I like MooG fests. Pork products. Learning how to talk dirty and influence people. Toilet humor. Really large boogers. Accessorizing my asshat. Trying to see it all, be it all, touch it all, and taste it all. Being Here Now. Tolerance. Honesty. Reliability. People watching. Ballyhoo. Wit. Willingness. Adventure. Why not. Poetry. Being on road trips with the windows down and the music up. Snowboarding. Zydeco. Wasabi and garlic mashed potatoes. Mig welding. Travelling in third world countries. Boys with beards. Being in the best and dumbest band ever. People who make me feel like Home. Sleeping in tents. Jumping in head first. Getting over myself. Every remix of "No Can Do" ever made. Helping. Hurting. Laughing until my stomach hurts. Lyrics. Listening. Being dumb. Farts never stop being funny. Undying hopeless romanticism. Excessively large flaming interactive art in the desert. Using the world's largest pair of whitey tightys as a hammock. Faith in chivalry.