Talus profile picture


URUZ - The Legendary Auroch - Patron of Strength

About Me

My thumb presses hard on the dial afraid if I should move my hand away the volume will mysteriously fall to a dulled silence.
All comments are subject to moderation.
Survey: Highlight spaced area for subject
I'm working on fixing it

Name: Talus
Date of Birth: 05/27/84
Birthplace: Millard Filmore
Current Location: the ghetto of suburbia
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Height: 5'8"
Heritage: 75% Polish, 25% German
Piercings: Both Ears
Tattoos: none
Band/Singer: KurDt Cobain
Song: You Know You're Right
Movie: SLC Punk
Disney Movie: wtf?
TV show: Dogfights
Color: Warm Colors
Food: Kielbasa
Pizza topping: Cheese..?
Ice-Cream Flavor: Chocolate
Drink (alcoholic): Smirnoff Ice
Soda: Pepsi
Store: JC Penny
Clothing Brand: Levi
Shoe Brand: Adidas
Season: Autumn
Month: Early November
Holiday/Festival: Easter
Flower: Riosamba
Make-Up Item: its sorta like chapstick but different
Board game: Castle Risk
This or That:
Sunny or rainy: Rainy
Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
Fruit or veggie: Veggies
Night or day: Night
Sour or sweet: Both
Love or money: Money
Phone or in person: In Person
Looks or personality: Personality
Coffee or tea: Tea
Hot or cold: Cold
Goal for this year: To Kick Your Ass
Most missed memory: ...dont have one
Best physical feature: my stomach
First thought waking up: "Fuck"
Hypothetical personality disorder: OCD
Preferred type of plastic surgery: wtf?
Sesame street alter ego: wtf?
Fairytale alter ego: wtf?
Most stupid remark: wtf?
Worst crime: never convicted *wink*
Greatest ambition: To sentence "God" to "Hell"
Greatest fear: Lack of Control
Darkest secret: I really hate my family
Favorite subject: World History
Strangest received gift: everything ive ever recieved from my "family"
Worst habit: Biting
Do You:
Smoke: Yes
Drink: Yes
Curse: Fuck Off
Shower daily: I shower before I go somewhere...
Like thunderstorms: YES
Dance in the rain: wtf?
Sing: Yes
Play an instrument: Yes
Get along with your parents: No
Wish on stars: wtf?
Believe in fate: No
Believe in love at first sight: Yes
Can You:
Drive: Yes
Sew: Yes
Cook: Yes
Speak another language: No
Dance: No
Sing: Yes
Touch your nose with your tongue: No
Whistle: Yes
Curl your tongue: Yes
Have You Ever:
Been Drunk: Yes
Been Stoned/High: Yes
Eaten Sushi: No
Been in Love: Yes
Skipped school: Yes
Made prank calls: Yes
Sent someone a love letter: Yes
Stolen something: Yes
Cried yourself to sleep: Yes
Other Questions:
What annoys you most in a person? Deciet
Are you right or left handed? Right
What is your bedtime? 4AM
Name three things you can't live without: Sex, Marijuana & Music
What is the color of your room? You mean your room is all 1 color? You're fucking strange.
Do you have any siblings? No
Do you have any pets? No
Would you kill someone you hate for a million dollars? No, You would never evade the taxes. Impossible.
What is you middle name? I don't like my middle name, but it's "Alan"
What are you nicknames? Asshole
Are you for or against gay marriage? For
Abortion? Take a walk in my shoes
Do you have a crush on anyone? Cristina Scabbia .. mmm..
Are you afraid of the dark? No
How do you want to die? In my sleep
What is the largest amount of popsicles that you have eaten on one day? wtf?
Would you take a bullet for the one you love? Maybe
What is the last law you’ve broken? Do I look fucking stupid?
In a Member of the Opposite Sex:
Hair color: Red
Eye color: Brown
Height 5'0" - 5'5"
Weight 100 - 120 lbs.
Most important physical feature: Mouth
Biggest turn-off Crying
Thrice - Under A Killing Moon
Megadeth - Holy Wars

My Interests

I enjoy playing and watching football. Thats the only sport I generally like. I also write and listen to music. My dream guitar is an epiphone les paul black beauty (a la matt heafy). I enjoy playing FPS and Strategy games. Um.. thats about it really.


Children of Bodom, Strapping Young Lad, Trivium, Thrice, Story of the Year, Sevendust, The Used, My Chemical Romance, Coheed and Cambria, Foo Fighters, Nirvana, HIM, Muse, Taku Iwasaki, The Prom Kings, Tupac, Megadeth, Silverstein, Slipknot, Ozzy, Underoath, Candlebox, Chevelle, Blindside, Papa Roach, Pink Floyd, Pearl Jam, The Cure, Eagles, Faith and the Muse, Fallout Boy, 12 Stones, Alice in Chains, Fuel, AudioSlave, Soundgarden, Avenged Sevenfold, Beethoven, Agent Provocateur, AFI, Killswitch Engage, Korn, Kanye West, DJ Ra, Green Day, Hawthorne Heights, Hot Hot Heat, Gorillaz, Good Charlotte, Future Leaders of the World, Godhead, The Exies, The Offspring, Spineshank, Ill Nino, Incubus, James Last, Roberta Flack, Refused, Saves The Day, Seether, Queens of the Stone Age, Queen, The Scorpions, Franz Ferdinand, Breaking Banjamin, Smile Empty Soul, Snot, A Perfect Circle, Tool, Atomship, Atreyu, Anthrax, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Fear Factory, Flaw, Trans-Siberian Orchestra, Trapt, The Who, Machine Head, Moments In Grace, Mudvayne, Mr Bigg, Motley Crue, Sponge, Staind, Cold, Smashing Pumpkins, Crossfade, Coldplay, Pantera, Damage Plan, Lost Prophets, Local H, Stone Temple Pilots, Velvet Revolver, Guns n Roses, Chicane, Matchbox 20, Stereomud, 30 Seconds to Mars, Hed PE, Mushroom Head, Nine Inch Nails,



Real Time with Bill Maher, Inside the NFL, Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel, Eureka, Stargate SG1/Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Headbangers Ball, Steven's Untitled Rock Show, Sirius Satellite Radio (Octane, AltNation, Faction, Shade45), MindFreak, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Inked,


I dont read very much but the best books Ive ever read are from the Necroscope series by Brian Lumley. Brian Lumley writes alot better than Anne Rice if you ask me... but he has a tendency to babble sometimes.


Kurt Donald Cobain(KurDt) and my grandfather(Papa)

Rest In Pieces

My Blog

I Raped Mary Magdalan

All poser prepackaged bullshit will be obliterated.I warned you, and you ignored me. So now you get punched in the mouth, so to speak.I bet you regret stepping up to me, dont you? :D...
Posted by Talus on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 11:33:00 PST


Listen, I'm not an idiot. I dont just listen to whatever you tell me to. I like bands like Pantera, Irritant and EOE for a reason; because they have talent. When you send a friend request, request a l...
Posted by Talus on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:40:00 PST

Story of the Statue Pic

There is a small story to the statue I have posted in my pics section. I heard, through the internet, of a spanish noble sometime after the brutally-famous Spanish Inquisition who had this statue erec...
Posted by Talus on Sat, 26 May 2007 12:54:00 PST

Holy Mother

In each religion there is a common belief in a single woman. Call her mary; god; isis; ishtar... from christianity, paganism to buddhism, hinduism and even islam... all know her. The ancient egyptians...
Posted by Talus on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 02:18:00 PST


Talus You feel the need to pace the speed But I cant stand to wait. All this hate you'll bait with taint But how could you expect a Saint? I am no angel or demon seed. I am no bird that's finally fre...
Posted by Talus on Mon, 16 Jan 2006 02:19:00 PST