Karim (Official Page) profile picture

Karim (Official Page)

About Me

I was born in Newark, New Jersey, and raised in South Florida for most of my life. I was brought up in the church, but never really knew who Jesus was. However, through a traumatic event in my life, I came to know the saving grace of our Lord. God used something that the enemy had intended for bad and turned it around for His glory. Shortly after recieving Christ, the Lord began to put people on my path who would guide me toward a closer relationship with the Him. I met a young believer named Nick R., who would later on become my best friend. He introduced me to Christian Hip Hop which ministered to my spirit, and was one of the factors in my spiritual growth. I enrolled at a Christian college and began trying to find ways to serve the Lord. Some of them include broadcast and writing a Christian children's book. However, the one outlet which has seemed to benefit the KINGdom most is my passion for Christian Hip Hop. I pray that my music ministers to you, as I have been ministered to.
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Member Since: 16/03/2008
Band Website: www.myspace.com/karimbmusic
Influences: Some of my biggest influences have been friends and Family. (Mom, Dad, MiMi, Nick, I love ya’ll). Others have been the people who did this Holy-Hip-Hop scene before me: Da’ Truth, Flame, Sho’ Baraka, Trip Lee, and so many more. These individuals, along with their record labels (Reach Records, Cross Movement, Etc), have had such a positive influence on my life, as well as many individuals and communities. It is my sincere desire to acquire a double portion of their blessings in ministry. My biggest influence however, has been my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Without Him nothing would be possible; but through Him everything has been.
Sounds Like: It’s been inspired by God. Don’t label me, just listen to music and let it run free.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Official Mixxtape release!!!!!!!!

Official Mixtape coming in the Fall, Get ready for it.  Some of the same hot songs remastered, and 4 new songs.  Expect 14 hot tracks to bump. Get ready for it.  Got some hot new beats that some of yo...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 06:26:00 GMT

Download Flashbacks FREE Today Only!

In memory of 9-11, My song Flashback To Towers will be available to download for free.  I hope this song strikes a chord in your hearts, minds and spirits.  God Bless, and be safe -Karim
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:22:00 GMT

Three New Singles!!!

Hey Guys, I just want to thank you all for supporting the music and this movement to spread the Gospel through music.  I just got out of the studio with three HOTT new singles.  Check them o...
Posted by on Wed, 09 Jul 2008 22:29:00 GMT


Hey Guys/Gals, Thank you all so much for your continued support.  I have been working diligently to bring you all a new single: and it is here.  Go onto my page and check out the new single ...
Posted by on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 23:28:00 GMT

Lucky Single Remastered

Hey guys, some of you may not have noticed, but there were some issues with the sound quality of my song lucky.  Thank you all for being so sharp.  We recorded it in a different studio than ...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 22:06:00 GMT

Massacre In Kenya

Greetings, "With Respect I am writing to you all to thank you for your willingness to join us in raising money for our fellow brothers and sisters in Kenya. In Dec of 2007 Kenya had its Presidential e...
Posted by on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 17:26:00 GMT

Group 1 Crew Concert

Photos from the Group 1 Crew Concert are up, it was a real blessing.  If you didnt come, you missed out.  THE HOUSE WAS PACKED!!!
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 00:52:00 GMT