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About Me

Miles "Mo" Miller, starting linebacker and captain (voted so, in unanimous fashion) of La Salle High's 2003 football team, died July 14, 2004, in a drowning accident. A recent grad and star student, Miles was headed to the University of Richmond on a full academic scholarship to major in biochemistry. He was revered around school for his giving nature, especially for how he helped younger players with football and non-football issues. Our thoughts are with Miles' family members and friends. We welcome comments about Miles, the person, and Miles, the football player.
On Dec. 7, 2006, in a special ceremony at the football banquet, Miles' No. 51 jersey was permanently retired...
Arrangements . . . Viewings were held July 18, 6 to 10 p.m., at Tomlinson Funeral Home, 2207 Bristol Pike, Bensalem; and July 19, 9 to 10:30 a.m., at St. Charles Borromeo Church, 1731 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem. Mass at 11. Interment at Resurrection Cemetery, 5201 Hulmeville Road, Bensalem.

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I have had the great pleasure of being a friend, teammate, and "brother" to Miles Miller, one of the greatest men to ever live. To look back and see what a incredible guy he was really makes it hurt all the much more. A kid such as Miles should never have gone at such an early age, he was way too good for that. Although Miles is gone, all that he did during his short time here, will live in our hearts, forever...God Bless the Miller family Sincerely, Friend,Teammate,and Brother Kevin Donohoe

It has been a true privilege to know such a great man as Miles Miller. Since as early as freshman year, myself and all the other La Salle football players younger than he, attempted to reach his level of greatness on the field and off it. He was not only the captain of our team but also a leader in the classroom and the school community. I remember after this past season ended Miles showed up to every lifting session, as a graduated senior, and edicated himself to our improvement as players and as young men. Miles strove to better every person around him and to make them feel like his closest relative. Like every person who knew Miles, for even the shortest period of time, I am proud to call myself his friend, teammate, and brother. We won’t ever forget you Mo Mill Stew Ryan '05

Miles was such an unique overall perosn. He was an incredible person to know and have part of your life. He only knew how to enrich the lives of those around him, and he always displayed his kindness, intelligence, determination, and leadership each and every day. He was a prime example of the character everyone should strive for. We will miss and love him forever. The Miller family is in all our prayers. -- Andrew Rocks

Miles Miller, on and off the field, was on a different level than the rest of us. Forget about the game itself, the only thing the rest of us were trying to win was his respect. We will certainly miss you Miles, and we will never forget the way you led us. Sincerely, -- Andrew Medwid

We hope that the pain was minimal, as the water lapped at your sides. And we hope you'll know that your memory won't wash out with those tides. And though the water was deep, 'twas shallower than has been cried. We've never seen the sky weep so hard as on the day that you died. Our brotherhood is forever diminished for having lost a heart so wide, But "Mo", we'll forever thank you for profoundly touching our lives. -- With Love, the Class of 2004

Having had the opportunity to meet and assist in coaching Miles as a freshman football player it was obvious what type of individual he was at a young age, a hard-nosed competitor on the field and just as much a gentleman off. Having played side by side with my son John "03" I'll always have the vision of numbers "44" and "51" lined up in a ready position. 4 yards off the ball. -- John Barrett

Miles Miller embodied everything a La Salle football player and student should strive to be. In every aspect of his life, whether on the field or off, he was caring, dedicated, and a true leader. As a freshmen stepping up to the varsity workouts was no easy task, but with someone like Miles at the workouts, not only did he make you feel like you were a part of the team, but he offered all the assistance he could to help you become a better player. I consider it an honor and a privilege to say I have known Miles. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Miller family. – Dan Connors 07

Miles was not only a teammate, but a friend and role model. His actions on and off of the field were genuine and always put forward with good nature. Although he is no longer with us here, he is in a better place and will always be with us. Miles was a strong person who will be sincerely missed among family, friends, and all who had the honor and privilege of meeting him. Fran Daulerio ‘05 Teammate, friend

To know Miles Miller was to love, and respect him. Miles was more than a person he was a presence in life. He excelled in all that he did. He was a great student, athlete, and most of all a friend. Miles would try to have a tough guy exterior but once you knew him, he was a fun loving and caring person. He succeeded in life because of his determined and positive attitude. His strong character was admired, and quickly made him a leader. I have been blessed to have spent the last 4 years of my life as a classmate, teammate, and friend to Miles. His passing at such a young age is tragic; however his memory will live on. Miles has been a leader for us all, and will continue to lead us from above. "You cannot dream yourself into a character, you must hammer and forge yourself one." This was Miles Miller’s senior quote, Miles I believe you hammered and forged yourself into a character we all dream of being. Love Always, Sean Adams

I didn't know Miles Miller as a person but ive played against him and i was shocked to hear that someone that ive actually come in contact with is gone and at such a young age at that. He was a good player on the field and probably an even better person off it and i respect him. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends. God Bless him. ~Ryan Waters Msrg. Bonner "04"~

Miles was truly one of the most selfless people I have ever met. I remember lifting in the weightroom with him, and he would be giving me tips on how to improve my form, and I knew he legitimately wanted me to improve. I had the privelege of playing beside him for three years. He was a natural born leader, a great person, friend, and athlete. Miles will always be our captain. - Christian Barrett

The first thing that comes to mind when I think of Miles Miller is hard work, Miles certainly knew how to work hard, and even seemed to love to do so. Miles was the kind of kid that if you weren't working as hard as you possibly could you couldn't look him in the eye because you knew that he was giving everything he had at all times. This wasn't only on the field but also in the classroom, he was a relentless worker in everything he did and that hard work certainly shone through in his accomplishments, both athletic and academic. His full scholarship to Richmond is proof of that work ethic in the classroom paying off. Looking back on my time at La Salle, I, like most people who attended with him, realize now that he was probably one of my best friends and role models while I was there. Miles was the definition of a leader and a captain. He gained the respect of everyone he interacted with. I played with Miles in the Montgomery County All- Star game and I vividly remember Miles quickly becoming one of the more popular players on the team because of his personality, his love for the game, and his hard working attitude. I'll never forget him. Please keep the Miller family in your prayers. -- Frank Jorfi

Though I only had the pleasure of playing one season with Miles, his remarkable dedication and leadership has rubbed off on me and all the other Explorers FB players. Miles was our captain and he led us in the weight room, on the practice field, in the games, and set a great example for all of us in the classroom. Miles will be missed by all of us and we will be thinking of him as we play the 2004 football season. -Tim Clarke '06

It was such an honor and priviledge to know Miles Miller. Although he was a great player, the kind of person he was and the things he demonstrated in his life go way beyond just the game of football. Miles was just an all around great person who I am glad to have known and learned from. Last year coming into the LaSalle football program as a freshmen was a bit intimidating, but having the leadership and constant encouragement from Miles really helped me to become a better player and person, as well as someone to look up to and model my actions after. I know many others have been touched by Miles in the same way, and he will always be rememberd as our leader. --Andrew Dean La Salle '07

To adequately discuss Miles, one must abandon brevity for there was too much to Miles to hopefully be contained in a few short sentences. He was determined, dedicated and committed to bettering himself and those around him. His efforts spoke for themselves but he could be counted on to voice his mind when needed. He was a leader who did not discount those who followed him, rather he made them better. He was involved in every aspect of his life, not a mere spectator to the goings on around him. To spend time with Miles was to ensure that you would come away changed having gained insight into one of the truly great people on this earth. Most of us go through this world content to gather unto ourselves all that we can in the hopes of finding validation in accumulation. Miles passed through content to give of himself and by doing so gathered friends. He was comfortable with coaches, teachers and other adults, but also with the elementary school kids who came to football camps at LaSalle. The La Salle Family mourns the passing of Miles Miller knowing that we are made poorer by his absence. We still, however, rejoice for we were made richer by his being among us, however brief the time. Saint John Baptist De LaSalle pray for us. Live Jesus in our hearts, forever Paidir i sloichain Braithir. (peace and prayers Brother. Mike Donohoe, '79

The first time I saw Miles Miller was in the weight room last summer. The football team was getting ready for the upcoming season. I happened to be talking with Puri Garzone, the offensive line coach, and asked him how they looked this upcoming year. He immediately pointed to Miles and said “He is a player”. That was the last time I really had any contact with Miles until this summer in the weight room. He was always done his workout by the time I arrived and he would be hanging around for another couple of hours either at the computer looking up lifting websites or helping others with their workout. I personally think he just enjoyed being around La Salle. For about the fist month or so there wasn’t much conversation between the two of us just a “what’s up” and then “see you later” exchange. But to know Miles was to see the effect he had on his fellow students and to know his smile. Though he was in the same age bracket, he was on a different level. If Miles was at the computer there would be a group around him, if he was lifting there would be 3-4 others ready to spot him. There was no denying the presence he carried. As time went on, we started to carry conversations and I experienced first hand Miles Miller. He was not a leader on the football field or in the weight room; he was a leader in life. Miles is a young man that leaves an impression on you that goes way beyond the wins and losses. The impression of a young man who has figured out what life is supposed to be about: working hard, helping others and doing what you enjoy doing all with a smile. Miles will be sorely missed in the La Salle family. With deepest admiration for Miles Miller and sympathy for the Miller Family, Ed Bongard ‘98 La Salle Staff Member, Coach and Friend

Let me first express my condolences to the Miller family. It was hard to hear the news today of Miles' passing. Up at school training for next season it was the last phone call I expected to get from my father. I remember Miles from when he was a sophomore and we played linebacker together. I found it no surprise when he eventually became team captain because even back then he was a leader. The way he carried himself, you knew he was a special kid. He always brought a smile to the practice field and you knew that you would always get your best effort from him. A teammate up here recently passed away in early May and I know how hard it is to lose someone so young and talented. I'm glad that during my time at LaSalle I had the chance to play with Miles and I am sure that all the younger kids will remember him as a model for how to carry themselves as students, athletes, and leaders. He embodied the LaSallian spirit of living Jesus in your hearts forever. Rest in peace. -- Ed Sabia '02

Miles was not only a teammate but a friend. I only played one year with him but in that one year I learned a great deal not only in football but in life. Miles was always ready to play and never gave anything less than 110%. Miles was the most committed player that we had on our team. Miles wanted everyone to get better not just himself. He was in it for the team not for his own personal interest. His dedication was one thing that I admired. Now every time I step into the weight room and on to the field whether it is for a practice or game I will always remember Miles. Miles you will always be remembered…My thoughts and prayers go out to the Miller family at this time. -- Greg Crone ‘06

I've had the honor and privilege of knowing the great Miles Miller by means of the 2003 football season. Not only was Miles an outstanding athlete and a brilliant student, everyone who knew him can say that he was a true role model in all aspects of life. It is definite that once you met Miles, he will forever remain as an icon of determination and generosity. Miles Miller honestly showed everyone the way to better conducting themselves as people. My prayers go out to the Miller Family. -- Bill Hunt '06

Miles Miller was an incredible man who was noted by his prodigious sense of strength, courage, leadership, intelligence, and care for others. To me Miles was a true leader who put his best into everything he did. I greatly respected him for the peron that he was and it crushed me to hear the shocking news of his death. Both being linebackers, I spent a lot of time with Miles of the field and he was always my motivation and support. I remember this season when Miles got injured I was chosen to step up as linebacker. Beforehand Miles took me off on the sideline and I noticed he had great poise, especially knowing that the injury would tremendously hurt his season. Even then, Miles was there for me to give me advice and he helped me get ready to play. I looked up to Miles as a football player and as a person. It seems unfair to all of us that an individual like Miles would even be taken from us, especially at such a young age, but i do believe God has a plan for all of us and Miles is in a better place with God. He will always be remembered for the short time he had and how he changed the lives of man. Miles will be missed, but his spirit will live in all of us on the off the football field. I pray the God blesses the Miller family with strength in this time of pain. Now I pay respects to our fallen soldier who will live in all of our hearts forever. -- Joe Tubolino '06

Although I never shared any moments with Miles on the football field, I felt his leadership inside and out of school. Whether he was showing me how to maximize my results in the weight room, or if he was helping with my chemistry homework, he always put others before himself. He demonstrated wisdom of a man twice his age, and although he will be sorely missed he is a better place and will be remembered forever. Miles’ leadership and selflessness set an example for the underclassmen who will be the leaders of tomorrow. I feel privileged to have known such a person as Miles Miller. He will always be a friend, role model and leader to everybody in the LaSalle family. GOD Bless him and let us keep the Miller family in our prayers. -- Kevin Trainer ‘05

Miles was an inspiration to everybody he knew, both on and off the field. I first met him in the weightroom last summer before football season started and it was right away i noticed how hard of a worker he was. He would literally have crowds around him as he lifted an insane amount of weight. He was always pushing himself to be better. He was always pushing his peers to work hard and be better too. Miles always was willing to help out if I, or anyone else had a problem. He was a completely unselfish person. In the classroom he worked hard for four years and was able to obtain for himself a scholarship to the University of Richmond, an accomplishment not easy to get. He was able to do this through his determination and work ethic. My goal as a person and a football player is be like him and I know if I can do that, I've done something good. -- Mike Padgeon '06

I met Miles Miller in December of 2002 when I began lifting with the La Salle football team and over the past year and a half i have been fortunate enough to gotten to known Miles not only as a football player but as a person. For the first month or so i was intimidated by Miles because of the amazing stregnth he had for a guy his size and for his hardwork business-like attitude. As I got to know him I found Miles was not only personable, but also a genuinely nice person. As Coach Colistra said in the Daily News article, Miles could talk to anyone in school. Miles was an excellent leader of our football team but more importantly he was an excellent role model for everyone, whether you were on the football team or not. One must think that La Salle was a special place for Miles. He was the first person from his parish to come to La Salle in 30 years, and he made that long trek to and from school everyday in a car that everyone recognized because of the time he spent making it look nice. During this winter, knowing he would not play football in college, Miles came and helped Coach Colistra run the workouts a sacrifice that meant he had to stay at school from 8 in the morning to 8 in the evening. He set an example for all of us to follow and made everyone around him work just that much harder. Miles was a unique individual because not only did he outwork everyone in the weightroom and on the football field, but he also outworked everyone in the classroom as well. Anyone who has played football knows that it is hard to feel motivated to do work after a long hard practice but Miles was able to find that motivation. His motivation paid off through his 4.2 GPA and through his scholarship to University of Richmond. Miles has had an impact on all our lives, when things got tough he never looked down. He kept his head up and kept on going. Though we will all miss him, none of us will ever forget him. He will always be a part of La Salle and especially La Salle football. Let us all keep his family in our prayer through this difficult time they are going through. -- Ryan Travers '06

Of all the kids I have come in contact with during the course of my four years at La Salle, there was only one kid that really stuck out to me as someone everyone got along with. Miles Miller, brought out the best in all of us at La Salle, no matter what grade. The most noticeable example of this would be after late basketball practices. The football season had been complete for a couple a months and next years team would be lifting around 6ish. Although his football career at La Salle had ended, I don't think Miles missed one night of lifting with the underclassmen. He was in there, not for his own benefit, but the benefit of the school he took so much pride in. Miles is one of the most humble kids I have ever met. I feel honored and gifted that I had the chance to get to know such a person. God bless his soul. Bensalem lives on... -- Nick Shattuck

Whether it was a winter lifting session, or a midseason practice Miles Miller gave it everything he had. He was known for his incredibly hard work ethic and it transferred into the classroom. He was an inspiration to all and therefore was given a great deal of respect from underclassmen and including myself. Even though I only had the chance to play one season with Miles he showed me what it meant to play LaSalle football through his actions and leadership on and off the football field. Miles defined what a student athlete should be and will always be remembered. God bless Miles and let our prayers and thoughts go out to the Miller family --Jim Gehringer 06'

Miles Miller was a person that i did not have the privelege of meeting freshman year but had the pleasure of meeting sophomore year in the weightroom. He was noted and recognized for his amazing strength and tremendous work ethic not only in the weightroom but in life as well. I did not know him as well as i would of liked to but our occasional chats were always a pleasure. Miles had a way of making you feel that you were being being listened to and that what you had to say meant something. If he didnt have a smile on his face the face he was making a determined, I am about to collapse because theirs so much weight on my bar face. He brought a spirit to LaSalle which in a unique way touched anyone who would give the time to talk to him. Lets all keep Miles and his family in our prayers and let this experience strengthen the LaSalle community. - Chris Henrich

Messages received from July 18 onward. We appreciate your patience . . .Throughout my deployment to Iraq, the Daily News was mailed to me and I was thrilled to follow my cousin Miles' successes at LaSalle. Being a St. Joe's Prep graduate, I would often tease his family about our rivalry, but then would certainly admit that Miles would in fact make me root for the Explorers. I was deeply saddened to hear that such a fine young man would have to leave us so soon. My heart goes out to everyone who will surely miss Miles. CPT Mike Provasnik 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment

I knew Miles from class and had the oppurtUNITY to watch him on the field. I use capital letters for unity because that was our freshman year theme: A Year of OppurtUNITY. That's what we were at LaSalle a union, a family. Our brother Miles, who had so much potential, left us early. Miles had a character we can all admire. He was inteligent and funny, hardworking and caring. His presence in the world will certainly be missed but never forgotten. My heart goes out to the Miller family, the La Salle community and all of those who have been blessed with knowing Miles. -- John Hocker '04 Classmate and Friend

Miles K. Miller was a great man, his work ethic and strive for excellence was incredible. Miles was truly a role model and not soley on the football field. As shown by his academic achievements, Miles was more then just an athlete. His success in life is something I could personally have only dreamed of. He was one of the most inspiring individuals I have ever been around. The memories of him getting the team ready before a game or answering every question in Coach Colistra's histroy class will live on with me forever. Miles aka the Kairos Linebacker, 51 will truly live on...God Bless the Miller Family -- Angelo Garofalo

I remember when I first met him I was so nervous, but as soon as I talked to him I realized how nice of a kid this really is. He embodied everything that a great football player and person should have. I realized what a great person he was from the beginning. He just had something that made him easy to talk to and everybodies friend. It's a shame that his time was so short. I wish I could thank Miles for all that he did for me. I wish his family the best and that I know that his spirit will stay with them for ever. See ya Miles i'll miss you pal. -- Kevin Tamasitis '07

I didn't know Miles real well but he always helped me out during the off-season in weight training for football. It was a pleasure to meet him and to have a person like Miles leading the football team. God bless him. Sincerely, -- Ian Casey '07

I didn't really know Miles Miller at all until the second semester of the '03 - '04 school year. I was observing Mr. Parisi's 6th period psychology class everyday and Miles was in the class. Even still I never really said anything to him besides a "hey, what's up." However, by chance, the last month of school someone took his seat and he began to sit next to me. That's when I was given the opportunity to interact with Miles Miller. Most of the time we just joked around a little bit before class started. The other times it was him giving me answers to the daily crossword puzzle, thanks Miles. And I slowly began to realize that this 18 year old kid would probably knock my head off on the football field and than come in the classroom and outscore me in any test. He probably knew it too, but it was not his nature to brag about it. Miles Miller was such a good person and that's what makes his death hurt most. I'm sure he is safe and sound in heaven right now. My thoughts and prayers are with his family. Rest in peace Miles. God Bless. Bob Dyer '99 Friend

I can't even believe this. Everything seems so unreal. I've known Miles since 7th grade and it has been a pleasure. He has reached so many hearts and so many lives. My prayers go out to his family and girlfriend Alona. This has hit me and so many others so hard, while at his funeral I picked up a 90-lb championship plaque from the Bensalem Ramblers and it made me realize how priceless those times were to me. Miles, it's just not fair. Just know we're riding for you. I'll never forget all the times me, you and Tony had together. Just look down on us from up there. Just know you were loved by so many and no one will ever forget the kid wearing 51! -- Mike Nahill JUDGE '03

As I read the beautiful tributes to Miles and just coming from his viewing where there were more tears than the rain that was falling, my heart ached as I saw all these young kids, crying and hurting from the loss of their friend. When you are still a teenager, how do you deal with the death of a "friend" who touched so many lives. As I approached Betty & Ken Miller and saw the agony in their hearts, the tears streamed down my face, feeling their sorrow. How sad to lose your only "son" at such an early age. You just want to say or do something to make the hurt go away but hopefully when they see the tribute that these boys & girls, all wearing # 51, in Miles honor, it will help ease the pain of a broken heart, knowing he was loved & respected by so many people, both young & old. It wasn't that many years ago my grandson Marty O'Hara went to first grade and one of his new friends was Miles Miller. Miles & Marty remained good friends from first grade, they played baseball & football together at Rambler. That's when I got to see what a great kid Miles was as I never missed any of the games. I was Marty's Mom-Mom, but Miles would always take time to talk to us. The Superbowl parties over Miles' house was always a fun night for all the kids. The class of "00" from St. Charles School was a very close class, they built memories in those eight years that will last a lifetime and Miles will always be part of those memories and will be always there in spirit. Miles Miller will never be forgotten by his St. Charles classmates. My thoughts and prayers go to Betty & Ken, Tiffany & Alexis & Alana and all of Miles friends & relatives. Your special Angel "Miles" will always be with you. Sincerely, Barbara Mc Kissick

Upon learning that Miles and I were to attend Richmond together, I became more friendly with him. I regret not being able to know him sooner and better. From my time with him, however, I know that everything written in these tribute pages is true. He was a student and a teacher, an athlete and a coach, but mostly, he was a leader. I am forever sorry that Miles won't be able to bless Richmond with his admirable spirit. Let us pray for Miles and the Miller family, along with their friends. -- Steve Horvath

I'll never forget the one day when Coach Radvansky was talking to the freshmen team before we went out to practice. Miles walked into our locker room and Coach Radvansky pointed him out and said this is the guy who you should look up to and try to be like, great athelete, great student, and most of all a great person. This made a great impression on me and everytime I would see Miles in the hallway I would think of that and try to work a little harder to achieve the success he had in school, football, and in life. -- Chris Grady '07

Miles Miller was more then a great football player and student ,he was a great person. He was the kind of guy that evryone looked up to. Miles was simply a unique person, he was someone who strived for excellence."you cannot dream yourself into a character, you must hammer and forge yourself one." These words which Miles wrote in the senior year book say enough about the amazing character that Miles displayed and I think that its safe to say Miles forged his place in our hearts forever. Miles had a special abiality to be friends with everyone I do not think there was one person at Lasalle who did not like Miles.Over the past four years I had the oppurtunity to become close with Miles he taught me alot he was a leader, Miles never followed the crowd, and to this day I still consider him the strongest willed person I have ever met if Miles set his mind to something he was doing it. Miles will be loved and missed by all of us but never forgoten. I considered Miles more then a classmate and friend I consider him my brother and all though he is gone he will live on through all of us. God bless the Miller family and Miles one of the greatest kids I have known. R.I.P Mo Miller -- Mike Whalen 04

Miles Miller was my cousin and he was really nice and he cared about me. He was like my big brother and told me what I should and shouldn't do. Miles loved to play football,football was his life and I will never forget him or his jersey # 51. I love you Miles! Love Always, Christine Welhaf Miles Miller's Favorite cousin

I had the pleasure of coaching Miles in football and baseball at La Salle. Even when he was a freshman, he demonstrated superior leadership qualities and was a friend to all who knew him. It was a pleasure to see him continue this same attitude throughout his senior year. For the JV baseball experience, we had a blast...Miles pitched for a great JV team and above all we had a great time joking around with George and I as all you guys former JV baseball boys know. I am going to miss so much chatting with Miles or even a "Yo DollaBill" walking through the halls. Like my brother Kevin said.... "a friend, a teammate and a brother." He will always remembered as that to all of us in the La Salle family. May God comfort the Miller family on their loss. We Love You Miles. -- Bill Donohoe Jr '96

If we as individuals are to learn anything from this tragic experience, we should all learn to appreciate the amazing gifts God has given us. Miles was not only blessed with both academic and athletic prowess, but also maintained admirable values of compassion, integrity, and poise. Miles' character was a true testament to the LaSallian spirit, as evident in his work on the field and off. As difficult this situation is to understand, we must all remember that God has a plan for all of us. I have learned many lessons from Miles, as have countless others. In his lifetime, Miles taught us leadership, discipline, and character. In his passing, Miles taught us faith. These lessons, like Miles, will never be forgotten. God bless Miles Miller and the Miller family. -- Brad Murtha '05

Although i never really had the privelege of getting to know Miles Miller, Miles was one of those people that you really didnt need to know that well to appreciate. Just his presence was enough to tell you that he was an extraordinary person in many ways both on and off the field. On the field Miles was #51, leader and enforcer of the team, but off the field Miles was Miles, a humble and loving person. He was and always will be a role model to every Lasallian. Leader, teammate, classmate, Lasallian; Miles was all of these and more and he will be greatly missed. - JT Walchonski '07

Miles Miller was a person that no words really can describe. I meet Miles through the football team and I was scared of him at first because of how strong he was. But as soon as I goot to know him I soon found out how great of a guy he was. During the season the team had some troubles but we always looked to him the leader the captain Miles. He took that role seriously. Miles was my hero. And I truely thank God that I could meet such a amazing man. Keep the Miller family in our hearts. Jason Ruppert '06

I would first like to express my condolences to the Miller family and those closest to Miles. Miles was a sophomore during my senior year at LaSalle. He was quiet kid with a great respect for his coaches and older teammates and had a fierce eagerness to improve. To me, this was a sign that he would become a leader himself. I distinctly remember working with him in the weightroom and noting his dedication and intensity. He was a man of character on and off the field. The world lost a good one. - Drew Babin LaSalle '02

I really got to know Miles Miller in December 2002. As a freshman football player, we had off season football weight training at night during the week. Since my parents work and I have a younger siblings at home, I had no ride to LaSalle to participate in the workouts. Out of the blue, I found out where he lived and called his house because he lived somewhat close to me. He did not even know me except that I went to LaSalle too. I asked Miles if I could meet him somewhere to share a ride. Miles said to me, "Dont worry about it, I will pick you up at your house." I will never forget this act of kindness and I hope I can be like him someday. -- Matt Zielinski "06"

As a friend of Miles I would personally like to send my deepest condolences to the Miller family. During my four years at LaSalle I had the privelage to coach Miles during his freshman year in football.. He was the hardest work I had ever seen not to mention the greatest person I had ever met. Two years later I had the privelage this time to play baseball with Miles and it was one of the best times I ever had. Miles was not the best player on the team but he had the best attitude. He was not on of the everyday players yet he was still upbeat and happy all of the time. Not once did I ever see Miles in a bad mood. He was the epidimy of a perfect teamate and a perfect person. I know Miles is out there somwhere lookin down on everyone watchin over us. Miles Miller is the greatest person I ever met and I will never forget him. -- Brook Solliday '04

Unfortunately, I don't believe I ever had the privilege of getting to know Miles personally. I think I only really knew him as a classmate and as a person to whom I occasionally said "What's up?" . Despite this, I was, like many, shocked and deeply saddened by his passing, and his viewing was undoubtedly one of the saddest experiences of my life. I would like to take the opportunity to express my deepest condolences to the Miller family, as well as the regret for having not gotten to closely know such an amazing person. He certainly exhibited La Sallian virtues, and he was truly one of us. We'll miss you, Miles, and our prayers are with him and his family. God bless you all. -- Andrew Desiderio '04

i will nenver forget the first time i talked 2 miles and saw him play. Not being apart of the LaSalle progam as a freshman but still watching the games on the sideline i wont forget one game i was wearing my cec football jacket 2 one game and as the team was getting warmed up miles started joking around with me because i was wearing that at a laSalle football game. That was the kind of guy Miles was, u could always tell by watching him play that he put the team before himself. Watching Miles play and talking to him was a pleasure and something i will nenver forget. -- Mike Rongione CEC

Miles, i knew you since i was a little girl and ill never forget them St.Charles days.. you were truly awesome ill never forget were always so nice to me and always helped me out! ill never forget youwinning my Cousin Johns award in his memory it was the first year for it to be given out when we were in 8th grade and i was so happy when they annouced your name because i knew they were giving it to the right person...i knew my Cousin John if he was there would of wanted someone like you to have it.. you to were the same in alot of ways! ill never forget my dad teasing you all the time to be the first boy since him to go to lasalle and play football and become captain! i wanted to thank you for all ur kindness you brought to me and i wanted to let you know i love you! watch over your family and friends! you'll always be my football player with wings! Donna Knowles Neigborhood Friend

wow, i cant believe i found this, a tribute to miles miller....i was his cousin...not first cousins, but second ones... this is truly appreciated by our family that so many people wrote such nice things about miles. RIP miles

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