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•Shes Not Like The Rest•

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So don't you push or be in a hurry
'Cause learning how to stand
Is why you fall

To handle yourself, use your head, to handle others, use your heart.
Anger is only one letter short of danger.
If someone betrays you once, it’s his fault, if he betrays you twice its yours.
Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, and small minds discuss people.
Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art.
Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same
A few good decisions makes you perfect.
A few bad decisions gets you on your feet again.
Have a little bit of fun - thats the way I do it.
Follow your dreams - make things happen.
Stick in at school and thank yourself later in life.
Take a deeper breath now and again.
Show them who's boss.
Be yourself.
Sit back. Relax. Make your point.
Don't let them think the worst of you.
The best is yet to come.
The bottle you drink is what makes your decisions.
The cigarette you smoke bares your future.
But we're here for today.
We are here to die. So die hard. Make life everything possible.
Don't waste time - because you'll never get that time back.
A little more purpose and a little less meaning.

Welcome. I'm Nia.
Nice to meet you.

And by the way. Everythings perfect right now.
Don't give yourself away.I pick and choose...
The Best Friend...
Right about now, if I'd found the right words to say I'd tell you you're safe and take hold of your hand I'll be there by your side for the rest of your life
We could fall off the end of the world

The Boyfriend...
It's always have and never hold You've begun to feel like home What's mine is yours to leave or take What's mine is yours to make your own
The Other Best Friend...
There you are in my thoughts again Fearing all we have is dead Taken time as the best of friends Please don't let me down again
The Girlfriend...
And if you're drinkin' well, you know That you're my friend and I say I think I'll have myself a beer
The Brother...
We rode across that bridge all night we talked our way through city lights traced all the lines we're killing time under those buzzing signs
What people have written about me...
Spam - Well, I'm Nia. You can usually find me in bushes, or else walking with a mission. This means, i only walk when absolutely neccessary. Other wise i simply choose not to move unless food is involved. I get annoyed rather easily, but don't worry. I don't take my anger out on anyone except Sam. Sam is a truely great person and i love her to pieces. Even when i hit her, she knows its a slap of love ♥. As well as English and T & T, I take French and Spanish A level for which i hit myself because of everyday. I enjoy getting tipsy and going bush diving. When not found doing the above I am usually stealing other peoples clothing (hats, scarves, hoodies - guard yours if i were you). As well as the above, i also manage to be sick all over my shoes, or on Sam for that matter. However, on occasions i have managed to control myself and always manage to declare my love for everyone. Yes, I'm a nice drunk. Sometimes. I'm always looking for something different to do, whether it be to myself or to my lifestyle. I get bored easily. I hardly ever have money, and when i do its spent on food. I am not a morning person, some people have learnt this the hard way. I laugh at myself quite considerably. I like to scare people by making up a ginger no-legged man named Brian who was coming to get them. I'm totally chi-curious. I'm living life to the full and don't care what gets in my way. I often declare i'm going to shoot someone in the face, or else make plans with Sam to blow up our teacher, who is infact a man (Well, she's in the process). If you have sky TV, chocolate digestives and a comfy sofa, i'm coming to live with you. I have absolutely no patience. I take a lot of photos, i mean, A LOT. I miss being young and innocent. Take me back? Oh and just to let you know, I'm great. That will be all.

Kerrina - first things first, my name is nia-ino. pronounced KNEE-AR-EENO. thank you. second things second, because that would be the most logical thing to do, i belong to kerry as i am her pokemon. my personality is rather amazing and I DARE YOU, oh yes i do dare you, to find another person as amazing as MEEE! my head may explode if i list all the wonderful personality traits i have, but that is a risk i am willing to take. i am funny (funny haha, not funny weirdo)(actually i am a bit of a weirdo..so yeh im just funny in all possible meanings of the word)), and very good at making faces, very good at getting drunk and telling everyone how much i adore them, i am intelligent but also very lazyfied. i come from sweden where the swedes grow and flourish. my only wish in life is to go back to the beginning of the summer. where i would meet up with my lovely buddies and drink beer and be merry. but its ok because i know that we have amazing summers yet to come! for example i am going taking a road trip around europe with some fantabilastic people. other hobbies of mine include, diving into bushes, scary the poop out of kerry with tales of the one and only brian, the ginger legness peado that crawls around the maze in the park when the sun sets. i like to take many the photo. capturing the moments with distorted faces and bad hair. but i know this is much appreiciated as my photos have been spread widely around the myspace world. i am rarely seen without a bag on my back. probably because i am actually a hunchback with wobbly knees and inward pointing feet. correction; one inward pointing foot. making me very much a Quasimodo type thing. my giggle makes kerry weak at the knees which is pretty much how i got her to be my girlfriend, it definatly wasnt all down to my good looks! harhar! i was the first one at millais to get my lip pierced and quite proud of that rebellious fact :D i also have uno tonguey piercing, which i nearly chickened out of, but i did it and then spoke to a tramp about where he lives and why he wants money and called sam ham. er..it was funny at the time aiiight. To sum me all up, i am quite BRRRIIILLIIIAAANNT!

Chris - Ha i still remember the first time i met this dashing woman. The first thing i said, being "what the fuck you looking at" of course. How stupid i felt after that but i still managed to get to meet you after that. And thats when it all started, the best 3 years of my life. We pretty much lived out each others pockets, we done so much together. Some of the huge huge list was - camping, went to egypt, done stuff in strange places, decorated her room blah blah. The list goes on. Pretty much one of the best girls i know. Spending the summers with her was the best times of life and when she came home from school and i was just waiting for her at the bus stop, or went i used to buy her random pressys. Haha i just remember the little goth stage that we were both in and we thought we were so cool :) lol. Good Times! No matter what happens i will always love this girl.Peace out

Malcolm - Nice, hot, amazing, cheerful- like my holiday in Canada, haha, nope it's you Nia!

Lee - nia is one of ze coolest people i know, always there for people when they need someone and a genuine mate..bit crazy and funny too

Kerry - Nia, is cool, nia is fun!!! we share angelique lessons together, and without her i wouldn't have a clue what was going on! thank goodness for Collyers or I wouldn't have met Nia!!!! what a great lass!!!! and she is fit as well...bonus!

Jock - nias been one of my best friends for liek 4 years now, and shes always there for me when i need someone to talk to or when i need advice, or a hug :) she loves metal (which is good coz we wouldnt get on otherwise ) and...shes kind to all unless you piss her off, NEVER piss her off or "your so totally in for it". love and respect

Emo Jo - N - naughty, yet rather nice I - Ickle bit silly =p A - Amazingness!!And I rather love her lots!! – Emo Jo

Sheep - well...wot can u say bout sum 1 who is perfect?! shes kind loving nd always understanding i didnt reli tlk 2 her much till recently but in dat little tym we av become reli gd frends nd nuffin will get in da way of that luv u nia 4 eber nd eber! p.s can i av my scarf bak plz lol o nd almost defo goin as frank 'n' furter 2 da weddin next yr lol xxxxxx all my luvingness nd kisses *mwah*!

Drewsbury - Your name is nia, you best friends with sam i used to hang around with you alot but i havent seen you in a while which is a shame but it will great to see you again some time. your awesome

Batman - Some how for some reason, I suddenly started talking to Nia. I don't know how I got her email or how she got my email, but we were talking ... Started talking and Boom, now we both go to the same college. THE SAME COLLEGE. And here's another thing that you probably don't know about Nia....she has HAIR. Yeah, and not just any hair, HUMAN HAIR. But all in all, she's a great gal.

Clare - Nia is a legend. Nothing more, nothing less! You make me laugh loads lol! Got a great sense of humour, and ur beautiful! Never forget it! Your an absolute gem sweety xxx

Ryan haha!Jokes! - Sexy, lovely, friendly, good to talk to, fit as shiz, nice pair of jugs, and very cushty down below

Mark - nia is an absolute bender and she likes to vibe around like the little viber she is - bless her shes such a lil cutie

Olly - Nia is gay, that is all there is to know about her. She will steal you heart, you wallet and anything else you may have on you if you are ever unfortunate enough to meet her. I'm serious people stay the hell away, this bitch is bad news =p but i loves nia anyways i does

Charmaine - nia is amazing!! she always has a smile on her face and is always there for her friends. if you ever need advice or need cheering up, nia will be there 4u!! miss the good old times at millais.. HR all the way!! keep smiling!!!

Mikey - Really laid back and a real laugh to be around, a cool friend to have.

Priebe - Nia has black hair is a bit emoish in good way. She is always smilling and shizzle. Shes a bit of a poser and has a weird fasination with TKMAXX which is a bit odd. But we all love her really.

Emz - Nia is one of those people who is so easy to get on with and is a cool person to know. She Rocks My Socks!!!!! xxLUVVLESxx

Siana - nia is crazy. i don't know her that well, but she is a fekking star. shes such a welcoming person, she never made me feel stupid when i acted like a bellend in drama. shes a bit awesome really, i never see her much anymore though which sucks, but i'll never forgot those old drama days mate.xxx

Mel - well i dont know you that well, but from first impressions, and how well i know you now, ide say u were a fucking wikid person, good taste in music, good fun, and a bit of laff really!

Davs - you cheerful and always there for a friend in need :)!

Wardy - Nia is an awesome dude! She always there and never rude. When you're down she'll pick you up without a crane or pick up truck. No Nia would mean no laughter No, fun, no pictures, no *something that rhymes with laughter* I love Nia and you should too 'Cos she's awesome, gorgeous and is cooler than you!

Meg T - ur the most sarcastic person i hav ever met...usuali it reli pisses me off but with u its jus funny! you have the best facial expressions and jus one look can crack me up for aaages...but also make me feel like the stupidest person around! jajaja....AND spanish exchange...good times!!

Serena - There are no words that could live up to how incredible you really are...but i'll try my best to describe you as well as i can! Not only breathtakingly beautiful..but so caring and fun loving. Your witty, and confident..and most importantly your real. I remeber the first time i met you- and you made me feel really welcome!All in all..your fabulous! LOVE YOU!!

Jamie - well.... ok i met nia in the summer holidays (unfortunately she always saw me fucked out of my face and trying to meditate) but ive only really known her for about a month or so, but from what ive seen she's cool, kind and pleasure to be around. ALSO: nia has only met me sober twice . She also PERMANENTLY has my hat in her bag...cos i'm nice and lend it to her when shes cold.

Luke - nia, i should really get to know her better coz she is most definitly a gd laugh. she knows how to have a good time & is always ther 4 her mates

Sammy - Well, what can I say? Nia's wonderous! I've not known her long at ALL but I already love the girl =D. I'm envious of her lip piercing... but apart from that she's always there to give hugs, advice and just have a laugh with you. Beautiful lass, inside and out. Glad to have met her, 100%

Tom - I met you first when I were listening to Relient K on my mp3 player and I heard you singing along. I was very shocked that anyone else knew the band. You are well cool innit and give good hugs.

Amber - Nia as you know Ive known ya for many years and we have had our mole hills and our mountains (lmao! If ya dont understand that means our ups and down!), but we have always got through them, maybe with great difficulty but fuck that lol! I remember sitting in your old house on the kitchen floor eating pizza, because your mum fell alseep! Many great memories! Your an awesome person and never let anyone tell you differently, if they say something mean tell them that I will be after them with my claws of nails! Love ya always!xxxxxxxxxx

Hannah - Nia.. i wish our names rhymed so we could be name twins but they dont so lets not be silly. whenever i see Nia she is smoking and all the other times i see her, she isnt, its quite funny really like her name "Nia Roberts", i like her lip piercing it makes me also want to put a hole in my face, Nia is cool, blates!! I

Annah - nia is bascially fantastic. everyone knows her !!! she added me on myspace and i dont see her much at college, but i waved at her today and she looked at me as if i was strange, which isnt true. but i love nia

Jess Simms - well your great at spanish (when u answer questions its like :-S you suffered miss smith and your still reli good!) you had a damn cool upbringing! and im mega jelous. your funny, you seem easy going and generally lovely and your pretty original. so in total, pretty cool

Jake - Nia doesn't rhyme But maybe it will in time Know her down the line."

Becca - well what can i say about nia she is cool, fun, down to earth, and has a great sense of humour. she is a great friend and is always there if you if you need her. i just hope i can be there for her as much as she has been there for me this past month. i hope you nos just how awesome you are and never let anyone make you think otherwise. i really enjoy are drunken times together and i hope there will be alot more to come. what more can i say but thanx for being the bestest friend there is and i luv ya lots.

Emily H - Sheeeee’s one baree mad cool bean. Who happens to take so many pictures, as many as me, always catches the moment. She will brighten up the day with random comments. So basicaaaally shes one u neeeed to get to know. Amazing.

Claz - well, not that i no u very well. but u r always sooooo nice 2 me when we come across each other. (mostly when we r drunk) but hey! we r young!

Hannah - Nia is awesome. I love her loads, she's always there for me and makes me laugh. xxx

Jackie - Nia is wicked. she makes me smile in travel and tourism lessons ..when i turn up for them and she is a great laugh on trips such as roller coaster in darkness hats beinf posers ninja fighting and the great new sport of the season nia fishing~ she truley indeed is a lucky catch basically im well chuffed to be her matey xxxxxxxxx

Jess Mole - BADGER well Nia, is a ledge nuf sed! but to elaborate on it, Nia is the kindest, funniest, puuurrrrdiest gal i have met!!!! she acctually cracks everyone up, i first met nia when i went to millais in year 7. Where i molested her in maths with MS Needham who was so obviously a dyke! andd ERUGH MRS LANGE, who was allergic to soap!!!! we used to spend lunch times sexually teasing an apple * shut up. . .professor* ahem. . . Nia has helped me sort things out in me head this year. and she is alsoo sure purrrdey =D *strokes* SHE is mad as a hatter and thast why everyone loves her =D WUV WOO NIA BUMS =D you badger you =D XXXXXXXXXXXX

Kelly B - i hear Nia's pretty damn COOOOOOOOL =D

Can you please write a small thing for me about me so I can put it in my about me section on myspace? I will mention the fact that you wrote it – I’m trying to get all my friends to do it. Thanks a lot :) Nia xxx

My Blog


.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .....
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 07:28:00 PST

Chaz's Party.

[THANKS KERRINA FOR LETTING ME STEAL THIS.]   - olly wearing a skirt and nia's high heeled shoesies- me, nia and jamie helping chaz's dad with the chicken run puzzle- nia getting into an uncontro...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:14:00 PST


I love you Si...This is the one boy that I can tell anything to. Whenever I get credit most of it goes on him. And most of his goes on me. We run up a debt for each other.Whenever he does a gig, he al...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 04:51:00 PST

Sam's Party

Was a barrell of laughs...23rd September 2006 The Latest... Sams Party Me and Sam getting ready..... Sam and the bro..... Sam, the bro, and Me..... Me being the virgin mary before I was drunk..... Ty...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 10:34:00 PST


Well you've opened the blog now, so you might as well do it =] Who are you?  Are we friends? When and how did we meet? Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it?Describe me in 3 words?Wha...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Tue, 03 Oct 2006 07:43:00 PST

My Life

As you may have realised I have a collection of about 6,740 photos from old times and new. Every single one of them means something to me... ...but here are the best I enjoy the simplethings in life...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 12:10:00 PST

Summer '06

This Summers been greatThanks to ...The Sun.And Chris.And Love.And Friends that wont let go. And Friends that scream when they see me.And Parties.And Drunken Nights.And Meaningful Hugs.And Fun Play...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 07:17:00 PST


Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 03:24:00 PST

In The Summer Time

Brighton - 01/06/06 Skatepark - 16/06/06 Skatepark - 23/06/06 Chris' Birthday - 24/06/06 Prom - 30/06/06 Brighton - 01/07/06 France 06 - 13/07/06 Skatepark - 17/07/06 Park - 18/07/06 ...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Sun, 06 Aug 2006 02:11:00 PST

Pause for Thought

Confused - Why do people think they have all the rights in the world? Why do they believe its fine  to bring someone into the world by their own decision and consist to make someones life hell? W...
Posted by "Shes Not Like The Rest" on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 03:20:00 PST