Glitter Graphics - Topglittergraphics Iam 43,I have reddish brown hair & green eyes.Ive been devorced about 12yrs.I have 3 kids ages 25,23,&16.I have 1 grandson,3 years old.They are the reaso
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n my heart beats.I truly believe God gave them to me to show me what unconditional love really is.Ive made alot of mistakes in my life,but my kids have always been there for me and i truly believe they always will be.The only thing that comes close to a childs love for thire mather is a mathers love for her child.Its truly unbelieveable.I believe nothing in life worth having is free.My dad taught me you work hard for what you want and need.Nothing is going to be gave to you.Ive lived by this,I work hard,try to treat people the way I want to be treated.Iam not A perfect person so sometimes I slip,but I dont give up.I just try harder.Iam A small town country girl,with small town values.Dont really care what people think about me as long as its the truth.Really bothers me if they think Iam something Iam not.Like I said Iam not A perfect person,I have personality dafaults like everone does,and Ive spent alot of time looking at them.So I know me better than anyone ever will.Sometimes Iam a little selfish,and through the years Ive gotten a little hard to get to know.Ive been told alot of times I didnt like you when I first meet you but now that Ive gotten to know you your a great person.Guss thats that wall Ive built around me.I figure if you care enough to take that wall down your A true freind,if not then you wanten worth it to begin with.The few who get past the outer part of me find A kind,caring,loving person who will do anything to help them when they are in need.But very few see the inside becouse they dont care enough to get past the outside.I try to always look at people for what they are inside not what they look like on the outside.thats how I want to be looked at.
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