shellaboo profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

******I'm super shy at first******I love super old movies, esp. silent movies******I try to keep a positive outlook on life******I love and cherish my family with all my heart 3******I have a very small group of friends who I love so much******I love getting and having my tattoos******Still young, I've had many hardships that will cause pain everyday of my life. I will learn and grow from it all******I've never drank, smoked or done drugs and I intend to keep it that way******I'm scared of people's feet, heights, horses and coyotes******I'm obsessed with the sabres******I keep busy with work, school, spending time with my family and friends ******I do not forgive easily******I have no tolerance for people who are narrow-minded, people who call themselves straightedge when they're truly not so, and assholes who think they're tough; get over yourself******My apt and roommates are better than yours******I'm a fat kid at heart, I love junk food******I hate the winter and love the ocean******I like going to the gym as much as I can****** my roommates and i have an awesome garden******I love pistol shooting w/ my parents******I'm finally doing things for ME to become a happier person and everyday I am one step closer to what I want******I have pride in my heritage******I love trains and BCT*****to relax, i wander around cemetaries******

My Interests

My family, my friends, silent movies, sabres, being a TRUE straightedge, volleyball, bad music, going to the gym, gardening, taking walks, shooting, photography, pretty nail polish, great mascara, arguing, silent laughing, ice cream, trains, heritage pride (polish, italian, german, irish)

I'd like to meet:


eclectic; love love love tuff guy angry hardcore as well as quiet girlie music (to sleep to)


I absolutely love silent movies.


I Love Lucy, Sabres games, The First 48, anything on TCM, America's Next Top Model, Sex and the City, Dirty Jobs, Last One Standing


Reviving Ophelia and anything that is about WWII and silent movies


My Mom; you are the most beautiful woman and the strongest person in my life, I adore you.My Dad; you are always there for me and you don't receive any of the credit you deserveMy Gramma Held; I miss you every second that passes. You were the most positive and wonderful woman, I love and miss you deeply