wHeN thIngS aRe roUgH aNd yOu feEL lOsT,
juSt caLL oN mE anD i'LL bE thErE aT aNy coSt...
i'LL dO tHiS bEcaUsE i cArE FoH YaH..
i'LL stiCk bY yoUr siDe nO mAtteR wHAt yoU dO..
I aM alWays bE yoUr friEnd thRough thiCk anD tHin...
juSt aS foH mE, u hAve alwAyS bEEn...
My Interests
dAnciNg,liSteNin to dAh rAdiO...tALkin to dAh foNe,chiLLin wiTh mAh frIends..
rNb aNd reGgaE...bUt lOvE soNgS cAn bE mAh fAvE iF iM emOtiOnallY unStabLe...:/