High-May profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hi! I want two-thousand friends!! Who am I? It’s hard to say at this time, for I’m still in the very difficult process of defining myself. The easiest way to define one’s self is by what they do…or what they would like to do. At the moment, I consult for a global company. Every Sunday I fly to my clients headquarter, and every Thursday I fly back home. Exciting? Yes. Ideal? Not Really. I am a crazy ass metal gurl that LOVES to head bang and get involved with the music!!! I looove being at a concert, being up front right at the stage, and look behind me to see a massive pit going wild!! What a pure adrenaline rush! Nothing better!! I am short!!! I am 5'1, dark eyed (brown), with long hair. I ADORE Corset tops, fishnets, Mary-Janes, and striped stockings!! ...and crazy socks! I like dressing the way I feel, which differs on a day-to-day basis! I have some what of a fetish for pirates, vampires and zombies!!! I'm a big picture taker! I have lots of pictures of the sky! Alucky star dropped on earth 1 night, and it asked me "what do u want? a million dollars, or a true friend?". I chose a million dollars.....because i already got you. NO! i'm kidding, anyway, where was I? I would like to meet Lil Wayne,Jim Jones, Allen Iverson, Nelly and many more just to many to name. well, i guess it's time for slamon, have a great day. take care ya'll!
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My Interests

bones, sticks, plastic, hair, wallets, country singers, fast food restaraunts, mailmen, japan, space!! running with scissors, yo-yo's, happiness and happy trees, bristles, mousepads, fungi, shampoo, dana scully, the old spaghetti factory, internal organs, whippets, fax machines, thomas' dad, holes, blue, bumble bees, rugs, hippies, fox mulder, beanie babies, pacific ocean, psoriasis, prom, internet, intelligence, picture frames, masculinity, farts and shittin' and pissin', noises, pants, hitting people, ceilings, busses, cockroaches, little people, envelopes these are a few of my favorite things.

I'd like to meet:

my biological mother. "hello" if you are out there.


center street


TITANIC, put that movie on and i will recite the WHOLE thing, don't believe me? come over my friend!!! My other favorites are as follows, shawshank redemption, the notebook, anchorman, best of will ferrell, minority report, beetlejuice, the goonies, little mermaid, lion king, romeo and juliet, zoolander, dodge ball, braveheart, crash, spanglish, blues clues, um.....thats it, oh yeah, a walk to remember, mainly because her name is mine and shane west yells out jamie throughout the entire movie, yum yum. ah yes, if you want to see a true performance by leonardo dicaprio, see basketball diaries, he plays a junkie!!!! don't get your granny panties bunched up though, it's not a movie about basketball, lighten up you little fartknockers


Law and Order:SVU, that's my show bitches. i also tend to push the ok button on such shows as will and grace, friends of course, saturday night live, mad tv, making the band (oops), oprah, dr. phil, judge judy, and last but NOT least, animal cops, that show is INTENSE, it makes me sick, you know who you are you animal abusers, you are going down.


almanacs, dictionarys , encylopedias, mother goose rhymes, ALL NANCY DREW, and V.C. ANDREWS, any books on tape, the ugly duckling, the autobiography of Samantha Smith, the autobiography of Anna Nicole Smith, the autobiography of Paris Hilton, my room is turqouis.


me. thank you. i have accomplished great things in my short life. things you will never dream of. things that will make your head explode if you tried to think about it. so there. booyakasha

My Blog

aunts, pills, panties and cats

well, this blog might be a little disturbing, but that is what my life consists of...so. i'll set the scene. lets say....circa 1993?   Aright, for some reason, my brother and i were spending the...
Posted by High-May on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:16:00 PST

peeing on rugs

ok, so picture this. myself, my friend emily bolling, and my friend thomas stewart all in my room, hanging out like good pals do!! when all of a sudden, we die laughing at a joke!! Emily then scr...
Posted by High-May on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:42:00 PST

confessions of a ghetto gas station

i recently got a hamster with three legs and named it IckaBob.
Posted by High-May on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:30:00 PST

travis tritt

i was telling this story to a dear friend of mine the other night, and i decided, its blog worthy. while most of my infamous blog scripts are posted as they come to me in life (kind of like one of tho...
Posted by High-May on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 09:45:00 PST


well boys and girls, currently i have no step-father, but this man was BY-FAR the biggest mistake my mother EVER made, but the funny thing was, is that he was just downright stupid, you couldn't even ...
Posted by High-May on Fri, 10 Nov 2006 05:29:00 PST


well. i have come to terms with myself, and its true. i am large. my roommates and i have all started this whole 'diet' thing and we will see who wins on november 23rd. we don't know the prize yet. an...
Posted by High-May on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:09:00 PST


so, i was walking downtown in atlanta the other night because i had just gotten out of an audition. If anyone knows where hard rock cafe is...thats where the story begins. i am passing by, looking in ...
Posted by High-May on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 09:08:00 PST

My Fantabulous Week!

here goes to my week of pure excitement..... 1)my brother and sister-in-law are coming to town, so i know there are memories in the making..yay! 2)i opened my email one frightful day, to find out that...
Posted by High-May on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 09:58:00 PST

My pet Balthazar

ok folks, i know it has been a long time since i have written a wonderful blog, so here goes. it all started on dark and stormy night, or just one random hot and muggy night, i was at our apartment cl...
Posted by High-May on Tue, 01 Aug 2006 12:46:00 PST

if you are nice...you get tip. simple

so. i like to think of myself as a good tipper, usually even if service was TERRIBLE (cough......buffalos and chilis). but i end up leaving over 20 percent everytime. WELL, boys and girls fasten ...
Posted by High-May on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 12:37:00 PST