IF YOU'RE NOT IN LOVE WITH A SOLDIER!!! If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't know adventure. You don't know smelly gray PT uniforms that require daily washing. You can't understand green and brown camouflaged bags flooding your bedroom floor. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't understand the meaning of the phrase going to the field and the weeks you spend away from each other. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can never imagine the hole in your heart when the phone call comes. Honey, I am leaving tomorrow to go overseas. I don't know how long I will be gone or exactly where I am going but I want you to know I love you Always! If you're not in love with a soldier, you don't know what it's like to say that final good-bye. You don't know what it really means to be glued to the television. You don't understand fear and you can't possibly understand the sleepless nights of endless crying wondering if you will ever see the love of your life alive again. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't know the immense joy, the uncontrollable smile, or the butterflies in your stomach when you see your soldier march onto a parade field upon redeployment, You can't understand the self-control it takes to stand a mere thirty feet away from your man as some higher up gives a seemingly endless welcome home speech while all the soldiers stand in formation. You don't know what it is like to have the second first kiss or what its like to experience puppy love all over. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't truly understand how to make every moment count because you never know when that phone call may come again. If you're not in love with a soldier, you can never really understand how very delicate life is!! The Army may have my soldier, but I have his heart! I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the Lord your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9
I'm a Creative Memories Consultant! We now have traditional scrapbooking, digital scrapbooking, photo organization and custom framing opportunities!!! check me out at www.mycmsite.com/MarianneEdwardsdiv
Take the quiz:
What Olympic Sport Are You?
Gymnastics: a damned difficult,demanding, dangerous, debilitating, dehydrating ,method of self-destruction. Its the hardest sport and you know. This sport takes time, dedication, patience, concentration, grace, power, strength and stamina. Your pretty small for your age and your more muscular than the average person your age and size. You love this sport and declare it the best and hardest sport in the world. You of course no the magnificent 7, nadia commaneci, dominique moceanu and carly patterson. You dream of becoming AA champion.
Quizzes by myYearbook.com -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
My husband and all of our soldiers who risk their lives so that you and I can live in freedom! Always remember that freedom doesn't come free!!!