Captain Jeffrey's Musical Chumbuckets ♪ profile picture

Captain Jeffrey's Musical Chumbuckets ♪

About Me

Our Band Name izzah Blaaaah hehehe..."CAPT. JEFFREY AND HIS MUSICAL CHUMBUCKETS" Born And Raised in the San Fernando Valley,Ca. Yes people where Ritchie Valens Himself was from! In the band we have Capt. Jeffrey "eveybody"-singing and slidin' on the lap steel, J.Carlos Reynoso on Drums,Eli Hathaway on thee Rhythm guitar, Zach Mayerwitz smokin the Trumpet, And Mr. Patrick Morrison on Leading Electrified guitar. Kids amazed by good Ol' American Music! Roots music from the land we grew up on. WE are a very fun mix of Western Swing And Rockabilly. Always sittin and leanin on the fun fact of Jazz music. Artist like Emmett Miller(Minstrel Man From Georgia) ,Django Reinhardt, Fats Waller, Louis Armstrong, Cab Calloway, and etc. The love for Western Swing stayed and grew in us thanx to the amazing sounds of The Lightcrust Doughboys. folllowing the originators of the members in that band we also listen to the daddy of it all Mr. MIlton Brown With his Musical Brownies, and Mr. Bob Wills And The Texas Playboys.The moment this Music hit our ears It was a Big Tidal Wave of joy and chills throughout every new but old recording of such great people who sang beautiful jazz numbers. Rockabilly being the first man we ran into through our years of being in school. We then grew to find everything we now have found.we have been a band for about five years. And we are a band of fun loving clownish brotherhood.

My Interests


Member Since: 31/10/2005
Band Members:
Influences: Just Listen????
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Type of Label: Major

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