Invited Gatecrasher profile picture

Invited Gatecrasher


About Me

I'm just an average girl with a liking for piercings, binge drinking and the word cunt.
I used to be one of those people that thought they knew everything, I’ve since learnt I know absolutely nothing, but I’m a keen learner so I’m just going through life with my eyes wide open taking everything in.
I’ve matured so much in the past three years, but am now matured enough to know I’m nowhere near to being fully grown up… but I’m excited about the journey.
Sometimes I’ll say things that sound really abrupt and harsh, but usually it because I’m trying to hide that what we’re talking about upsets me.
I love Sudoko and crosswords, it may sound dorky, but me and Julie used to buy puzzle books when we were bored and just sit there doing puzzles, smoking and drinking tea. That’s the good life. ♥
I function much better if I’m allowed lie ins and afternoon naps.
I eat chewits with the wrapper on, not too sure why but it’s force of habit nowadays.
I’m hum as I fall asleep, it has been described as ‘adorably weird’, but it’ll wear thin.
I have a list of things I’d like to change about myself… but in reality, I wouldn’t go through with any of them
My perfect day involves sitting in a park, drinking and playing cards with my mates.
Simple things make me happy: sunshine, cuddles, jelly sweets, orange juice with pulp, strangers smiling at you in the street
I get stressed at everything and anything, but I’m learning not to sweat the small stuff- it’s not that easy though!
My friends say I am without a doubt the loudest person they know, but that’s because they know me; if you meet me and think I seem rude or boring, I’m not- I’m just shy! Get me drunk- I’ll soon come out of my shell!
I’m trying to work out what the hell I wanna do with my life. I’m not looking for a impressive career, I just want enough money to get by on; I don’t wanna be rich, I wanna be happy. I wanna do charity work abroad, and I wanna travel the world and be one of those people that have really random stories from when they visited really obscure places abroad.
I'm different, completely unique and induvidual, JUST LIKE YOU!
There are a few girlies I couldn't live without:
Bag Lady:
if she didn't laugh at my oh so wrong jokes I'd worry I was wrong in the head, but maybe it just means we both are; we can be pretty sick. She makes me feel normal when I think I'm going crazy, we have a closeness I couldn't have with anyone else and I love her for it. She'd go to the ends of the earth for a friend as well (but she's also come back lol!) She is one of the few people that do not judge me and my emotions and I'm not just priviledged to have her as a friend, I NEED her in my life. :) She has the hugest heart and I don't know if I'd survive life without her.
The most logical person ever, the most successful person to stop me doing stupid things! Funny as fuck too! Incredibly open minded and insightful and too intelligent for her own good, though when we get a bit of banter going it makes me feel clever, and I like to feel clever! I'd be a lot more manic without her, and at the same time a bit more calm!
Probably the only reason I've survived living in Lincoln, if I hadn't met her I would have went nuts in this city of chavs. My oldest and closest uni friend! We have had some of the best times just monging around our house drinking beer, doing circus tricks and playing Gladiators on the sofa {which I always win}. She acts like a mum to me at times, as in she looks after me when I'm drunk and cooks me dinner! And when I go through my weird depressed phases where I feel weird around people and don't like being with my friends, she is the one I can be around and feel comfortable with.
My Sheribop:
We are so alike and so different at the same time and we have such a laugh. She's really intelligent but can be the ditziest person in the world, we should make a book of the funny things she says!
She is more intelligent than she'll ever let on and is one of the few people who have accepted who they are and is proud of it, I think it's a rare and incredible gift. I've noticed that when I'm unable to talk about my problems she has a way of getting them out of me, I don't know how she does it and I don't think she's actually concious she's doing it, but it bloody helps me!
The funniest, most caring, most loyal person I know. I love her to bits, life would be so much duller without her! She is loved by so many and doesn't realise how truly incredible she is which makes her all the more endearing.
... They're all pretty buff, huh? I don't have ugly friends!

My Interests

Ecchie likes....


+ Piercings

+ Tattoos {I've got plans, just need the funding!}

+ Gigs

+ People who notice little things about a person, like mannerisms and stuff, like when people notice I fiddle with my lip ring when I'm anxious, I think it's a cool way of showing how well you know someone. :)

+ Sexual innuendos

+ Card games

+ Board games! {Best advise before starting a game of monopoly with me- DO NOT PASS GO, DO NOT COLLECT 200 POUNDS... DO NOT PICK UP THE PISSIN DICE!!! I will take you down, mofo!}

+ Pic n Mix

+ Loving a song then one day really listening to the lyrics and realsing just how amazing they are

+ Sunday mornings

+ Taking a dispoasable camera out on a night, and not having a clue what kind of photos you'll get back when you go to get them developed

+ Profound quotes

+ Rats

+ Having my arms, hair and shoulders played with

+ Riddles

+ Pub gardens

+ Being the little spoon

+ All forms of intoxication

+ Picnics

+ Pretending to be a tourist

+ Cuddles

+ Talking with a person and realising you can't really remember all the stuff you've been chatting about, but knowing you've had a really good natter

+ Compliments

+ Talking about inappropriate things in inappropriate places; my top two are talking about sex on the tube, specifically blow jobs, and talking about taking drugs when in cafes or quiet refined bars.

Ecchie hates....

- Racist scum

- Ignorant twats

- Homophobic wankers

- Sexist fuckers

- Northerners obsessed with 'northern monkies' and 'southern fairies' and the whole north/south divide... the funny thing is southerners are completely uaware of the 'divide' but northerners seem to waste hours over it... it's a tad sad.

- People who call themselves 'random' and 'crazy'... WOOO GET U!

- Yellow fingers caused by rollies

- People who care about what's in fashion and whether someone is wearing 'last seasons clothes' {if you were secure in yourself to wear what you wanted you'd feel better on so many levels... and wouldn't look like a walking TopShop advert}

- People who think men and women can't be friends... WHAT? WHY?

- People who can't listen to a certain band because it's not emo enough or it's not metal enough and 'OMG if I don't conform to my social group i might as well be dead'. Get a backbone, limp dicks; you're missing out or some fairly good tunes.

- Girls who wear pointy shoes.

- People who spit in the street

- My inability to apply myself to anything important in life

I'd like to meet:

Bettie Page would be the most fantastic person to chat with; she was so before her time in terms of sexuality and female empowerment


If I couldn't listen to music it would kill me, it's the only thing that gets me through a day.

This is a list of the top artists I listen to each week, I don't understand the technolgy behind it, and apparently it doesn't either because it just updates itself whenever it wants

I love music, all kinds. Only genre I don't really like is RnB, but even that's ok... ish! I'm not going to list all the band I like, I'd rather spend this time actually listening to them. And why do some people alphabetise their list in this section, allow that.


All time favourite film is

Well, i say that until i start thinking of others.... i love loadsa films!!!

There's no point in me listing all the films I like, is it going to make you think I'm cool if you approve of my list, which is likely to be very similiar to most other people's on here?!

I love watching films, I will watch any film to see if it's any good, it's a wicked way to pass the time.

Specifically, I like films that change your opinion on something, even if it's just for a few moments.


I don't think TV is up to much these days, I'd rather get a comedy series on dvd and spend the night watching that. Bring on The Mighty Boosh, Bottom, Ab Fab, Father Ted, Fawlty Towers, basically British sitcoms! Oh and Scrubs and Nevermind the Buzzcocks rock my world.


Too many to name, I read a hell of a lot and usually have at least three books on the go!

The one author I hate- Dave Pelzer. You have no sympathy for him cos he's a shit writer. I'm not saying the man hasn't had a tough life, but there is no skill in his writing, he is basically listing all the things that happened to him. Anyone who reads his books more than once only do so for fantasy purposes, and get annoyed when this theory is raised cos they know it's true and don't like to admit it, it's not a nice thing to admit but it doesn't make you a freak or abnormal, everyone has fantasies about things they shouldn't!


are for the unimaginative: become your own legend; make footsteps, don't follow in them.

These people rock my world:

Sibthorp Girls (and Adam) karaoke

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