About Me
Army Wife since September 1991. I have a son that is 15 and a daughter that is 9. I have a pure bred black lab named Harley that is 5. I grew up in Mayfield, Ohio and Orange Village, Ohio. Since getting married shortly after High School, I have lived in Ft. Bragg, NC., S.H.A.P.E., Belgium, Ft. Lewis, WA., Ft. Leonard Wood, MO., Ft. Belvoir, VA. and now Bamberg, Germany. I love living in Europe but do miss stuff from the States! I have loved to be able to travel so much...get to see awesome places like: Paris, France, London and Canterbury, England, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Pisa, Italy, Luxemburg City, Luxemburg, Prague, Czech Republic and tons of cities in Belgium and Germany! Living in different countries you have to learn some of the language or enough to get by, so I know some French and some German(still trying...German is tough!)