My interests are broad, it helps to keep stress levels to a low. My passions: most outdoors activities i.e., camping, boat trips, fishing, water sports, hiking. Road trips~I often escape to B’more, NC, NY, or to the beach anywhere along the Eastern Shore to SC. Exercise~regularly so don't worry I will keep up. Leisure~theatre, movies, concerts once in while especially when one sparks my interest, art galleries and museums, just hanging out with friends, family or "me time" with my Brittany Spaniel. Community service~occasional volunteer or assist in fundraisers for a couple of favorite organizations.
I'm a Redskins fan, a Yankees fan and a Sixers fan so I don't mind watching most sports or ocassionally participating in some. Alas, I have joined the vast growing number of women who love Fantasy Football ... it's my drug.
Meet my Ohana
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Someone who knows how to rock climb or white water rafting.
All genre of music--actually the dial on my radio is fused to 94.7~The Arrow~ the capital of classic rock. Mostly it depends on what funk I am in--rock, classic rock, country, hawaiian, r&b, jazz, classical.Here are some of my songs from kSolo I wanted to share with you. For those of you who don't know about kSolo, it's a .. karaoke and you can record songs and sing with other members, listen to other members, rate other members, and yes meet other members ... it's fun! Try it you might like it! ..
I enjoy b/w classics, westerns (yes a big western fan), comedy, action, horror, documentaries, biographies, chick flix, foreign (and I won't even attempt to list any b/c there are too many).
24 (die-hard fan), Prison Break, Bones, House, Cold Case, The Unit, Without a Trace, Grey's Anatomy, CNN, Discovery Channel, History Channel, Comedy Central, ESPN~football, football, football. Newest shows: Brothers and Sisters, Ugly Betty (rocks)~she's my idol!
"To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is the meaning of success." ~ emerson
My family~they are key, my in-laws (I gave back the spouse but kept the in-laws)and my lifetime's accomplishment ~~Branden and Kala~~