam revolving doors. The chief export of The Rev is pain. Johnny Christ counted to infinity...twice. Za...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:02:00 PST


hey guess what? A 2 ton tree fell on our van monday night in carpentersville we no longer have anything to drive and insurance wont do anything grrr. so we dont have a computer or a car my bf went to ...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Thu, 20 Jul 2006 11:00:00 PST


omg! i had soo much fun... i went to thew USG Sheetrock 400 at joliet on sunday i had sooo much fun..... even though my driver came in 39th! tear.. but my other driver won!! jeff gordon! just barely t...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 02:09:00 PST


Alright so... my computer is still crashed at the moment i have 5 new pics but i cant put them up.... grrrr and theyre really hot because i died my hair again!! its ca dark brown with a red cast to it...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 10:48:00 PST

Damn It!!!!!!

alright so my computer crashed!! grrrrrrrr and we could get it running again if we could remember the password thingy since we cant we need 2 get these 3 200$ discs! yay. lol so the thing is making me...
Posted by K. Shadowz (Damn Precious) ♥ on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 02:33:00 PST