We are Embrace The Fallen.We are back, and here to stay. we are here to simpily to make music. to satisfy you as fans, and ourselves as musicians. our sound, we think is different. we dont make our music just to make a few songs and play some shows. we make it to be complicated,and technical sounding. sweet guitar and bass riffs and sweeps, fast paced drums. and intense chest shaking vocals. we are here to stay.We have had the privlege of playing with all awsome friends such as.. Motionless in white, TOTB, the life to come,honored insignia, goodbye soundscape,the plague of ruin, and more.. but we have also had the chance to play with the following bands, throwdown, it dies today, Silhouette of A Soldier, for the honor, and more. we have also played on the ernieball stage in 2007.
WE shall be comming out with our ep soon - ish tittled..
Close your eyes, it's on!
1. Your a horrible porn star
2. But Your dog has style
3. Cue the cameras
4. youtube will be jealous