Bonsoir, I'm Lily.
I hate having long nails because all I do is bite them.
I love my friends and my family and all the other people in my life who make my world continue turning just by being themselves.
I love Platty.
I hate it when people are disappointed in me.
I love my dogs.
I hate bull fighting and how farmers make pate by forcefeeding geese (I also hate whaling, because its pointless. There are less then four thousand humpback whales in the wild...)
I love to swim- it doesn't matter where: sea, swimming pool, paddling pool, puddles- I don't care.
I hate it when I think I've woken up and dream that I'm up then wake up and realise I'm verrryyyyy late.
I hate creulty to animals.
I love singing in the shower.
I hate it when my bubble bursts.
I love Joy's teabags.
I love Jess' cookies.
I hate it when I swim into people.
I think I love cake most of all.
I hate needing to pee when I'm in a car and there's no possible way it will stop and we're driving over speed bumps.
I love to write.
I hate running out of raisins.
I love Libraries and Book Shops. And those people you find in Libraries and Book Shops who you know are there just because they love books THAT much. Like the ones who take your library card and look at it longlingly, even though they already have about forty of their own, plastered to their wall, above their bed with the Harry Potter duvet cover, in a shrine to the book world.
I hate it when my phone goes off in Libraries and Book Shops.
I love tangents.
I hate the fact that Tony dies but Maria has to go on living. And that she doesn't shoot Chino.
I love being on the top of the 363 on the way down Crystal Palace Hill.
I hate goodbyes.
I love hellos. And the bit in the middle between the hellos and the goodbyes.
I love beginnings but I hate endings.
I want an ideology.