My interest varies. I like to sketch female faces (dont ask i just do)... I wouldnt say im a great spectacular singer but i do enjoy singing. You can say its my passion before anything else. For those who know. I could not stress it more than it is...i love music. It helps heal the soul. I like having a lot of people i care about around me most of the time. So therefore i go out to the clubs, movies, restaurants, or just chillin at someones pad. Oh man i love taking pictures. Wahoo!
Music Revolves around me. Without music i will die. I'm pretty much a universal listener. I primarily listen to Soul, Hip hop, and R&B. My collection of music are from Erykah Badu to Sarah Maclaughclan, from Incubus to Black Eyed Peas, from Norah Jones to Sade, from Justin Timberlake to the Neptunes and from Andrea Boccelli to Enigma . That just tells you my taste. I'm the music library. Well atleast i think so.Lasterdays- EARPHONICS:ERIC BENET:Album:"Hurricane"The other days: EARPHONICS: FLOETRY: BUTTERFLIESEARPHONICS: AMEL LARRIEUXESTHEROCommonMaxwell ZHANE
one of the most inspiring, controversial, among other things....the best movie i've watched in a very long time. This movie has to be the best powerful musical vocal performances i've seen so far.
i read everyday as i drive down the roads of sin city...the world is my book..i read pages and pages...and it's sad.
My Nephew: Aisjah (prounounced: Eye-sjah) -Keepin' it pimp status- -Keepin' it gangsta- and father D. Biacan