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I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Some like me, some don't.5'5". blue/grey eyes (they run the gamut) dark hair (speckled w/ the occasional blonde in hair and particularly in beard.)History Major (west/central european focus), Germanistik Nebenfach. 'fluent in English and Deutsch. self-teaching Nederlands.. 'can triage my way through Español and would love to learn Francais, once i master Deutsch; then after maybe i'll learn something more pretentious like Latin or Koinay Greek, or go way out in left field for arabic, suomi, or, what-the-hell,after learning french and relearning spanish, i'll probably settle....i play one out of two guitars (sometimes 2 out of 4 when permitted) in OPENBLIND. check out the site at www.myspace.room41.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

you, perhaps? and alot of famous people who have shaped (in one way or another) the course of human history. Some of them are what we all heros, the others, villains and still more lie in between the two categories.

My Blog

home is a four letter word

there's a certain amount of sadness or wistful nostalgia that i come under every time i visit my hometown, especially since neither of my parents live there any longer.  i really got my nose rubbed in...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 23:28:00 GMT


i should (although i discourage anyone trying to do so) probably be punched in the man-bag for writing my thesis and then waiting upon the near last moments to fill in the quotes... i hate everything,...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 02:08:00 GMT

cloned food

so, short, sweet and abbreviated (loosely, pls bare w/ me); cloning has become as issue outside of the act itself.  now the news reports, or rather hints at, ultimately cloning as a source f...
Posted by on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:45:00 GMT

check out my new band!

so, yeah, check out my new openblind. download the songs, come to the shows, spread the word
Posted by on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 22:41:00 GMT

chamberlain anyone?

so i've been taking this holocaust class and a good pt. was brought up for modern times while discussing hitler's rise to power. doesn't it seem quite deja vu that iran is now taking step by step in p...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Jan 2006 12:46:00 GMT

new beginnings

yeah so i'm not playing in a band for the first time in 7 yrs.  it's a little odd but freedom is a good thing and gives me time to contemplate what i wanna do plus it gives me more time for schoo...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Nov 2005 22:48:00 GMT